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Signed Up August 28, 2015
Last Posted August 23, 2022 at 6:28 PM
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#26 Production/Staff Appreciation Thread in TF2 General Discussion

This community is too great.

Shoutout to the people who watch the streams and support the people volunteering their time to make free content. I know there can be drops in quality when talent leaves the scene, but I'm super proud and impressed by all the new casters and producers we've brought onto NA casts this season. Stepping up to take over the scheduling position has been stressful at times, but the community's support and the people I get to work with make it absolutely worth it.

We still have over a month of NA games to cover this season, so still lots more to do :)

posted about 7 years ago
#60 Is it possible/worth it to upgrade my PC? in Hardware

Good news: I have updated my BIOS to the latest possible version!

Bad news: The latest possible version was P02-A2. The version I was originally trying to upgrade to (P03-A3) was not compatible with my old BIOS version (P02-A0)

More bad news: My computer still won't start while my new CPU is in. The one time I tried it, it didn't beep or anything like before, it would just attempt to start, and then after half a second shut down. Then a few seconds later try again with the same result. This repeated until I unplugged my PC.

Just to restate so nobody has to scroll around looking for it, I have an Acer M3970, and the new CPU I bought was an Intel i7-3770. Also I don't think I've mentioned it yet because I don't think it's relevant, but the cooler that came with my new CPU doesn't fit into my motherboard, so I've just been using the same CPU cooler with both the CPUs)

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ESEA S24 W5: Nutting 2 Lose vs. Team Skull in Matches

We'll probably cover evl vs apeK instead, but I'll confirm when I get home

e: New game for tonight:

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Rally Call 2017 Charity Tournament Event announced in News
wolsneWhy does this and the New Map Cup overlap?

The final part of this event starts at 5pm EST on both Saturday and Sunday, while the New Map Cup doesn't start until 6:30pm EST.

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Is it possible/worth it to upgrade my PC? in Hardware

Nope, still on P02-A0. The first time I tried it, I was literally just about to head to bed, so I guess it's possible I did something different and that's why it worked? Honestly I can't remember it that well, but I'm pretty sure I was able to put in the /p /b /n /r commands without an error message before (although nothing happened when I did)

posted about 7 years ago
#57 Is it possible/worth it to upgrade my PC? in Hardware

So the night you posted, I tried redownloading it and I was able to run the /p /b /n /r commands just fine, didn't bother trying anything more because I thought redownloading had worked, and I could finish updating my bios the next day, but ever since then I've just been getting the error every time I try the commands. I've redownloaded it again and again, tried it every way I can think of, and I still get the "problem opening file for reading" error.

posted about 7 years ago
#123 new years resolutions in Off Topic
Cornpop16I want to get 100% on my math diploma.

If I'm going to miss rewind for it, I want to make sure it's worth it.

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Next resolution: Don't miss lan

How's everyone else's resolution going this far into the year?

posted about 7 years ago
#45 ESEA S24 W3: Nutting 2 Lose vs. mario party 4 in Matches
Hunter_2_0why do none of the esea match threads ever show the match stats

Nobody ever did them last season, and this season when I took over it wasn't something I was told how to do. I was actually planning on playing around with it tomorrow, although I'm not sure the website will work with ESEA stats.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Is it possible/worth it to upgrade my PC? in Hardware

Alright, feels like it's time to work on this again. When I try typing all what you suggested in, I get the error "Problem opening file for reading" Any ideas or suggestions?

Here's a picture of what I tried:

I get the same error if I try it without the /x, or if I add capitals in the same spots as you did.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 ESEA S24 W1: froyotech vs. Legalize Ranch in Matches

Sources say that Jarret payed with an e-check, so this match will likely not be happening tonight. We'll try to cover an IM match or something else instead.

Edit: as saam said, the e-check went through, so we will still be covering this match!

posted about 7 years ago
#4 ESEA S24 W1: froyotech vs. Legalize Ranch in Matches
rocketslayfroyo bear???????

My bad, rosters didn't like that Froyo only had 5 players. I've put paddie back in as a placeholder until we know who their 6th will be.

posted about 7 years ago
#263 ESEA-IM S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, is looking to continue our IM coverage this season, are there any specific games for week 1 you think we should cover? Unfortunately we can't cover all the good IM games, because Invite has to take priority, but on days without any good invite matches, it would be nice to know what games the people want to watch.

This goes for future weeks too, if anyone wants to add me and then just recommend IM games every week, I'll gladly listen. I have a pretty decent idea of which teams are good, and which teams are not, but there's bound to be teams that I misjudge or don't notice.

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Highschool books in Off Topic

Lord of the Flies is a super boring book until the last quarter where shit gets ramped up to 11 real quick and the kids...

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...go all savage, start hallucinating, and killing each other

To Kill a Mocking Bird is pretty good, plus I had a buddy write an essay about how Boo Radley is secretly gay, and how the whole book is a metaphor for him coming out of the closest. I think he got a decent mark from it too because he backed it up pretty well.

Everything by Shakespeare was long, boring, and confusing, but Midsummer Night's Dream was by far the worst.

posted about 7 years ago
#66 what do ya'll do outside of tf2? in Off Topic

I have a cook book I'm working through.

Currently waiting on Amazon to ship some wasabi powder to make some Asian popcorn :)

posted about 7 years ago
#29 what do you eat breakfast? in TF2 General Discussion
_brianCornpop16I loooove breakfast. If I can I'll try to make myself some bacon and eggs when I get up, but usually I'm to lazy/don't have enough time, so my usual breakfast is a sausage and egg breakfast sandwich on and English muffin, with a hash brown and an ice cap from Tim Hortons. BUT today I asked for an English muffin, and instead they put it on a biscuit :(
Disappointed you didn't say corn pops.

I honestly hate cereal.

posted about 7 years ago
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