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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted July 27, 2014 at 2:19 AM
Posts 272 (0.1 per day)
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#233 yahud in Customization
trogThis commit doesn't include a fix for the SpectatorTournament - BOTTOM alt file

Fixed. Also changed the way that the white boxes are colored, to make changing their color easier (Hng's request)

Re-did the animations also, to prep for possible integration into the blank versions.. Might have some bugs with it though.

posted about 11 years ago
#229 yahud in Customization
Mooowhayay when you get a chance can you pls look into this(the heavy minicrit icon thing)?

I already did, it's a bit weird. Seems like valve broke parts of the positioning, it's very awkwardly implemented and not easy to move it to a proper position atm. You can manually enable it in HudPlayerHealth.res (see here: https://github.com/whayay/yA_HUD/issues/6)

I might still find a way for solving this but I'm kinda hoping that Valve will fix that issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#226 yahud in Customization

- Added animation for health pickup

- Changed Engineer building panel (base stolen from doodles' HUD)

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- Tweaked tournament setup menu, including shadows for better readability

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posted about 11 years ago
#224 yahud in Customization

Search for "roundtimer" and "Kothtime" in the /scripts/hudlayout.res file. You can change the ypos there to move it further down. Same goes for the "HudArenaPlayerCount" and the "deathnotice" entry which are also in that file.

Regarding the crosshair.. I guess the one from KBNHUD was also a fog's crosshair, potentially a doubled version of it? You can find some intructions for crosshairs in the readme files and in the hudlayout file itself.

Copy this into your hudlayout.res file to add another crosshair (this enables the square, you will have to tinker with the original and this to align them properly and to get the colors and animation right. More info in the hudlayout file.

		"controlname"	"CExLabel"
		"fieldname"	"fogCrosshair"

		"visible"	"1"			//1
		"enabled"	"1"

		"xpos"		"c-17"
		"ypos"		"c-13"
		"zpos"		"2"

		"wide"		"28"
		"tall"		"28"

		"font"		"fogCrosshair"

		"labeltext"	"6"
		"textAlignment"	"center"

		"fgcolor"	"White"

This is what I could re-create using that for the center square:


Black colors seem to bug the font though.
If you want to read up on this topic i suggest ray's guide on importing hud crosshairs:

Good luck!

troghelp what have I done

also the book10shadow and book11shadow have the wrong tall values

I guess you messed with the mainmenuoverride file? What were you trying to change?

Font are fixed now :)

posted about 11 years ago
#221 yahud in Customization

Added a menu button with a link to the website and pointers to this thread and the github page. Turns blue on hover.

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I also made the killfeed easier to read again and added replacement files for a video making HUD (displays only killfeed + damage numbers, maybe some different options in the future) in the "Custom" folder.

Some more tweaks related to menus, medic uber animation and MvM.

posted about 11 years ago
#220 yahud in Customization

Added a two new Versions:

White Box:


White Box Lower (here with optional HP Cross enabled):

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Low animation for this version:

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These are still WIP.

posted about 11 years ago
#219 yahud in Customization

Try the newest version, sizzling stats should work now. It was another file that displays that website.

loplhi great hud! is there any way i can remove the damage text off of the hud but still keep it over my targets head?

Go into /resource/ui/HudDamageAccount.res and change the "visible" value under "DamageAccountValue" to "0".

ZetafuNo matter what crosshair I use, or the values for xpos etc. I set, I always have a plus and minus or a scattergun spread crosshair. Is there something incredibly obvious I'm missing?

Do you want to use one of fog's crosshairs or one of garm3n's? Which files have you been editing? To change fog's crosshair to something else you'll need to change the "labeltext" value in hudlayout.res to the other values from here:

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posted about 11 years ago
#213 yahud in Customization
ProtatoAnybody else getting this?

Which version are you using? Did you use 4:3 or 16:10 files? Make sure you have the proper GameMenu file in resouce and the MainMenuOverride file in resource/ui.

EDIT: I can only reproduce this when i rename/delete "GameMenu.res" in /resource/.

posted about 11 years ago
#210 yahud in Customization
atiderehey whayay, nice hud btw, i was wondering why everytime i try and change the health/ammo colors everytime it goes to low health/ammo and i resupply it goes back to the original grey color. also how do you change the dm that you see that goes away not the one that shows up under your hp?

Make sure that you're using the clientscheme to change any colors. You can find both damage displays in HudDamageAccount.res. I will
push an update tomorrow that splits the colors for the two displays :)

posted about 11 years ago
#208 yahud in Customization

Added a colorful variation (reversed colors) of the main menu. Can be applied from the new /Custom/Colored Main Menu/ folder. The color can be customized from the clientscheme, as usual.

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posted about 11 years ago
#207 yahud in Customization
TreshEverytime I try to download it it gives me error 502.


This was an problem yesterday as well, magically went away after a while. Probably a GitHub issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#205 yahud in Customization
manaIs there a chance to add Konr/Yz50 wings in there somehow? Apologies, HUDs aren't my specialty at all.

Rays made a guide for it

I will probably add them at some point anyways (they are part of some garm3nhud versions as well)

posted about 11 years ago
#203 yahud in Customization

I officially included fog's crosshairs now (thanks fog!)
They can change color on hit.


You will have to dive into /scripts/hudlayout.res to enable them.
You can find instructions on how to customize them there as well.

EDIT: also, nickname is right now, thanks enigma :)

posted about 11 years ago
#201 yahud in Customization

Thanks for answering while I was gone, your feedback and help have been really great :)

I added some new stuff and finally fixed the sizzling stats display.

-New 9v9 scoreboard

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(the old one is called "Middle" now)

-Sizzling stats work now! And it's extra big

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-Made some more tweaks (ctf arrows, preventing point overlap on close points in pl, blank TargetID tweak, dmg numbers)
This screenshot show some of it

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posted about 11 years ago
#197 yahud in Customization
breloomI'm not sure if im blind or something, but I don't see bleed/mad milk/marked for death markers anywhere on the hud

They are not added by default, I just made a temporary update to make enabling them a bit easier (HudPlayerHealth.res, search for "bleed" and then change the ypos values of all the following entries that have "//comments" next to them)

crespiI can't download the zip from any of the links. I get: "502: failure"

No idea what's causing this, I'll check on it tomrrow.

RankThanks for the spec overlay, what exactly did you do for the Sizzling Stats, because some screens appear larger but .ss is still small

I think I can finally test .ss tomorrow. Will see if I can fix it :)

posted about 11 years ago
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