Account Details
SteamID64 76561198016171624
SteamID3 [U:1:55905896]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:27952948
Country Guam
Signed Up May 27, 2016
Last Posted May 2, 2024 at 6:23 PM
Posts 1599 (0.5 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.05
Windows Sensitivity default probably
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie EC2
Keyboard Ducky one RGB TKL
Mousepad PURETRAK talent
Headphones Logitech G35
Monitor MG248Q
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#4 Ping is too low? in Q/A Help

my ping is TOO low and i have TOO MUCH money and my crops are TOO bountiful

posted 11 months ago
#40 Competitve horror stories? in TF2 General Discussion

i got swindled into playing on an esea newbie-mix team by lightbringer where my medic played on 300 ping and would barely heal me (i was pocket scout) and my team captain didn't know what double bombing was

another time i was asked to play on some random highlander team, idr if it was iron or steel, tbh i dont even remember how i ended up playing on the team but during scrims my TL left randomly to go baby sit and made me lead the scrim, i was unbelievably inexperienced at the time so all we did was go over callouts, the team died a few days after

posted about a year ago
#1507 worst steam profile in Off Topic

posted about a year ago
#6 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion

they haven't brought a dog in to do the guard dog voice lines though

posted about a year ago
#38 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion
glassveccascent v froyo game that went super long into da night3am, maybe seven hours total, i watched every second, one of my favorite experiences in all the time i've wasted on this shit

SAME. Watched it all too, was cooked as fuck at the end but it was so worth it, what a fun series

posted about a year ago
#36 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion

ascent v froyo game that went super long into da night

posted about a year ago
#4 biggest valve fuckups in TF2 General Discussion

the casual update

posted about a year ago
#16 What is your oldest fondest TF2 memory? in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_Rumpusfinding a home where you knew everyone in a random custom map community server you bumbled into as a kid in 2012 one time

this was G4C for me back in the day, low grav legoblast

it was so fun, i met one of the old staff members again recently in a random pub and came to learn she has 4 kids now! so happy for her :]

posted about a year ago
#1 What is your oldest fondest TF2 memory? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm talking bout when you were JUST starting out/the early days ! ! !

One of mine is the time where a friend and I were playing the old map billiards, shooting the pool balls at each other when the game suddenly went down and we were confused. We waited until it went back up and we were shocked by the fact that the first ever TF2 halloween update dropped!! We played harvest event for the rest of the night, it was great :3


also have this picture of my youngest cat stanced up

posted about a year ago
#7 Favorite team memory? in TF2 General Discussion

dis :]

posted about a year ago

my youngest cat named "Asa"

she likes to climb and sit on ur shoulder..

posted about a year ago
#9 tf2 colonies in TF2 General Discussion
MongIf you are on a uni network you can ask arie from serveme for steam accounts associated with your ip. I accidentally did that and I found some guy in open was at my uni and I DMed him. Sadly he was a degenerate furry so our friendship could not blossom.

you are a psycho

posted about a year ago
#27 Biggest glow up? in Off Topic

not rol getting hit with the schizo beam

posted about a year ago
#19 Favorite music for your tf2 or gaming sessions? in TF2 General Discussion

dis on shuffle

posted about a year ago
#54 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

if ur the type of person to want to win so bad u have to cheat in official play u should not get a second chance wat so ever because the type of ppl that stoop to that shit are usually not alright in the head

posted about a year ago
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