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Last Posted July 29, 2014 at 5:11 AM
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#178 bwHUD in Customization
Not_MatlockPut your HUD crosshair in the HUDPlayerHealth.res file and it will only show when you're spawned.

This worked perfectly. Thank you.

Your thread is also very informative, hanbrolo, will keep it in mind.

posted about 10 years ago
#173 bwHUD in Customization


I quite like the options for the custom crosshair, but I've noticed that a custom crosshair will stay on screen pretty much all the time, including while spectating and in freezecam shots. Is there some way of setting up the crosshair so this won't happen, akin to how the default crosshair works? I was thinking of putting a crosshair in the achievement HUD like the readme mentions, but I couldn't figure out how to get it to work. I'm not sure I quite understand the bit about the konr wings? I tried copy-and-pasting the bit about the crosshair from hudlayout.res into HudAchievementTrackerItem.res, but it didn't show up in-game.

I do quite like the HUD overall though, I've been using it for a few months now. Very helpful to this low-level comp Med player. I was mostly interested in the custom crosshairs when I discovered it was possible to have a white crosshair with a black outline.

posted about 10 years ago