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SteamID64 76561198370423514
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Country Germany
Signed Up May 23, 2020
Last Posted July 3, 2020 at 5:14 AM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
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#1 My spy disguise silhouette won't appear in Customization

Today I decided to finally fix my hud by making the spy outline image show up when you disguise. Espacially since my hud is mostly made for hl spy.

I haven't managed to fix anything.

After some messing around, my code in the hud_animations.txt file looks like this:

event HudSpyDisguiseChanged { Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Position "c-100 c50" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Size "150 150" Linear 0.0 0.2

RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseHide 0.7

event HudSpyDisguiseChanged
Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Position "c-100 c-50" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Size "150 150" Linear 0.0 0.2

RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseHide 0.7

event HudSpyDisguiseHide
Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Position "c-310 r52" Linear 0.0 0.2
Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Size "27 27" Linear 0.0 0.2

Animate PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.2 0.1

event HudSpyDisguiseFadeIn
RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseChanged 0
Animate PlayerStatusSpyImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.9 0.1

event HudSpyDisguiseFadeOut
RunEvent HudSpyDisguiseChanged 0
Animate PlayerStatusSpyImage Alpha "255" Linear 0.9 0.1

It's messy and I don't even know what to do anymore.

I'd appreciate some help

I'm basicly trying to make it small and somewhere in the middle of the screen (Kinda like woolen or stabby in one of his videos)

If you want to correct the code, please correct it and send me it.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Dear high-level highlander players, in TF2 General Discussion

I recently started a team with a good friend of mine, and an idea I had was to get tips and techniques from higher level players, and try to use them or inform myself about what the most common mistakes open teams make to have my team avoid doing those things.

I already learned alot, and I'm still wondering: What tips could you experienced, high-level players give to me? I already understand alot of concepts, but please tell me things you know.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 What happens with these fps settings in Customization
Reeromake fps_max 300, take the launch option out because it won't do anything

Thanks a lot! One more question though: Does having your fps_max set to a too high value have negative effects on your game? Just curious

posted about 3 years ago
#3 What happens with these fps settings in Customization
Reerofps cap is fine but u cant bypass your monitors refresh rate cap

So, like this:

-freq 60
fps_max 121

posted about 3 years ago
#1 What happens with these fps settings in Customization

I have a 60hz monitor. After finding out about 144hz and all that and deciding to perhaps not buy me a really expensive new monitor for 1 game (Also because I am very used to 60hz and feel like I might not really need a whole new monitor for one game), I thought about how to optimise my game to get the highest fps, I tried these settings:

fps_max 1000
and -freq 144 (In my launch options)

This was just experimental. I am not sure what about my game has changed, but it feels kinda smoother, but that might just be a placebo.

I am unsure, so I wanted to ask if these settings somehow affect my game, and if not what I should set these to.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 What are the commands for tf2's video settings? in Customization

I've found a bug in the game. Whenever you restart your game, the settings from the "options" tab reset.

How do you fix this? Easy; Define/Set these settings with commands in your autoexec, which I have done for the most part.

Now I just need to fine the commands to these video settings: Shader quality, model quality and texture quality.

I've been struggling to fine these online, so can anyone help me out by telling me what the commands are?

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Cloak meter only mod in Customization
mtigai think stabby has something like that, where the cloak meter is visible but the revolver is not, you can find it here:

If this doesnt work you should search for an updated version on his stream

You didn't understand what I mean. This is what I'm trying to describe: The Blue meter from your arm ONLY will show. Basicly it looks like a lightblue coloured meter floating infront of your view

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Cloak meter only mod in Customization
TF2MegalodonAlex7788TF2MegalodonPlease be more specific.
When you cloak, you normally see the spy's full arms just without color and with transparency, and on the left hand/arm you see the spy's cloak meter on his watch. I saw people that use a mod that makes it so that you can ONLY see the cloak meter and removes the actual arms

Couldn't this simply be achieved by making viewmodel related binds? You won't be able to see the spy's arms or watch but the cloak meter from your hud will remain visible.

That's not what I want. I also think I have to reexplain myself a bit: The Blue meter from your arm ONLY will show. Basicly it looks like a lightblue coloured meter floating infront of your view

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Cloak meter only mod in Customization
TF2MegalodonPlease be more specific.

When you cloak, you normally see the spy's full arms just without color and with transparency, and on the left hand/arm you see the spy's cloak meter on his watch. I saw people that use a mod that makes it so that you can ONLY see the cloak meter and removes the actual arms

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Cloak meter only mod in Customization

Hi all,
I have seen some videos online where a spy, once cloaked will only have the actual meter of the watch be shown while everything else is removed. I'm wondering if you can use a mod to do that, and if yes, what mod that would be.

I'd like some further help with this

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Hud editing help in Customization
HypnotizeMapInfoMenu.res and TextWindow.res (also TextWindowCustomServer.res) are the files you are looking for.

Also is better if you ask in the dedicated thread next time!


posted about 3 years ago
#2 Hud editing help in Customization

I recently got the updated PVhud and realised that I didn't like certain parts of it and still don't. I managed to fix basicly all my problems with the hud except for one, and if you read the title you know which I mean. I've been looking through the ui folder for an hour now and I don't know which file it is.

I would like some help

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Hud editing help in Customization

Does anyone know what the name of the file for the "welcome to tf2! This is our map rotation..." screen is in the hud folder? it's that screen that pops up when the game finished loading a server.

posted about 3 years ago