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Signed Up December 7, 2012
Last Posted October 21, 2017 at 11:05 AM
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#9 MadMudMen Casting bp vs mixup in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, don't try so hard to be a "caster." People who want to hear the frags shouted out will check out one of the several casts. Viewers come to your stream because they want to see the game through the eyes of an experienced invite/high-IM player who can analyze the game beyond "who's getting the picks" etc.

And yeah, stop listening to the idiots in the stream chat.

Edit: People had some trouble understanding this post so I'll keep it simple: Call the plays, not the kills.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 NOOB PUGS: a groundbreaking social experiment in TF2 General Discussion

From the perspective of a noob who wants to pug, I think this is a good idea and I hope you will run these consistently and actually put in the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Will a Mouse Make Me Good in Hardware

Thanks, this is what I was looking for.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Will a Mouse Make Me Good in Hardware

I'm not gonna ask for advice on which mouse to buy, there are a million of those threads out there. I'm asking if the mouse really makes a difference in your aim.

I'm using the M305 right now and it's a cheap little thing with no M4, but that's cool. I also don't use a mousepad, as I travel too much to carry all that crap with me. I normally just use the mouse on a wood desk or a flat board if I'm on a couch.

To what extent does your mouse improve your aim? Is it worth paying top dollar, or should I just work on my aim like a normal person?

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Player Configs in Customization

Woah that's it.

I'm looking at a bunch of stuff starting with "CrossHairKonrWings" and ending with the section below "CrossHairQPlus". If I copy+paste this directly into scout config, will I need anything else to use the crosshair?

I'll also have to figure out some "alias" line so that I can disable it in the other class configs.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Player Configs in Customization

Pretty sure that's not it

I don't have any part of your HUD in my config, I am asking how to add your crosshair to my hud without changing any other element (basically I want to use the crosshair without using the rest of the HUD)

Last I looked into it I had to add a couple of your "fonts" files to mine, then have a few lines of code doing something or other, then enable some stuff in game.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Player Configs in Customization

Heelp me clockwork

d3nyBentomatd3nyi use clockworks edited for my own needsCould you point me in the right direction for this? I have the files for the yz50/clockwork full config, but I don't want to change anything in my current config except the crosshair. I looked at it for a little while, but there's some stuff involving fonts and I couldn't find any straightforward "clckwrk_crosshair_1" command. If possible, I'd like to just add it to my scout config and use a disabling line in my other class configs so I won't see it when I switch class.i have no fucking clue how to work with hud crosshairs so i'm the wrong person to ask
posted about 11 years ago
#41 Alternatives to speed up the game. in Map Discussion

Actually, the new vaccinator medigun does almost exactly what clockwork's describing. I'll be excited to see if it can provoke some really aggressive play if it can be balanced in the next couple seasons.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Player Configs in Customization
d3nyi use clockworks edited for my own needs

Could you point me in the right direction for this? I have the files for the yz50/clockwork full config, but I don't want to change anything in my current config except the crosshair. I looked at it for a little while, but there's some stuff involving fonts and I couldn't find any straightforward "clckwrk_crosshair_1" command. If possible, I'd like to just add it to my scout config and use a disabling line in my other class configs so I won't see it when I switch class.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Lange Mentoring Session Sunday at 12 CST in TF2 General Discussion

Can you share any favorite plays, favorite jumps, general tips and tricks for process?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Zen in TF2 General Discussion

Dear God
Why can't you just
Type on one

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Help me buy a new laptop in Hardware

You've gotta specify a price range and any other preferences you have. To establish a base line, I've heard good things about Sager ( and you can use their site to customize a build and see what it would cost. There are better prices out there, but this is generally a good indicator of what range you're looking at for what specs.

Are you hoping for an SSD or none?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 LF Star to Guide This Roaming Shepard in Mentoring

reliable dude

good pubstomper

posted about 11 years ago
#7 tragic in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#15 Need help with skills (Like aim, tatics, ect.) in Q/A Help
ErenJayBentomatAs a player who also sucks, I can tell you that you probably don't really need any of the things listed in the thread. They'll help, but they're more for competitive players working on their aim. What you need is to play.3,000 hrs, I don't think it is purely an experience problem

That's absurd. Herman you can add me if you want. I'm genuinely interested in understanding how this can happen.

posted about 11 years ago
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