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LFP S23 - Open - Medic
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Bump, we still looking fam

Bump, we still looking fam
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Meatshot Man

Meatshot Man
8 Frags +

wats the reason behind teamspeak

wats the reason behind teamspeak
3 Frags +

What level of open?

What level of open?
2 Frags +
indecencywats the reason behind teamspeak

I have some hearing loss and TS allows me to change peoples volumes individually which helps.

ShdSteelWhat level of open?

Mid Open.

[quote=indecency]wats the reason behind teamspeak[/quote]

I have some hearing loss and TS allows me to change peoples volumes individually which helps.

[quote=ShdSteel]What level of open?[/quote]

Mid Open.
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