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SteamID64 76561198049258493
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Signed Up April 16, 2014
Last Posted June 23, 2019 at 12:44 AM
Posts 444 (0.1 per day)
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#36 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
gargleburryyour digging your grave deeper by replying

you're absolutely right

guess ill bump this thread when the season ends if im still playing tf2 by then

take care everyone

posted about 8 years ago
#34 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
dippidymy only interaction with him was a few weeks ago in mumble where he wouldn't stop bragging about beating b4nny in mge. but hey sometimes we all get a bit cocky.

i did this as a joke ;w; pleaseeee

posted about 8 years ago
#32 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
universeit's your lft thread, u taking mge too seriously is relevant to you. nobody cares about what muma did or didnt do when they're considering trying you out

u can call him dum on his lft thread after he kills his 3rd team in 2 seasons though

Look man, I just made this LFT thread looking to play some Team Fortress 2 video games, okay.
I didn't want or mean for drama to start for literally no reason, I thought I had buried the hatchet for all of this shit.
I've been trying to work on improving my attitude and tilting issues as of recently. I don't know how literally me being supposedly mad at MGE has anything to do with anything I just previously listed.

I did not leave my S20 team because I kept losing MGEs to players on my team. I just do not wish to be a train wreck and play with a person I clearly do not want to play with.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
MumaThis thread has turned into you typing paragraphs about how awful mge is yet anytime you beat somebody outside of open you brag to anybody with a pulse.

sorry how is me bragging about mge relevant to you actually being really fucking immature and removing me over some retarded mod?

posted about 8 years ago
#26 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
Mumagood dm but everything everybody is saying about him taking mge too seriously couldnt be more true

muma you literally removed me because i was apparently playing mge wrong, how am i taking mge seriously compared to you? i would not remove someone and even a friend over something as irrelevant and trivial as a fucking 1v1 mod, get over yourself.

mge doesnt matter, why do you care about if i apparently take mge "seriously"

play newbots, dm or the actual fucking game if you want to get better at dming.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)
XCVAmazing DM and fit in quite well with my team for quite a while. He works really hard and his DM in scrims and matches will prove his work ethic.

Unfortunately, this kid can't behave at all. His attitude is literally one of the worst I've ever dealt with. He will sit on an MGE server all day, beat people, taunt them after and then hop in our Mumble and brag about how he beat that person in MGE. There was a time recently where he was streaming and lost an MGE to muktar and circa then became emo / edgy the whole night and it was painful to deal with for a few of my players. Before scrims on the day he left my team, we were all MGEing for fun, but not vari, cause MGE means everything to him. Burdened was beating him and vari was literally turning up in Mumble. Then he messaged someone else on my team that he's gonna local mute Burdened over an MGE? LOL. It's not that serious bro. Actually right after that, we were all in Mumble ready to scrim and his current open team leader asked for him to scrim with them. So he got pretty upset and was saying how b4nny was calling him inconsiderate for not wanting to show up to his own team's scrim. Even though we told him he can go and if they cancel the scrim, he can come back to my Mumble and play.

He takes the game so serious that he will literally go emo if he loses an MGE or someone shit-talks him in a scrim. Like this scrim against Morin's team: http://logs.tf/884447. One of their players was teasing him and he literally bitched in Mumble the whole scrim and spent more time replying to him instead of playing. It's funny because he tends to talk to me about "trying to be nice to everyone" and "not cause any problems", yet you will always find him being a dick to somebody in some possible way. Whether that be in an MGE server or a pug. He doesn't know how to speak to people and thinks whatever comes out of his mouth is appropriate.

I've had my fair share of good and bad times with vari, mostly positive though. I met him a while back and we were immediately able to get along and become good friends. I felt he worked really hard and needed a way to get his name around a bit. So I placed him on all the rosters I currently manage and he fit in very well. He seemed very appreciative that I was trying to do my best to give someone with his work ethic a place to call home. We all liked him until he started causing problems within my 6's team, like when he violently lashed out on my medic, then 2 scrims later did the same with me.

Like, there's a difference between what you call "tilting" versus attacking someone. And all you did was attack me and people who treated you properly. Whenever you had your "let's write 20 revolting messages to XCV" fit, I never replied with that same tone. Speaking of such: You should honestly be disgusted with yourself on how you treat certain people btw. Certain people can take so many shots from others and still smile, yet you just kick dirt on them and use them as a scapegoat whenever you were angry over something. It's pretty astonishing because this is not the first time I heard you did this to somebody. Two of them being straight from the horse's mouth. You're a good gamer, but a bad person.

Where do I begin, I actually agree with a few things you're saying XCV like the whole I don't know how to talk to people and whenever I say something I think It's appropriate yeah, I do agree with this to full extent because I'm just not good at speaking to people and I tend to convey myself the wrong way or make myself look like and asshole when I really try not too.

But what I don't agree with is a majority of what you're actually saying. Like for example, the whole MGE means everything to me thing and why I was going to local mute burdened. Burdened literally started shit with me for no reason because he even openly admits to being a dick in MGE, fuck even aiera realized that burd was the one who was literally trying to be a dick for no reason and I know it sounds extremely childish and immature to say this but I didn't want his attitude to effect me during the match and I'm pretty sure you would agree that you wouldn't want that too because you wouldn't want someone to tilt during the match. so I local muted him so I wouldn't have to deal with what he was saying and I wouldn't tilt in return.

Once again, with the whole MGE means everything to me thing, you have this extremely jaded idea that I left because I was losing MGEs or I was effected by MGE. It's fucking MGE XCV, you and anyone else knows that MGE is arguably probably one of the worst mods to benefit you unless you use it the right way, It teaches awful habits and a lot of the people that play on there are extremely toxic.

That being said, the night we were all playing MGE for fun I did take it seriously and apologized to you for my actions because I admitted I was being irrational and I admitted to being a dick, I was being a dick that night but I can argue that, was literally the only time I acted out of hand.

There was another time during a viaduct scrim where me and burdened had an argument and it was quickly realized that burdened wasn't really having such a good day that day and he admitted to it being his fault and yes I admitted to being a dick but I did not SERIOUSLY provoke him in any sort of way.

So continuing on about the whole MGE is my life thing, I didn't leave the team because of MGE XCV I left because as IMMATURE AS YOU THINK IT IS, It was because I had a bad break-up with Aiera and I didn't want to play on a team if I was going to be an emotional train wreck and remained un-motivated.

touching on the thing that happened with B4nny, I ended up leaving and actually playing the scrim what is the matter with you, I did the right thing, why even bring this up?

You do not treat people properly you have a history of treating people improperly. I got along with you the least out of anyone on this team. You are extremely jaded and you do not actually realize why I left and I have reason to believe you never will accept why I actually really left.

In review, you are not a good player or a good person XCV and you never have been.

tl;dr: I did not leave because of MGE, why would I leave because of something as irrelevant as MGE.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Digi lft open roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Digi's amazing, he's everything you want in a teammate he's nice, handles criticism well and he really is a good player.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 8 years ago
#38 Saam Lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy frags really hard

posted about 8 years ago
#108 Muma LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Such a great person and amazing at demo.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 LFT SCOUT vari in Recruitment (looking for team)

hi im vari and im lft scout for season 20 of esea!

my strengths:

pretty strong dm (i think)
decent positioning
my comms are pretty ok although i can get really hyped and heated at times


im a very momentum based player meaning so i go on tilt super easy, ive been trying to work on this recently
i can clutter comms easily sometimes as i said before, i get really heated in the moment so its something im trying to work on

thanks for reading and i hope i hear back from some of you!

esea: https://play.esea.net/users/902596
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049258493/

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Demo lft Mid/High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Max is one of the easiest people to get along with on a team. His comms are clear and relevant and his DM and positioning is nothing short of good from what I could see with my time playing with him.

posted about 8 years ago
#3070 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 8 years ago
#4 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy rocks!

posted about 8 years ago
#22 DOLPHIN RIDER LFT Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

really happy dolphin rider found a team. he's a great guy and amazing at the game!

posted about 8 years ago
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