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Signed Up November 21, 2012
Last Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:39 PM
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#7 trouble with class.cfg scripts in Q/A Help

Little late to the party shun. You can sit there and say all you like about "scripting does exactly what you tell it to do" but I am telling you I used the EXACT script I started with and it is now working after 4 hours of hell. It was either my class.cfg files were not updating the config or adding the wait times and reloading it changed something I was not aware of or enabling fast weapon switch. Here is my current soldier config:

// scattergun 
alias "+scatter" "slot1;+attack;"
alias "-scatter" "-attack;"
bind "MOUSE1" "+scatter"

// pistol 
alias "+pistol" "slot2;+attack;"
alias "-pistol" "-attack;"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pistol"

// bat 
alias "+bat" "slot3;+attack;"
alias "-bat" "-attack;"
bind "MOUSE3" "+bat"

alias "jeersm8" "voicemenu 2 3"

alias "dispenser" "voicemenu 1 4"

This EXACT script was not working no matter how many times I tried or how many ways I organized it (space here, quote there) I can not explain it.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 trouble with class.cfg scripts in Q/A Help

Has anyone ever had this problem before?

From my limited understanding of scripting, the alias simply names actions and then you bind a key to that alias. They perform commands left to right and top to bottom. Does it still read from the config file? In the above script posted by Kermit, Mouse1 switches to primary and if I click again it simply makes the "click" sound when scrolling through weapons. For some reason it is not registering the +attack and only the slot#.

I have now made a clear.cfg and put unbindall within that and in my soldier.cfg I have exec clear and next line I have exec autoexec. In autoexec.cfg I have null script, and crouch jump script. They work just fine. I also made an alias.cfg and placed in all of the above aliases from kermit and in soldier.cfg I have underneath exec autoexec, exec alias and below that the binds for the aliases. This shit is driving me absolutley nuts as I am not an idiot and this simple thing is really getting me. As I said, I believe it is a cache thing. Is it possible a pc in my house that has my account on it is still saving the data and stopping me from getting this how I want it?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 trouble with class.cfg scripts in Q/A Help

Thanks for posting but no dice. Thats basically W0lvey's scout script. Thats what I have used for years and now suddenly I can not get it to work. It has got to be some kind of cache thing, even though I have taken many steps to get rid of old settings. I do not know what else to do.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 trouble with class.cfg scripts in Q/A Help

I found some mistakes in the first script I posted, here is what I have it changed to now. but still not working.

//Rocket Launcher
alias +scat "slot1;+attack;sensitivity 2.3;r_drawviewmodel 0;cl_crosshair_file crosshair5;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 0;cl_crosshair_green 255;cl_crosshair_blue 0;"
alias -scat "-attack"
bind MOUSE1 "+scat"

alias +pist "slot2;+attack;sensitivity 2.0;r_drawviewmodel 1;cl_crosshair_file crosshair4;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 128;cl_crosshair_green 0;cl_crosshair_blue 200;"
alias -pist "-attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pist"

alias +melee "slot3;+attack;+attack2;r_drawviewmodel 0;cl_crosshair_file crosshair7;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 255;cl_crosshair_green 0;cl_crosshair_blue 35;""
alias -melee "-attack;-attack2;"
bind "MOUSE3" "+melee"
posted about 9 years ago
#1 trouble with class.cfg scripts in Q/A Help

Fixed! (I enjoy talking to myself obviously) So I played around with the wait command with my soldier.cfg and scout.cfg, got it working properly FINALLY and then I deleted the wait command and now the shit is working as normal. I am pretty sure I broke TF2 and it was pissed off at me. The only thing I can think of is maybe when I enabled fast weapon switch that allowed for the quick pressing of mouse1/2/3 and then the +attack command immediately after. So if anyone else has issues with this, please try to enable fast weapon switch in advanced menu?


Ok so after MUCH testing, If I make the aliases have a wait command like this:

// scattergun 
alias "+scatter" "slot1;wait;+attack;"
alias "-scatter" "-attack;"

// pistol 
alias "+pistol" "slot2;wait 5;+attack;"
alias "-pistol" "-attack;"

// bat 
alias "+bat" "slot3;wait 5;+attack;"
alias "-bat" "-attack"

Everything works, EXCEPT there is an obvious pause between shots (few seconds) If I take away the wait command it absolutely does not shoot. Has anyone had this happen to them?

I can not get any scripts for soldier and scout to work properly. I have it set up mouse1 >slot1 attack, mouse2 slot2 attack, mouse3 slot3 attack. It changes weapons just fine but the +attack -attack is broken. These are straight up copy and pastes from different sites and I have tried every combination possible. Things I have done:

-Steam cloud is off
-i have deleted tf/cfg folder and tf/custom/mycustomstuff/cfg
-i have also deleted steam/userdata/#######/440/remote/cfg
-verified game files/reinstalled all deleted files back to default
-After above step, still didnt work.

Deleted entire tf folder and redownloaded game. still happening

So here is my script:

//Rocket Launcher
alias +scat "slot1;+attack;-attack;sensitivity 2.3;r_drawviewmodel 0;cl_crosshair_file crosshair5;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 0;cl_crosshair_green 255;cl_crosshair_blue 0;"
alias -scat "-attack"
alias scat "bind MOUSE1 +scat"

alias +pist "slot2;+attack;-attack;sensitivity 2.0;r_drawviewmodel 1;cl_crosshair_file crosshair4;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 128;cl_crosshair_green 0;cl_crosshair_blue 200;"
alias -pist "-attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pist"

alias +melee "slot3;+attack;+attack2;-attack2;r_drawviewmodel 0;cl_crosshair_file crosshair7;cl_crosshair_scale 23;cl_crosshair_red 255;cl_crosshair_green 0;cl_crosshair_blue 35;""
alias -melee "-attack;-attack2;"
bind "MOUSE3" "+melee"

I have done it many other ways also, example:

// scattergun 
alias "+scatter" "slot1;+attack;"
alias "-scatter" "-attack"

// pistol 
alias "+pistol" "slot2;+attack;"
alias "-pistol" "-attack"

// bat 
alias "+bat" "slot3;+attack;"
alias "-bat" "-attack"

bind "mouse1" "+scatter"
bind "mouse2" "+pistol"
bind "mouse3" "+bat"

All of them basically do the same thing, they switch weapons with corresponding mouse buttons but do not attack. I have had no problems with binds in the past and re-downloaded tf2 again after a few months and now I can not get it back to how it was. Any help would be appreciated.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Any bot config file for tr_walkway? in Customization

Yes I agree but I dont think it can be done either because they are not actually walking. They are on a conveyor belt per-say. So when they are in the air there is nothing to make them strafe. It would be nice if someone could shed some light on this one.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Any bot config file for tr_walkway? in Customization

So I enjoy messing around on Tr_walkway a lot and the customization options are pretty awesome but I wondered if anyone has any premade bot configs that can be executed to add a little something to the training session. Maybe things like make the bots strafe faster and more twitchy. Walkway is my favorite training map and it would be nice if I could customize it even more.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Questions about HUD customizations/walkway scripts in Customization

Hey Flicker thanks a lot. I never would of thought to look at the font option. I will go check it out right away. Also, I guess that I could make an srcds server and just run it on my gaming PC for just myself. I used to have a few TF2 servers so I have some sourcemod experience. I would like to play something like no splash with a jittery bot (mge mod)

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Questions about HUD customizations/walkway scripts in Customization

shit, found the HudDamageAccount.res sorry. So only question I ahve is crosshair size and tr_walkway custom configs.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Questions about HUD customizations/walkway scripts in Customization

So I am using TOON Hud and I have the default game crosshair turned off and using one of Tooh HUD's cross hairs but can not figure out how to adjust the size of the crosshair. I managed to get the color to change and also the color of the hitmarker.

I would like to also make the damage dealt above enemy head a different color but can not find which setting that is in.

One last thing. I really enjoy tr_walkway_rc2 to just mess around with. I have been looking for a custom script to execute once I start the map that configures different mini games. I see there use to be a gavanna soldier minigame where you type exec gsoldier in the console and it would configure it for you. I am not sure what that mini game is but it is along the lines of what I am looking for. For example, there is a health regen for the bots but it does not regen fast enough for what I want. I want to be able to pop a soldier up and juggle him several times without killing him.

Thanks for the help guys.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 TragicServers Announces VPS Servers and Price Drops in News

My wife and I had a couple of servers from tragic for 8 months and zero complaints. Dude even spent many hours helping me with TF2Stats. We finally got it working. Glad to see tragic is making a good name for himself and wish him the best. We are planning to get another TF2 server soon and will be hitting him up!

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Game is skipping in Q/A Help

gonna try that out Geknaiir, thanks man. when you gonna stop in our MGE server again? Im itchin to get my ass kicked when u are ready. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Game is skipping in Q/A Help

I have been having this EXACT same issue you describe. I havent been able to pin point it. It seems to happen a lot when I go to rocket jump. My ping is also steadily 60-70. Do you have custom skins, or any kind of custom particles? I have a custom rocket that is a bit bigger than the original and not sure if that could be causing it?

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Updated Rig in Hardware

Maybe he bought the computer second hand for much cheaper than you can purchase the individual cpu and mobo for? I see where you guys are coming from but still seemed a little harsh.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Updated Rig in Hardware

What are people such jack asses on this site? Last time I checked a 980x cpu with a 680 will run TF2 just fucking dandy. Not everyone has the money to get them a brand new top of the line i7. The OP was likely just excited about his new computer and you guys are spitting in his face. /rant

Nice computer man I hope you enjoy it. I wasnt aware that you could mix 480's with a 680. I also have a g500 and it works just fine for me.

posted about 11 years ago
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