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SteamID64 76561198109783729
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:74759000
Country United States
Signed Up November 13, 2021
Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 5:53 AM
Posts 185 (0.2 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 13
#41 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

so glad I quit this shitty league lol

posted 1 month ago
#16 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games

try picking up a tcg irl

posted 1 month ago
#4 RGL S15 IM/AM/NC Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

any am match only teams out there willing to let me play huntsman sniper full time?

posted 3 months ago
#7 Community Fragvid Democall in TF2 General Discussion

wheres the vid cyanic

posted 3 months ago
#13 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

the lock and load should have 4 pipes i think

posted 3 months ago
#8 Just got scammed out of 200 dollars worth of keys in TF2 General Discussion

I get added by accounts that look like these maybe 3 times a week they're so obviously bots/scammers. Make sure to vet the people you're trading stuff with at least a little bit before handing them your belongings.

posted 3 months ago
#173 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I think if rose's team won their match they wouldn't have reported youngman

posted 3 months ago
#15 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#129 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Go get em youngman.

posted 3 months ago
#9635 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted 4 months ago
#109 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

next season youngman. remember how far you've come and how much you've learned since you started playing. you have so many people rooting for your success, so don't ever stop believing in yourself. you will be rewarded for all your hard work when the time is right. we believe in you!

posted 4 months ago
#4 Community Fragvid Democall in TF2 General Discussion

4700, carrot

posted 4 months ago
#55 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanityyou have no idea how much this helped me.


posted 4 months ago
#3 the new cosmetics thread in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

oh well baba boss theres super rare items that come from this crates, how will we get it.

posted 5 months ago
#51 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

cant wait to play you young man lets have fun :D

posted 5 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 13