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Last Posted June 7, 2022 at 4:08 AM
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#20 TF2 update for 11/18/16 (11/19/16 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
AnAkkkVery good news, I sent an email to Valve asking them if they could add the CS GO voice codec 3 days ago. I did not expect them to add it this quickly, but I'm happy they did :)

wow thank you

posted about 7 years ago
#1095 Donald Trump in World Events

"The next wave of fascism will come not with cattle cars and camps. It will come with a friendly face." - Bertram Gross

posted about 7 years ago
#48 sigafoo cup hype in TF2 General Discussion

is there like a page with the schedule and stuff

posted about 7 years ago
#692 2016 election live results in World Events


posted about 7 years ago
#395 Vent your anger in Off Topic
NexuCleepopleTore my ACL and now I'm out for around 8 months. What really fucking sucks is that this is my junior year of high school and I was on track to getting a D1 scholarship. I wonder how much my times are fucked once I'm back from rehabilitation.
what sport?

track/soccer I haven't decided which one I want to play yet

posted about 7 years ago
#207 2016 election live results in World Events
SpaceCadetBoomfan56Have models ever been this wrong before? The chance of Trump winning went from like 20% everywhere to he's the president in like a day.
Your first mistake was listening to the biased media outlets. None of them wanted Trump to win or even do well.

Anyone educated and with half a brain didn't want Trump to win :)

posted about 7 years ago
#35 2016 election live results in World Events

the beginning of the end

posted about 7 years ago
#1048 Donald Trump in World Events
dollarlayerCollege speaker calls out Hillary Clinton at her own rally.

People have protested at Trump rallies and have been subject to physical abuse among other things

posted about 7 years ago
#1035 Donald Trump in World Events

Yes because people who avoid income taxes do so for the good of society.....

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Overwatch League announced in Esports

what could've been

posted about 7 years ago
#89 What are you positive about today? in Off Topic

Was really demoralized after tearing my ACL (a little over a month ago) that I blew any chance of playing D1. Recovery's going good and I visited 2 D1 schools this weekend and I may still have a shot when I come back :)

posted about 7 years ago
#823 Donald Trump in World Events

"But yea there is quite a bit of proof that a lot of the data that supports global warming is cherry picked, fake, or taken out of context, which is why I'm always very skeptical. After all there are people making million's selling carbon shares. The whole climate change scare gives governments the ability to take more rights away and introduce more taxes and regulations giving them more control. But we all know that the government, elite, and shadow governments all have our best interest in mind right? Nothing to fear."
Aren't you cherry picking by ignoring the countless sources people have linked and instead only using the ones that support your view???

posted about 7 years ago
#805 Donald Trump in World Events

dollarlayer is either a moron or the greatest shitposter ever

posted about 7 years ago
#8 how do i go off the grid? in Off Topic
dollarlayereeei wanna fake my own death and move away and shit how do i start
Threaten to testify against Hillary Clinton, and a hit man will make you go off-grid pretty quickly.


posted about 7 years ago
#780 Donald Trump in World Events

A lot of people here need to take a good hard look at this. Trump thinks we don't need vaccinations, and that states can decide whether or not gay people can get married. Those tow things by themselves are so retarded that I can't believe people would ever consider him. He also ignores climate change.

He is against forced vaccinations, so am I. If you've actually done a few hours of research and read about them, you might be against them as well.

Climate change (previously called global warming) is mostly a lie. Man burning fossil fuels does create Co2 which does in turn increase the temperature of the earth, but it is so small (if you light a candle in your house it increases the temperature slightly). The much bigger problem is not OMG Co2 emissions are going to destroy the planet! The problem is pollution of our air and our water in some places. It is a very big problem in large cities and in quite a few places in China for example.

Climate Scientists look at the last 100-200 years of temperature data and think the world is going to overheat, but they basically ignore history. They ignore very basic things like places in Europe that a few hundred years ago used to grow grapes for wine production, and now its too cold today. What about ice ages?

A few hundred years ago Greenland was said to be a very nice place with a great climate. Many years later they found deep graves of people burred in solid permafrost. No way would they have dug down through solid permafrost to bury a body. It would have been near impossible to do so. There was no permafrost.

The earth goes through big climate cycles every few hundred years, don't freak out about it, focus on the real issues like pollution.

If politicians were really afraid of OMG Co2 emissions are destroying the planet, they'd probably start by regulating not car emissions but the top 10 largest container ships in the world which create much more co2 and other toxic emissions than all the cars in the world combined. Hmm I dont know, maybe something like powering them with nuclear reactors, something the US navy has had success and no accidents with in the last 50 years might be a good option...


Hillary can support gay marriage all she want's, but lets not forget that she accepts money from foreign countries that put Gay's to death just for being gay, and some of these same countries allow men to beat women. She doesn't give a damn about them, and will do anything she can to get elected.


Anyone thinking of supporting Hillary should really take a look at the top100 most damaging wikleaks so far:


posted about 7 years ago
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