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SteamID64 76561198053484435
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Country United States
Signed Up August 26, 2016
Last Posted January 27, 2024 at 11:21 AM
Posts 406 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ⋅⋅ 27
#5 Rave LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

solid player constantly looking to improve, would do well in div2 with a team dedicated to improving :)

posted about 3 years ago
#12 gungon LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

fun and good to play with!!

posted about 3 years ago
#7 riot lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

super good and great!

posted about 3 years ago
#22 dit lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
Kevito1NathanKevito1Nathanshootaone of the best scouts I've ever played with. smart, good dm, committed and always shows up. would recommend to any div1 team.
ppl rly typing this after cutting someone lol

no one else on our team really knew about it until it was too late but haha mxr team bad shut the fuck up lol
why not just mutiny off the cheater then if hes cutting people without letting you guys know :)

yeah lets just kick one of the core members of our team off right after a player was cut in the middle of the season haha thats gonna work out great for us haha!

isn't he swapping to flank scout? doesn't that change the utility of him being a core member since he is drastically changing his role?

posted about 3 years ago
#11048 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#53 RGL Div-1 S4 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
gloperzidk about saga either as soon as i respawn spy having never played spy before in the scrim he's calling it out

plus this clip of a det during freakshow's match vs hunter's team is really suspicious just read the description for the things i noticed

idk about the saga stuff, paranoia on medic is normal

however, i did watch a demo from frkshow in their match v the sgc team and there's a few things i noticed

1. weird crosshair placement: he stares at the ground a lot, and a lot of time kind of looks like he's staring at the ground as to not look at other players through walls. The most notable place was where, when holding sunshine mid, he was looking at the bottom of the shack infront of choke, as opposed to, u know, not there.

2. he doesn't set sticky traps, like, at all until he knows a team is rotating through the specific door, and only then starts stickying it up

3. he kritzed onto a team without peaking in to see where they were holding. NO ONE on his team got forward to see where they were holding, he just some how knew where they were.

4. He consistently seems to have his crosshair hovering where ever the medic is standing, though not directly on them, rather in a way where he could see where the player is

5. He seems to be able to track players through walls when they get behind him, like if a player is somewhere where he shouldn't know, it seems like he just always happens to have his crosshair in a place as to have the player in his fov.

take this as you will, i was probably biased when i was watching this stuff and i'm not a demo player, nor am i super familiar with cheats but this whole thing felt off to me. also him snapping to the med and blind detting is sus as hell holy fuck lmao

posted about 3 years ago
#15 reviewing medic demos in TF2 General Discussion

gonna go live soon :)

posted about 3 years ago
#12 reviewing medic demos in TF2 General Discussion

sorry been busy this past week, will do more reviews tonight/tomorrow!

posted about 3 years ago
#19 A New Dawn for Morning Light in News

sooooapy is the future

posted about 4 years ago
#9 reviewing medic demos in TF2 General Discussion

gonna go live in a bit, will try to knock out as many as i can :D

here's a link to the vod:

posted about 4 years ago
#5 reviewing medic demos in TF2 General Discussion

i'll try to review you guys demos at 5 est on friday that way it's not like absurdly late for rahmed :D

posted about 4 years ago
#1 reviewing medic demos in TF2 General Discussion

i like reviewing demos so feel free to post medic demos of any div and i'll stream a demo review of them :)

posted about 4 years ago
#11 Bradman lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

that antecedent guy kinda fucks, he uses semicolons and shit when he talks

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Witness Gaming testifies before the Invite jury in News

posted about 4 years ago
#18 tony lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

tony is so sweet and kind and friendly, one of the best people in the community and he fucks on dm classes

posted about 4 years ago
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