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Signed Up September 8, 2017
Last Posted May 29, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Posts 1234 (0.5 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 82
#66 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 1 month ago
#19 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion
phoroforserious pug

posted 2 months ago
#5 Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

group stage world championship

posted 2 months ago
#6 what damage colour says about you as a player in TF2 General Discussion

how tf do people see red damage numbers when red areas and desert-themed maps all use warm colors? i guarantee red players dont call numbers or just say "hes hurt"

posted 3 months ago
#21 if u could bring back 1 thing from old TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Snackrevert scout speed buff for medic

by extension, (reliable) shotgun pocket

posted 4 months ago
#4 we need more characters in TF2 General Discussion

we need the batman skylight but for billdozer and dagger

posted 4 months ago
#13 Most memorable Tf2 moment to you? in TF2 General Discussion

this and also this are close contenders

posted 4 months ago
#3 who r the most yoked 6s players in TF2 General Discussion

lansky quit tf2 to become a bodybuilder

posted 4 months ago
#2 im bored in Off Topic

hi bored

posted 5 months ago
#5 Cheeto Crew. in The Dumpster

all those signatures and not a single one of you could proofread for grammar

posted 5 months ago
#6 Just a note that these people are still playing in TF2 General Discussion

its sad rgl reports are so dogshit that this is the best way to out people

posted 5 months ago
#8 critheals in overwatch in Off Topic
waxstill no:

- greek hero

bro really thinks putting the head hitbox on a character's heel is a good idea

posted 5 months ago
#26 S14 players I like and dont like in TF2 General Discussion

i dodged the scorpio allegations

posted 5 months ago
#104 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Polish_PainterMakguys its okay to be a nazi because hes respectful while saying certain people's lives are worth less and doesnt tell people to unalive themselvesAre you trying to defend your post where you wishing cancer upon others whilst also claiming that Mong values people's lives less because they are brown? Do you not see the irony in thisMaklol hope u get cancer

posted 6 months ago
#81 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
subhumanthis thread is 100% gonna get locked within a day but can the mods please wait until after we get at least 1 mustardoverlord post no politics thread is complete without him

"in defense of israel"

posted 6 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 82