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SteamID64 76561197963193600
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:1463936
Country United States
Signed Up July 27, 2012
Last Posted June 22, 2016 at 1:35 AM
Posts 1250 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
#32 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic
FanofAngelsm4risaI've been using Windows 8 RTM for about a month.

Metro UI is nice once you understand how it works; you can type things right in the Start menu and they will instantly pop up. The new OS gained slightly more 3DMarks in 3DMark11 on my AMD A8-4500M system compared to Windows 7. The boot times are incredibly fast for a 5400 RPM hard drive, the OS also shuts down pretty quickly. Takes less RAM compared to Windows 7. You can regedit to bring back the old start menu if you are bad with computers.

Also check if your college or university has a Dreamspark Premium account at www.dreamspark.com and you can get two copies of Windows 8 64-bit for free along with other operating systems (XP, Vista, 7).


Windows 8 Pro 32-bit keys also work on 64-bit Pro versions, same with older Windows versions.
So I literally just got Dream Spark today and using windows 7, but I've been considering wiping and I can get Windows 8 for free, should I do it?

It's really not that bad at all, you should do it. Wanna dl me a copy of 7 x64, so I can stop getting "counterfeit" warnings

posted about 11 years ago
#25 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic
m4risaFzeroand FYI

"Please note: we can only validate your registration when you submit a qualifying Windows 7 product key."

So, not sure if it will work with all people

try copying a key off the windows 7 COA sticker on your school computers maybe

I haven't been to school in a few years now :P, but it would likely work for those that are still in college

posted about 11 years ago
#23 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic
dfywho the hell would be in a rush to upgrade from windows 7 anyway? im using it and never had a problem yet

Using the student gateway http://www.dreamspark.com/, you can get any version you want too

posted about 11 years ago
#21 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic

Yeah, they may have changed it. I heard about this trick about a week or so ago, maybe they have caught on? Basically, after you hit next with the infomation, it will not allow you to continue or email the code until you put the windows 7 key. I have no idea if it would work with a 'bad' (internet) key

But what Marisa said is the easiest way to get it for free. As long as your school signed up for Premium, you get a copy of each for free. Too bad Ohio University is too cheap. Btw, all you need is an .edu email address to register, and if your school doesn't remove access (like mine) you can use them forever. Granted, I haven't tried to log in via OU's website, but I've had it forwarded to a gmail account long ago and it's been working for 10 years

posted about 11 years ago
#19 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic

and FYI

"Please note: we can only validate your registration when you submit a qualifying Windows 7 product key."

So, not sure if it will work with all people

posted about 11 years ago
#18 $15 Windows 8 in Off Topic

Anyone that has their school on there wanna get me a copy? (cdkey)Even if it's windows 7, thats fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Steam Greenlight Games in Off Topic

Dr. Drifter 20 hours ago
I kept hoping that someone would take the most boring aspect of Mass Effect 2 and make a whole game out of it, and now my prayers were answered. Thanks, gaming god of repetitive tasks.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Hello there! in TF2 General Discussion

Valve still has yet to optimize the game, ESEA anti-cheat actually caught one person, and we won in Europe

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Fuck this hurricane in Off Topic

I don't know what it is about Time Warner, but they straight up refuse to give people any decent amount of upload speeds. I will get like 20mb/s down but only 500kb/s up.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Inconsistent FPS in TF2 General Discussion

I have never noticed any difference playing TF2 at my default speed with my i5 2500k (3.3) or playing when set it to 4.96

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Visually impaired man plays Zelda in Off Topic
njakirbyhow did he know how to jump the gap near the beginning? that was neatIn the Legend of Zelda, there isn't a jump button. Jumps are automatically preformed when you near the edge of a cliff.

That's NOT Legend of Zelda that he is playing

posted about 11 years ago
#143 Account Hacked in TF2 General Discussion

I'll just leave this here


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Couple of general issues getting back to TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I have been trying to get back into playing two days a week during this election cycle so when I come back after I won't be so shitty. One thing that I have noticed since I last played two months ago is the insane about of time I waste validating game files. Now I know this happened on occasion a while ago, but it is now happening when I shutdown, restart comp, or even close TF2. I've noticed that a few people have been having issues like this but never to this degree of frequency. So, any help with this? Things I've tried

-reinstall TF2
-reinstall steam and all games
-disable steam cloud (actually, been gone since it came out becuase it was really annoying, maybe it should be enabled?)

Second issue/settings

I just bought a 120hz monitor and had a few questions regarding the settings to use. I am already using the -freq 120 and -refresh 120 and have it enabled via display monitor. My questions is what should be the fps max be set to? I used to limit it to 250, because anything over 300 made the game feel like it was in speed mode, but what should I use now? I have heard from a few other forums that you need at least 240, but that makes little sense to me. I would understand that need in the case of 3d since it's two images being ran at the same time, but are these people correct?

Any other settings that should be used for 120hz?


Also, I said I was going to review this monitor and I still plan on it in the next few days. But tbh, I wanted to be in-depth and even include pictures, but our house is such a disaster from both of us working I have to clean first. Expected it in the next week.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 eCigarettes in Off Topic

Thanks duder,

It was never caring about what people thought that stopped me, hell, my wife and I barely go out anymore, it was more that all the shit that you *could* buy with it was overwhelming. Other than seeing a starter set, which from buying electronics you know they don't come with everything you actually need, I was never sure what was actually needed and what was just an add on. PLus, the whole flavor option is tossing me a curveball. I mean, I am unsure of if I would want tobacco flavor because I don't think I have ever said "mmm, tasty" while smoking and menthol is 100X worse to me.

But thanks for the help again.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 IRL Things to make you better in game in TF2 General Discussion

I've always noticed that if you are having trouble relaxing, which I did the first season of comp, one or two drinks seemed to help that. The only problem is stopping after those one or two drinks.

And yes, playing naked, or minimal clothing is always required. Or maybe it's just me because our "comp room" houses 4 computers and it's always so hot in that room.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83