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-8 Frags +

Hey, I would really like to play roamer for a top open team.

My experience:

Soldier for current #4 team in Plat NA HL.
3 Previous Seasons of HL

ESEA S13 - Pocket for gettin cozy (11-3 when I was cut).

I also pug a lot on pug.na and usually do pretty well on roamer.

Spend a lot of time in jump maps, MGE, and DM. Focused on improving my game.
Willing to scrim often (highlander season will be over within a few weeks).
Being mentored by Phrakture.

I always play on like 80 ping to Chicago b/c I'm on the west coast.
I have a bad image (rightfully so) for idiotic things I did in the past.
I sometimes get too aggressive.

Hit me up @ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046177462/ for a tryout.

Hey, I would really like to play roamer for a top open team.

My experience:

Soldier for current #4 team in Plat NA HL.
3 Previous Seasons of HL

ESEA S13 - Pocket for gettin cozy (11-3 when I was cut).

I also pug a lot on pug.na and usually do pretty well on roamer.

Spend a lot of time in jump maps, MGE, and DM. Focused on improving my game.
Willing to scrim often (highlander season will be over within a few weeks).
Being mentored by Phrakture.

I always play on like 80 ping to Chicago b/c I'm on the west coast.
I have a bad image (rightfully so) for idiotic things I did in the past.
I sometimes get too aggressive.

Hit me up @ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046177462/ for a tryout.
-4 Frags +

Good roamer, played some pugs with him and he knows what he's doing.

Good roamer, played some pugs with him and he knows what he's doing.
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