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Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 2:00 PM
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#618 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

it makes perfect sense that this wasn't a huge update, honestly. you have to realize that most of these devs are likely not the original ones, and they're almost definitely trying to work against really bad code from other people

if you know anything abt programming, you know that it sucks really hard to try and even read old, badly-commented code you made from years ago, much less old code from others. imagine that, but with 10 years' worth of other people constantly adding code without ever improving it. imagine being the person who chose, willingly, in this dumb-ass video game company where nobody takes responsibility for their own bugs, to try and fix it. the fact that the few people involved managed to actually fix a few really important things at all is a fuckin miracle

posted about 6 years ago
#42 how will the weapons in day 3 affect 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetmaybe you should learn wtf you are talking about before saying things then eh? makes sense to me

Netquake TF and Original QWTF (90's) were played 9v9 -- most teams ran 5 Def / 4 Off but switched to 5 Off depending on the match situation

Many years later, 8v8 became the standard for QWTF. TFC was also played 8v8 and was standard 4 Off vs 4 Def
The 8v8 trend continued into Quake 3 Fortress and into Enemy Territory Fortress.
TF2's 6v6 format is simply because we don't play CTF anymore and the TF2 classes are not even close to how the originals were designed.

the fact that it was every format under the sun except for 6v6 just proves what i was actually trying to say, but ok

posted about 6 years ago
#39 how will the weapons in day 3 affect 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
Messing_Aroundwait, i thought TFC was played 8v8? 4 Offense + 4 Defense CTF?

looking up old TFC info is a super huge pain, i always saw a lot of different formats and never really knew if one was more or less popular. double-checking though, you're definitely right on that and i made the mistake of thinking a weird UGC format was the standard, my bad

posted about 6 years ago
#37 how will the weapons in day 3 affect 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

there's no standard lol, TFC was 7v7 when people played that, and 6v6 just happened to be what people liked in TF2 after experimenting with it. the only reason it could seem like there's a pattern is mostly just because overwatch lifted a lot of surface concepts straight from TF2

6 is a good number of teammates for this game, though. mixed in with the class limits 6s has, it fills all the cool roles nicely without getting into a situation where one of those roles means significantly more than the others

posted about 6 years ago
#34 how will the weapons in day 3 affect 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_Difference being is these lasted the full 10 min to time out, on every last, the entire weekend. The average game time for that lan was like 50 min or something stupid with 80% of that being last holds. Yes last can be bad, but thats nothing compared to what s14 lan was.

unless banana is somehow the most busted shit on the planet and/or pyro can somehow tank everything by accident with one of their changes, this isn't as big of a potential problem as you'd assume. the reason QF fucked up was because a pocketed heavy could tank anything bar a 100% charged sniper headshot, the worst i can see here is the gasoline one screwing up some chokepoint-heavy maps

point being, though, if people test it before whitelisting, they should be intentionally trying to use it in the most obnoxiously toxic ways possible like that QF heavy situation, and if it's still fine after a lot of testing, it should be allowed at least before playoffs. if anything, i'm more worried about the rest of pyro's changelist tomorrow since they only mentioned fixes and stock flamethrower buffs

posted about 6 years ago
#305 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

the only reason i'm holding out any hope is because fixing pyro is a dangerous game that, if done wrong, can and will piss off every single person playing the game for different reasons, so even the people who thought that the reserve shooter could use a buff are going to understand that they need to do a lot more than surface-level changes. it's probably why this took so long to update tbh, pyro is the end result of programmers dicking around without being willing to fix stuff for a full decade

it's reasonable to be cautious, though, valve hasn't exactly earned much trust from comp play from the years of goofy shit they've said and done

posted about 6 years ago
#293 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

valve gets basically nothing for unlocks since nobody buys them so it's not a bad idea, but in practice there's so many unlocks, and a sweeping majority of them are worse than the stock loadout, so they might choose an awful loadout right off the bat, instead of being forced to work with the fundamentally sound basic ones

just make them all universally unlockable through achievements, or some freebie contract equivalent solely for noobs or something

posted about 6 years ago
#291 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

it's really weird that they didn't show any examples of the war paint. like that's the thing that's going to make you a lot of money, at least show it doing something to a weapon instead of giving us a square to shove the patterns onto

naturespiritSo hyped for the new campaign and war paints. Also it looks like the flamethrower/jetpack might be the default weapon because every other class is equipped with a stock weapon in the picture on the bottom.

it's likely just valve making sure to show people at least one new pyro thing per day, so reddit won't get mad

posted about 6 years ago
#148 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

they've actually been pretty intentional about wanting to support 6s as the main format, similar to CSGO's setup, and they've said that multiple times to people when they've visited valve HQ. the actual problem is that it's valve, and valve usually just lifts stuff from the casual tf2 community like pub maps + taunts for 90% of all updates post-2011, so that intent just so happens to translate to fuck-all

posted about 6 years ago
#142 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

assuming valve would want the dr. grordbort weapons to be actually good design and not the objective worst, wouldn't the phlog be able to function as a lightning gun equivalent? like you just narrow the cone of the weird flame visual it has, make the hitboxes actually represent that visual and there you go

posted about 6 years ago
#98 update is released in TF2 General Discussion

whether or not the jetpack is good is dependent on what else they changed/fixed about the pyro. if it's a means of evening out shit like airblast nerfs by giving them a better mobility tool then it's good

alternatively, it's the only change given to pyro, they spent ten thousand years just to do that and tf2 is dead forever. either/or

posted about 6 years ago
#74 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Setsul// disable HDR and bloom
mat_hdr_level 0
// disable bloom
mat_disable_bloom 1
// ensure bloom is disabled
mat_bloomscale 0
mat_non_hdr_bloom_scalefactor 0
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar 0
So you really want to make sure bloom is disabled?
Then what the fuck are these settings supposed to do?// -- Bloom --
// Tints for bloom (0 to 1)
// red tint for bloom
r_bloomtintr 0.3
// green tint for bloom
r_bloomtintg 0.59
// blue tint for bloom
r_bloomtintb 0.11
// the coefficient for bloom effect
r_bloomtintexponent 2.2
How important is it to set bloom tint when you've tried so hard to make sure that bloom is definitely disabled entirely?

isn't the intent of this config to have all of them in one place in case you want to change it? it should be commented out since it's useless here, but getting mad at it for existing at all is silly

posted about 6 years ago
#33 ESEA S25 W7: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

if this is a pro wrestling metaphor, then this was a RAW match with 50/50 booking to waste TV time and ascent's going to get their win back soon

posted about 6 years ago
#11 where do we go from here? in The Dumpster
hawkieldEoNIf pyro becomes viable in 6s

it sounds like a meme, but the only reason pyro is a joke right now is for horrible technical issues. like, if pyro's airblast range was anything smaller than three cubic miles, how bad the netcode actually handles those airblasts would be far more obvious to players, so it's massive to compensate. fuck, the netcode can't even handle anything involving the flamethrower, since the max range of the flames is 100% dependent on ping

pyro's been balanced all this time under the assumption that they have to cover up the glaring, systematic problems that they couldn't fix in the late aughts. the second those are fixed, making pyro into something that works well wouldn't actually be too hard

GoaskAliceif you can't i tell you something the issue is with you not me because this is an issue
knowing this fact - we can now proceed to eliminate either the scout from the game or the scatterguns ability of 6 shots

also, this is the joke answer you give to a wishlist thread and you are taking it so deadly seriously that i don't know if you understand how balancing is supposed to work

posted about 6 years ago
#52 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

some of valve's proposed balance changes to items seem built to try and stop stalemates. like you see an item like this

- The second least-used item in the game. The aerial stomp mini-game is difficult, and The Gunboats are superior in most scenarios.
- Changes:
- +75% push-force reduction now includes airblast
- Added: +200% air control when blast jumping

and there is no way that wasn't 100% designed for quick suicide bombs onto medics

posted about 6 years ago
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