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Last Posted October 18, 2016 at 8:06 AM
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#353 ESEA-I S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Wait. Wonderland is in invite.


posted about 8 years ago
#31 McDonald's in Off Topic

Upside: you can now get a Mc10:35 whenever your want.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Unlearning Movement in Q/A Help

I use a similar config- I use ESDF for movement, with my pinkie on A, which I've got bound to crouch. I also jump with mouse 2.

Try switching to ESDF for movement with crouch on A. It might help.

posted about 8 years ago
#83 Favourite Vegetables? in Off Topic

While my vote is onions, I've got a question about categories here.

Do pickles count?

posted about 8 years ago
#19 how do you remain chill during scrims and matches? in Off Topic

Yeah, I'd try breathing in for a count of four with your nose, hold for a count of 7, and then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 8 and repeat.

Remember to take enough time to hit your shots.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 quake frag vid in Other Games
dummynah son QL easily ate pussy

Got an opinion on Reflex?

posted about 8 years ago
#144 Half of reason kicked in TF2 General Discussion

I think serv0 is a bit out of practice. He'll probably be fine by the time i55 comes around.

posted about 8 years ago
#49 ESEA S19 W7 – froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

he's having a contest with axiomatic and bape.

posted about 8 years ago
#77 holy city shooting in Off Topic
DrPloxoI sincerely doubt that Gun Control would be the root cause of this instance.
Considering the sheer number of Americans that own guns but don't commit hate crimes, I think you're fixing the wrong issue.

I agree.

However, I think it's a lot harder to stop people from being hateful or quashing racial ideology than it is to apply mild gun control.

I'm probably fixing the wrong issue (or proposing to fix the wrong issue), but I really don't see how we can stop racism in any way that's as concrete as something as simple as requiring background checks before someone can purchase a gun without getting all totalitarian and shit with limiting freedom of speech and the like.

Stuff like this is certainly not clear cut, and my own biases influence my opinion here. There's a lot of things in America that I admire - the first amendment is one hell of a humdinger, for example - but there is also a lot of stuff that just doesn't make sense to me, like being allowed to buy and use a gun without a license when you need a license to drive.

I have been moving this thread away from the given topic, which is specifically remembering the people that lost their lives due to this hate crime, but I think having discussions like this about it and things that could have allowed to happen are important.

posted about 8 years ago
#75 holy city shooting in Off Topic
DrPloxoThis isn't a gun rights discussion, boys. It's about hate crime that was perpetrated.

This is true, but I think most of the people reading this thread will basically go "Holy shit that's terrible, the families of the victims have my thoughts (and or prayers depending on religious affiliation), I hope something like this doesn't happen again".

And when you get to "I hope something like this doesn't happen again" you more or less have to look at the topic of gun control, to ask if it would have limited the ability of the hateful bastard that did this.

posted about 8 years ago
#73 holy city shooting in Off Topic
wheatchampionStill though, what defines a gun is that it renders a person the ability to shoot (and destroy) things. A gun that doesn't shoot bullets isn't a gun. A gun is a weapon, regardless of the way you choose to use it. When you hunt for sport, you kill animals. When you shoot targets, you destroy targets. When you collect guns, you collect them because their ability to destroy, the power that resonates from the weapon is something that attracts you. That's my point of view on it anyways. (even if you use your gun in a "peaceful" way, i.e. trying to scare a criminal away, the reason why you're effective is still because you're suggesting violence and the possibility to murder, which in my books is equally bad)

That's true, but I'm personally not opposed to hunting, albeit if its done in a way that is ecologically sound (again, Australian- we have a massive number of introduced species that can only really be dealt with via hunting). As for destroying things; yeah, that's true. A gun is fundamentally designed to take a small piece of lead and hurl it at something at a very high speed, destroying or killing it. But I think that there definitely are people who can own and use guns responsibly.

It's just that there are lot of people who aren't able to do that, and in America, they can get their hands on guns very easily, which is a recipe for trouble.

As for collecting- I've got a friend who collects historical firearms because he's a massive fan of military history- even does re-enactments of the Boer War and the like. He does hunt, but only in government sponsored culls due to environmental reasons. I mean, he does enjoy it, but his enjoyment isn't such that he will just go out and shoot at random animals for no reason. I think he's the model example of a responsible gun owner, and I don't think he should have his guns taken away, because he uses and appreciates them in ways that are not destructive in a social sense.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 holy city shooting in Off Topic
wheatchampionThing is a dick is used for other purposes than harming people. A gun is solely designed for murdering. So yes, your analogy is wrong

I disagree. I think having a gun for competition, hunting, or even just because you like target shooting or collecting is a valid reason to have one.

I just also think that there are people who shouldn't have access to guns (one of which includes me), and the fact that in a lot of American states anyone can get a gun without any background checks or whatever just baffles me.

posted about 8 years ago
#63 holy city shooting in Off Topic

"Guns aren't the problem, people are the problem" is a statement that is correct. If no-one wanted to murder people, or no-one snapped, etc, guns wouldn't be a problem at all. That's a correct side of the argument.

However, it is a lot easier to limit access to guns, which lowers the opportunities for mass murders, than it is to make humans not be dicks.

I also think that the increased access to guns is an important factor in why there are a lot of police shootings; if everyone can get guns, it means that any criminal has to be suspected to have a gun, which puts the police right on edge and makes them more inclined to shoot first because of the possible risk that the person they're dealing with has a gun. Here in Australia, because not just everyone can get guns, the police don't need to be as wary, so the number of our police shootings per capita is quite a bit lower.

America is never going to get rid of their guns; it's too ingrained into the culture and the gun industry has enough lobbying power to more or less halt any attempts to get gun registration implemented at a federal level. I accept that. But I still think it's worth discussing the fact that the prevalence and availability of guns in America can have a negative impact.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 holy city shooting in Off Topic
Getawhalewheatchampionmaybe, just maybe, you shouldn't allow people to buy guns, America?
Rape is a big issue so let's cut off every man's dick

That's what you're saying

That's a really false analogy.

Also, props for taking the gun = penis equivalence without irony.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 holy city shooting in Off Topic

Yeah, whenever I see stuff like this I think back to the Onion: "'There's nothing we can do to stop mass shootings!', says the only country in which it regularly happens."

posted about 8 years ago
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