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Country Haiti
Signed Up December 20, 2015
Last Posted October 25, 2023 at 7:25 AM
Posts 573 (0.2 per day)
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#17 Medic Speed in TF2 General Discussion
buttercupIt would be kinda interesting to see what would happen if people played a season without the speed increase


posted 8 months ago
#151 gush your happiness in Off Topic

flick is gone

posted 10 months ago
#2 stream request in Requests


posted 10 months ago
#13046 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#5 Summer Update 2023 in TF2 General Discussion

6 years

posted about a year ago
#4 new spy tech in TF2 General Discussion

am I being retarded and the joke is that if you disguise as a friendly spy, and not just a friendly teammate

posted about a year ago
#2 new spy tech in TF2 General Discussion

it does, you just did it in spawn

posted about a year ago
#3 Is there a SINGLE reason in TF2 General Discussion
Brockbecause you would get people offclassing on heavy, full buffed, body blocking a teammate, lets say a demo, allowing them to do high end damage without taking any at all, meanwhile the person in front is buffed and able to do damage. Yea, splash would effect the combo of players doing this, but the effect on scouts would be annoying. Its a very specific thing, I dont think people have thought about it much at all, but if this was the case, if this was changed, people would be trying this shit.

using it in eu and can confirm the meta isnt to fucking conga line behind a heavy

posted about a year ago
#14 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

had 2 prefire my b..

posted about a year ago
#20 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion

bro why am i being flashbanged with purple alien balls

posted about a year ago
#19 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion
sigafooRGL Prolander - Season 6 Grand Finals.
Truly a great game, insanely close. Both teams had their own preferred classes/playstyles, and you can see how they adjusted their strategies in the moment/throughout the games.

so true

posted about a year ago
#31 any interest in an ETF2L top 100 players? in TF2 General Discussion
GODMODEwhere pepis

pepis always catching strays.. let the man be

posted about a year ago
#12909 stream highlights in Videos

source2 banny goes crazy

posted about a year ago
#2 Who is the best medic? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#2 TF2 Internet Safety Guide in TF2 General Discussion

post reserved

posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 38