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Signed Up June 15, 2017
Last Posted February 14, 2020 at 1:54 AM
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#15 Anime recommendations in Off Topic

Hayate the Combat Butler I think fits those criteria

posted about 5 years ago
#289 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
faust_ being tormented on the internet isn't the end of the world. if it doesn't feel good feel free to torment others too. you're allowed.

This is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why the hell would you want people to have to go around tormenting each other just to feel better about themselves?

posted about 5 years ago
#15 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
sactaimou got warned multiple times first then got a temp ban after persisting since he was doing in casted matches, and he only got permbanned after alting and using cheats, just proving my point that you'll just create way more headaches for the admins with petty shit like this if implemented. I remember playing with this guy in dmixes way back and he was an insufferable asshole, but when he got banned check the comments http://etf2l.org/2012/08/22/season-13-powered-by-tt-esports-prizes-signups-a-ban/

Sure, there are different levels of pettiness and most people deserve second and even third chances, and general toxicity has never been worth a ban in tf2, but I believe that this specific case involves something so awful and so disgusting that a second chance isn't warranted.

I am pretty mad that Taimou gets to earn large amounts of money playing Overwatch though, but that's another story.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
sacTaimou got banned in a different game where he had a contract with the terms which he signed, no?

Taimou got banned from ETF2L for glorifying a mass shooter, the OW ban was something entirely different.

sacdo you have any idea why these two guys would react in that way, even if they read what you said?

Clearly she doesn't, that's why she says as much.

from what i gather was this a relationship were both of you cheated on one another? because that abusive behaviour sounds like its someone thats paranoid you're cheating on him because of your lower libido and is eating himself with doubt and in desperation tries to make you pregnant.

Yes that sure sounds like sexual abuse, and although I'm not going to pretend to know the exact details of uberchain's relationship, abuse is abuse, and it's never justified.

saci understand why you would like to see reprocussions, but there's no precedent in this on etf2l believe, and honestly i don't think it should be. wouldnt a suspension from twitter suffice and be fitting, since thats the platform they used?

A twitter suspension is meaningless. The punishment has to actually mean something for it to get into their thick heads that taunting abuse victims is not ok. I highly doubt degu and Pred care about their throwaway twitter accounts with <30 followers. Again, it's about who we chose to play with and be a part of our community, and no matter where someone is acting disgustingly, they're still acting disgustingly.

sacElse degu and pred could rightfully claim that you might as well ban over half of the players left who play comp.

If half of the tf2 players left in the game have publicly taunted abuse victims we've got some serious problems.

sacFor example see raisins statement on a streamer he didnt like raisinWhoever is DDOSing him is an asshole, but ster honestly shouldn't be surprised that someone in the community he burned so many bridges with is lashing out at him for trying to make a joke out of coming back to it. I don't think anybody DDOSed GreekGod or WarOwl.

Saying that something shouldn't be surprising doesn't condone the action. Like I said, the DDOSer was an asshole. You're creating a false equivalency.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
morwannegOn one hand, what Degu tweeted was pretty bad, and I'm not going to defend him on that front, but shouldn't ETF2L bans be for things actually related to the league such as games and poor conduct on the forum?

Not necessarily. We decide what kind of people play in our community, and allowing Pred and Degu to continue playing is essentially saying that you can get away with the sort of conduct those two displayed. Taimou got banned for saying dumb shit in a public forum. Pred and Degu did the same thing, so they can get the same punishment.

sagethis is so sad, can we ban everyone that ever said something mean ?

There's a difference between being mean and taunting victims of sexual abuse

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic


This is disgusting. These two shitheads who make jokes about sexual abuse and use racist slurs at the recipient of said abuse don't belong in our community. ETF2L should perma-ban them immediately.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 EVO 2018 in Esports

thank you Leffen

posted about 5 years ago
#21 i63 predictions? in LAN Discussion

B4nny will dab on stream

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Announcing RGL.gg - Highlander Season in Videos
Tobfaceit didn't kill tf2center
rgl won't kill ugc
(many more relevant examples out there)

TF2 players don't like change. Only the top plat teams have a reason to switch for the prizepool. Only thing this can kill is RGL Prolander if the Highlander mains that went from Highlander to Prolander initially don't want to play vs froyo (if they're the top prolander team atm. correct me if I'm wrong. I don't follow 7v7)

You're right, "kill" might not have been completely accurate, but there definitely could be a large decrease in the HL player base, as there has been with the tf2center player base. Even in peak hours tf2center gets less than 1/3rd as many players as it used to (at least in NA). Also pugchamp certainly saw a setback due to faceit's introduction. In the announcement, sigafoo said they'd already gotten pretty much every plat team except for DK that's still alive to commit to the league. There aren't enough good players out there to fill in plat. It is possible for two leagues to coexist, as we've seen with UGC and ETF2L, but sigafoo setting the match time for his league to the same time as UGC matches shows that he doesn't want the leagues to both have teams.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Announcing RGL.gg - Highlander Season in Videos

You see, this is just going to split an already shrinking HL community and providing a larger barrier to entry for newer players, since there are only 2 divisions instead of UGC's 3. The end result of this is that HL as a format will die and everyone will be forced to play 6s...

Wait, does that mean sigafoo was on our side all along?

posted about 5 years ago
#82 OWL starting today in Esports

Sideshow on ESPN what world am I living in?

posted about 5 years ago
#10 alexander hamilton in Off Topic

Book of Mormon was always my favorite

posted about 5 years ago
#476 2018 World Cup in World Events

Was that a fucking fortnite celebration?

posted about 5 years ago
#8 TF2 top steam game PogChamp in TF2 General Discussion

I just want to know who the 27 Million people that play unturned are

posted about 5 years ago
#397 2018 World Cup in World Events

Goodbye to the Russian doping squad

posted about 5 years ago
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