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Country Iceland
Signed Up October 24, 2013
Last Posted December 12, 2023 at 12:31 PM
Posts 235 (0.1 per day)
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#20 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

fat update
valve really do care

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Why cut snakes? They do no harm! in Map Discussion

* removed gullywash ladder

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Forcing aliases for casted matches? in TF2 General Discussion

Ya dmoule forgot to change, sorry
And my name is cmd on etf2l (and everywhere but here), which I did to give production an alternative (since condom is a stupid alias) but they don't seem to care and neither do I really

posted about 7 years ago
#127 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

Good read guys
cu @ the next thread

posted about 7 years ago
#76 Made a list of all OP weapons I can think of in TF2 General Discussion

What? Remove the passive reload of xbow? Why?

The problem with crossbow is the random long range instant +130 hp and close range instant +75 hp. It's like a large health pack on demand.
It usually just ends up punishing a player for following up on damage which makes fights way more unpredictable and random.

Make it heal way less in close range, a bit less on medium/long range and does it over a good second or two.
Still viable for healing players not in range and to heal and build uber when there's no one in range of your medigun. All that without breaking fights and being more effective in all ways than medigun.

I've also mentioned this before

CondoMIn my honest opinion, crossbow should be banned as well. It's a horribly designed weapon and I feel it does more harm than good.

With that said - I love using it. It adds lots of depth, challenge and fun factor to the medic class.
Unfortunately the ability to instantly heal teammates for +100 hp at medium-long range is simply broken. It's even gotten to the point where its better than using medigun; pulling out the crossbow at close-medium range heals more and faster than using the medigun.
Considering the wonky hit detection/netcode/whatever as well, using the crossbow at close range during combat can be the most painful experience in this game. Yet that is by far the most rewarding and simultaneously most punishing situation to use it.

It needs to heal way less and/or over time before it should be allowed.

of course the concept of the crossbow is terrific and it will never be realistically banned but it definitely needs a big fat nerf
posted about 7 years ago
#6 ETF2L S25 W3: Danger Dogs vs. LEGO in Matches

ya cmd not CondoM u nerds

posted about 7 years ago
#142 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
DollyComplaining that people reply to someone on a forum is the worst thing I've ever heard lol.

Is it just me or..

DollyTrying to justify scrambled's spam with "lel trolled" isn't an argument like he's literally spamming the thread and people are not getting baited they just say "um stop" and he keeps spamming nothing of value, worth a ban imo and it's not "le epic trolling looking how mad these guys are that b8 was so obvious LUL XD" it's just showing how unfunny you are.
posted about 7 years ago
#3 Highlight: Josh vs. Sauna Slayers in Videos

nice drop noob

posted about 7 years ago
#76 NA TF2 LAN at Esports Arena in January in LAN Discussion
TwiiKuuWOW air (icelandic company) seem to have considerably cheap flights at appropriate dates, I can find 450EUR for Jan 20-24 (cheapest I could find from Paris to LAX), with a stopover in Iceland.

Oh shi you're right. I was looking at 20-23 which was at 700 or so but the 20-24th one is way cheaper.

posted about 7 years ago
#32 NA TF2 LAN at Esports Arena in January in LAN Discussion
Re4lityApparently both Crowns and Lego are going to this Lan #Hype

Source : Habib's stream

Are we???

Unless you feel like donating for my 1000€ travel expenses, I'd recheck those sources if I were you

posted about 7 years ago
#12 best ways to practice medic? in TF2 General Discussion

I wrote a thing but I suck at structure and gave up halfway through so grain of salt

Start off with being as keen as you possibly can. If you _really_ want to improve, you'll find your own way of improving.

Now medic is a very painful and frustrating class to play. You'll get blamed for most things, people will blindly evaluate you and you won't get thanks for a single thing you do. Due to this most players get eaten by the pitfall of excuses, blaming their teammates or retarded opponents for most things that go wrong (even if its not out loud).
I find it very important to remove all emotion from your gameplay. There's always an objective way to look at how you played a situation, and there's always a better way to play the situation. As soon you start blaming people you stop learning.
The most important parts of playing medic in serious 6v6 is positioning and awareness. Some people will tell you dodging, airstrafing or arrowing are what you should improve but those gimmicks are absolutely worthless if you can't keep up with your team and/or get caught out on every occasion.

Go through each point of a map and think about where you want to stay and why. In case you get jumped or rushed, what is the quickest and safest way to get out.
You don't need to figure all that out on your own though thankfully. Watch demos of high level gameplay and try to realize why the medics hold/walk where they do.

It's vital that you pay attention to what is happening around you, whether its the hp of your teammates or possible dangers you need to be as aware of your surroundings as you possibly can. Look for your teammates and realize the situation, check everyone's health and play accordingly. Pay attention to when your players took damage and practice utilizing efficient crithealing.

What helped me a lot was to watch a demo of a top medic in a map I'm about to play or played recently, and compare what they do to what I do. Where they hold to where I hold and who they heal to who I healed.
While you're watching a demo try and write a short point list of what you think went wrong and for the next couple of serious matches, pick one or two things from the list and focus on improving that aspect/skill.
Comms are also an important part of your gameplay, ask if you can spectate on a top level game and listen to how other medics successfully communicate with their team in each situation.

Also, sooner or later if you're serious about getting better you'll find your own way of improving, reading lists from others can only get you so far.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 LEGO replaces zen with dmoule in News

the dmoule curse is back
rip playoffs

posted about 7 years ago
#52 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News

In my honest opinion, crossbow should be banned as well. It's a horribly designed weapon and I feel it does more harm than good.

With that said - I love using it. It adds lots of depth, challenge and fun factor to the medic class.
Unfortunately the ability to instantly heal teammates for +100 hp at medium-long range is simply broken. It's even gotten to the point where its better than using medigun; pulling out the crossbow at close-medium range heals more and faster than using the medigun.
Considering the wonky hit detection/netcode/whatever as well, using the crossbow at close range during combat can be the most painful experience in this game. Yet that is by far the most rewarding and simultaneously most punishing situation to use it.

It needs to heal way less and/or over time before it should be allowed.

of course the concept of the crossbow is terrific and it will never be realistically banned but it definitely needs a big fat nerf

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Slin talks whitelist, atomizer and base jumper ban in TF2 General Discussion

I don't see the reason to try and please valve so much anymore, the game has only gotten gradually worse since they stepped in with their half-assed balance changes and design.
A saving grace were if they'd host or support tournaments/leagues/teams(or just do anything for the comp scene really) but with their current effort, wouldn't predict that happening any time soon.

Should go back to strict whitelist, the good part about 6v6, not this convoluted mess.

posted about 7 years ago
#265 Global whitelist unveiled in News

I miss old medlocks + soldierlocks

Show Content
Or actually allow kritz, ubersaw, xbow
Escape plan, gunboats, maybe banners and black box
Pain train
Winger, Boston basher
flaregun, degreaser, Powerjack?
Don't play shooty tooty so probably forgot some

Rest only pointlessly complicate and slow down game, pls ban tyvm
Also nerf xbow ty
posted about 7 years ago
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