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Last Posted June 16, 2024 at 4:22 PM
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#9740 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 1 month ago
#108 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

I just wanna say, what Trum said in the chat during that cup was messed up and I'm not gonna defend him at all for the transphobic remarks. However, there are some points I would like to talk about.

People that know Trum know that he usually uses inappropriate jokes, like I do. We both say the word "raped" in game when doing damage, and both kpn and fancy, who are some of our good friends, know that. However, Trum took it too far when he wrote it in chat to gigi, but here is the full version of the chat for context.;

Now i'm not gonna sit here and say that him including a "jk!" changes the fact that what he said was bad, but this is not a rape threat.

The pug that fancy and Trum were playing was a joke between the both of them. Both Trum and I have been friends with fancy for seasons and know that he does not take offense to such jokes online. To add a bit of context, fancy was messaged by an etf2l admin who was gaslit to believe that Trum told others, behind fancy's back, that he wanted to rape fancy who is going to lan. This is NOT true. Fancy was in the pug and trum wrote that message to him while knowing he would not be attending LAN.

I'm not even going to go in depth about kpn's steam comments because everyone that knows me, hugee, kpn or trum knows that it is nothing serious at all and just a troll between friends.

Gigi, since you're preaching good behaviour by reporting trum to etf2l admins, i just want to let you know your good friend kori, who you have played multiple seasons and mix with daily, while practically talking to him everyday, has been harassing me for a couple of months and was streaming this gif for 3 hours to 25+ avg viewers.;

At the end of the day, what trum said to gigi was bad and wrong and I can't defend him for that. But I just thought that the post was being very one-sided and so I felt like I had to clear some things up.

posted 5 months ago
#1389 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
BigHeart wut hud kaptain hud first clip in this vídeo

posted 9 months ago
#9405 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 11 months ago
#83 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos

posted about a year ago
#12 spy around here in TF2 General Discussion
Fancy_Elfასე რომ, მე ვიცი, რომ ჟურნალები ბევრს არ ნიშნავს, მაგრამ -

אלוהים אדירים, הנתונים הסטטיסטיים האלה הם כמו עבודה די טובה כל הכבוד fancy

posted about a year ago
#11 [stream] Blanc in Requests

yoyo can i get back in? :D same twitch link and everything

posted about a year ago
#21 Morealexi VAC Banned. in TF2 General Discussion

where did his csgo skins go? Almost like he knew...

posted about a year ago
#12971 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#9324 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about a year ago
#12941 stream highlights in Videos

posted about a year ago
#1147 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
anyone know what vtf crosshair he uses on his scattergun?

posted about 2 years ago
#1429 worst steam profile in Off Topic

posted about 2 years ago
#12330 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#20 TFCL Is Back in TF2 General Discussion might wanna change a few things

posted about 2 years ago
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