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Signed Up March 25, 2016
Last Posted April 16, 2024 at 8:43 PM
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#4 Advanced team Lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

carcin has goatism

posted about a year ago
#19 [demo call] medic airshots in Videos

posted about a year ago
#4 reviewing demos in Mentoring

posted about a year ago
#40 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
VinsuI thought Zam might've been feeding JW bad information

zam is a well-known troll. . . . .

posted about a year ago
#46 Walrex lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

eater of shit (made me team leader for no reaso)

posted about a year ago
#49 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
westyidk i feel like there's still a big lack of distinction there

assuming a doxx case ban is HUGELY different to rape or grooming

What I meant was this ban is only given to people who have done super atrocious shit (exp: grooming, being a pedo, etc.). You can't assume it was a doxx ban, you can only assume is something related to being a pedo or worse

posted about a year ago
#45 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
westyits not that publicity would make them stop, its so that people don't blindly interact with these people without knowing the situations behind their ban. anyone can lie about their ban reasons. there is no point to miss, protecting the victims is the first priority in situations like this, but protecting the potential victims is also important.

Tbf they got the Omega fucked up ban like rgl would mention doxxing, ddosing, racism, etc. so if they don't mention what you did, people should prob assume the worst

posted about a year ago
#37 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
westymy overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community.

i think the main reason is to protect the victims and their privacy
Also idk about anything else but I think it’s different to tell someone what happened vs leaking the whole private documents(w/o censoring anything) to an open team

posted about a year ago
#8862 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about a year ago
#11 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
Alfa [10/6/2021, 10:37]
bing chilling:
If I really cared for it I would just fuck reece over with his video editing jobs

l o l

posted about a year ago
#1 lfp better call saul in Recruitment (looking for players)

we are looking for soldiers/scouts/demos/medics and subs bc i might not be able to play sometimes
scouts: nate and krypt
soldiers: me and perchance walrex?
demo: pauldogg
med: plaidnum

posted about 2 years ago
#5 1738 fetty wap death cult lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

Copy cat? Really.

posted about 2 years ago
#56 meatball LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Holy fuck he’s so fuckin good OMG INSTA PICK UP

posted about 2 years ago
#2 RGL Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

Bc Reece did this

posted about 2 years ago
#1 cool pic/ art / w/e thread in Off Topic

I always enjoy watching other people's artwork or cool pics they made or just have. And I am just trying to increase the artwork/cool pics folder.

Here's mine drawing I did for a class a gazillion years ago, it's just a master copy

And here's one of my fav profile pics I had

posted about 2 years ago
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