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Last Posted October 21, 2017 at 11:05 AM
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#6 Shortstop is stupid good now. in TF2 General Discussion
harbleuscout gets crazy new improvements.
soldier gets ???

better airshots

posted about 10 years ago
#497 E3 Begins in Off Topic

What did Bethesda show? No Fallout 4, from what I hear.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 E3 Begins in Off Topic

Just show a trailer for Arkham Origins and a teaser for the next Fallout and I'll be happy.

posted about 10 years ago
#79 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion
Second, how about a different fatalistic point of view: Six months from now, viewers are fed up with ESEA's limitations, especially server-wise, and the players themselves are frustrated with their relative irrelevance to TF2 and tired of seeing the same two teams win invite with the same strategies. ESEA's sponsorship of TF2 dies and competitive 6v6 dies with it.

If you think it will take 6 months to kill TF2 after we've been here for half a decade then you haven't been paying attention.

That's fair, the timeline was completely arbitrary. My point was that ESEA has its own flaws and it currently is the only viable league for competitive TF2 players who want to make money. I think diversification will only help the community.

posted about 10 years ago
#76 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion

I disagree with Killing.

First of all, why worry about a rift in the competitive community? There's already a rift between 6v6 and Highlander, and it isn't killing the game.

Second, how about a different fatalistic point of view: Six months from now, viewers are fed up with ESEA's limitations, especially server-wise, and the players themselves are frustrated with their relative irrelevance to TF2 and tired of seeing the same two teams win invite with the same strategies. ESEA's sponsorship of TF2 dies and competitive 6v6 dies with it.

Competitive TF2 needs to draw a larger portion of the community. Rather than saying Valve's ideas will never work, point out what needs to change and see what Valve does. For example, the main reason nobody runs a pyro to mid is that he is too slow. What if Valve gave pyro a mobility-enhancing weapon? He may still be a useless class, but Valve could fix that, too.

I think the best example of stagnant playstyles in our community is the Spy class. Nobody ever plays spy seriously in a 6v6 match. He has no 1v1 potential, no mobility, and his ability to get picks depends almost entirely on the stupidity of the other team. However, Valve partially fixed these problems ages ago with a godsend called the Enforcer, which allows a spy with good aim to actually do damage with his primary weapon. Rather than realizing that a useless class now had a means of contributing to the game, every league immediately banned the Enforcer because it was better than the default. That seems like close-mindedness to me.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

I think people forget that Robin also wanted to see weapon bans and statistics from those bans. The real question is: Would Demoman still be overpowered without the default sticky launcher? As an "OP" weapon, it would see bans for a couple months, during which demomen would use the Scottish Resistance - a much less powerful weapon on a still dangerous class.

After seeing the sticky launcher banned consistently, Valve would nerf it and you would have fewer problems with the demo class.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Dota 2 Mentor/Queue Partners? in Off Topic

Having started Dota 3 months ago and gradually worked my way up from shit-tier to the tier with the angry Latin Americans (whichever that is), I've got a couple tips for you:

-You don't really need people to tell you which heroes to start with. Pick one that you like and play him until you're good enough to win games, then pick another and do the same. With someone like Invoker, if you are worried about not knowing how to use him in a public game, give it a test run in a bot game.

-Use the steam community item builds and read the explanations on the items and skills. This will make you seem like you know which items to pick even when you don't. Browse through the guides when you're looking for new heroes so that you start to understand the overall theme of the items.

I'll join the TF2 stack sometime.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 big tagg in TF2 General Discussion

This chick is playing 2007scape* and she's worse than I was when I actually played Runescape in 2007. She has 5000 followers. has 3600.

I think we know what the stream needs to be popular.

*Actually she might just have the graphics turned to 1999-mode. Can't be dropping frames from those intense turn-based battles.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Greatest Movies Of All Time(Opinion) in Off Topic

No Country for Old Men

posted about 10 years ago
#24 Invite Teams in TF2 General Discussion
FogTop Guns:
Carnage - Scout
PYYYOUR - Demoman

Top Guns picked up Carnage? I thought Pyyyour was the original person who criticized Carnage's playstyle

posted about 10 years ago
#114 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
visitnigNo, that was dumb, it should have been dealt with in a completely different way. When you reach that kind of attitude, it was almost as if you are shittalking your own team on stream, you deal with that shit in private when you are reviewing demos or post scrim, never do it during a scrim. He should have muted himself way sooner. Now people are just going to wrongly antagonize who is actually at fault here, and in the end, all you are doing is bringing negative attention to your team and yourself

Yeah, especially with the chat contributing to the shittalking it is detrimental to the team, but I think it's cool of him to be open about his failures. While it may be in poor taste, drama gets viewers and people like to see the inner workings of a team.

posted about 11 years ago
#111 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Mad props to Slin for continuing streaming through it, and for not deleting the vod afterwards.

Reading the chat in the corner, it's pretty obvious why invite players feel uncomfortable streaming scrims.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 the result of boredom in Off Topic

We finally know what killed the dinosaurs

posted about 11 years ago
#135 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Dota takes lives in Off Topic

I play solo queueue at low levels and I find it infinitely better than playing against bots. The secret is to understand that while your teammates may suck, you also suck, and the other team sucks too, so it all evens out. The biggest mistake I see people making is pretending they know what they're talking about just because it looks like their teammates don't.

I've actually found a couple times it's worse to be playing with friends. It's harder to tell a friend he doesn't know what he's talking about and it sucks to be in that situation where you're playing a farm-heavy hero in the jungle and your team takes a terrible teamfight. You get blamed for the feeding, but you can't point out that they have no understanding of Faceless Void or whichever hero without being a dick.

posted about 11 years ago
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