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Signed Up September 20, 2014
Last Posted May 29, 2017 at 10:06 AM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 85
#53 Raptor cut from Planet Express in News
Shooshsmzithe average german has roughly about 5-9 years of english classes in school
Wait what? i feel bad that I can only speak English... and to learn a language here we memorise a script and talk it back at someone and we pass

The fuck

Pretty much all European countries do thisI always thought? English, French, German & Dutch is obligated here, German & French obligated for 2 years then choose the one you're the best at.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic
DavidTheWinbotmodeLOL if they're included in your rent, shouldn't your rent go up when you use more?
The student halls here charge £x/week with "bills included", they're putting enough margin into what they charge per week to more than cover what 99% of the tenants use so that they can easily cover that one guy running 5 coin miners.

pretty much this.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic

It's not even cold outside, and you're literally bitching about opening my window once in a while, while I have my room temperature around 21-22c, are you even serious right now rofl

sidestepBonafideBut it's like 10c here in the winter, and the humidity is extremely high where I live outside, besides I don't pay my electricity & gas bills, they're included in my rent, doesn't matter how much I use
What a fucking stupid way to think

Seriously why? My room is fucking 12m2 and it's the only part I can actually change the temperature of, I share the rest of the house with 3 other people and in the hallway it's just cold, so I set my temperature around 21-22c so it stays a nice temperature and open my window a few times per day since it feels fresher and it doesn't start to smell like it probably does in all of your nerd rooms if you never open your windows.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic
the301stspartansmoboBonafideI put my window open at a crack, and turn on the heating around 22c, if I leave the heating on without opening a window once in a while the air will get sooo drywhat you're doing is both wasting electricity and making the air drier.

outdoor winter air at a temp of -10C can hold one tenth the moisture that room temperature air can hold. Doing some rough comparison, if you left your window open and heated the outside air up to room temperature, the expected humidity% would be around 5-8% in the winter. that is much lower than any comfortable level and certainly wouldn't be an improvement from where you're at.

stop doing that

This is not how it works. You are assuming that opening the window to a crack will somehow replace the entire air in the room, then heat that replaced air without replacing it by any new air. Furthermore, precisely because hot air can hold much more humidity, hot radiator air will feel dryer than fresh air from outside, even if it contains more water.
Lastly, if you left your window open and heated the outside air up to room temperature, the expected humidity% would be around 5-8% in the winter. that is much lower than any comfortable level and certainly wouldn't be an improvement from where you're at. this implies that the air in the room at any given point in time would come from anywhere other than outside and magically have a much higher water content. But if it didn't come from outside, it would be all CO2 and he would die. The only special extra way water could be added to interior air is through hot showers, which probably don't take place directly next to his room. This also happens outside in the form of rain.

Well it pretty much rains here 24/7 so yeah, It's pretty much always humid outside. Also I put a thick curtain in front of my radiator so the heat stays inside mostly, the cool air circulates around.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic
smoboBonafideI put my window open at a crack, and turn on the heating around 22c, if I leave the heating on without opening a window once in a while the air will get sooo drywhat you're doing is both wasting electricity and making the air drier.

outdoor winter air at a temp of -10C can hold one tenth the moisture that room temperature air can hold. Doing some rough comparison, if you left your window open and heated the outside air up to room temperature, the expected humidity% would be around 5-8% in the winter. that is much lower than any comfortable level and certainly wouldn't be an improvement from where you're at.

stop doing that

But it's like 10c here in the winter, and the humidity is extremely high where I live outside, besides I don't pay my electricity & gas bills, they're included in my rent, doesn't matter how much I use

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic

I put my window open at a crack, and turn on the heating around 22c, if I leave the heating on without opening a window once in a while the air will get sooo dry

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Blade & Soul in Other Games
coIeBonafideInstead of playing this boring game come play Guild Wars 2, it's f2p now and way better imo. Add me if you need someone to explain stuff or to play the game withi assume it's now pay to win as fuck. no way they'd make it f2p without making it p2w

It's in no way p2w, they only made some new stuff available after buying the expansion, which is totally fair.

posted about 8 years ago
#35 Blade & Soul in Other Games

Instead of playing this boring game come play Guild Wars 2, it's f2p now and way better imo. Add me if you need someone to explain stuff or to play the game with

posted about 8 years ago
#13 What concerts are you guys going to/hyped for? in Off Topic

Was thinking about going to Rejjie Snow in Amsterdam, he makes pretty unique rap.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV
sheepy_dogs_handBrenWhy cant you enjoy the books and show as a seperate entity? Thats what I do, life too short to get mad over a fictional piece of art lmao
This is one of the dumbest posts i've ever read. Some people actually get attached to the story and characters and don't like it when they are ruined. Even if you look at season 5 as separate from the books it was still shit. Just because you don't get attached to any kind of media doesn't mean others don't.

Have you considered calming the fuck down on any opinion you might want to share

posted about 8 years ago
#16 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV

I think we can all agree there were defenitely some budget cuts (and not enough time) for some scenes and that took away some of the immersion, but that doesn't take away it's one of the most enjoying shows I've ever watched.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Valentines day in Off Topic

like this

posted about 8 years ago
#4066 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Absolute destruction

posted about 8 years ago
#4059 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 9 years ago
#283 the art thread in Off Topic
ThickneyBonafideI lovelovelove your metalwork stuff.

Now 3.5 years more of this stuff and then I hope to be actually good at it haha

posted about 9 years ago
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