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Country England
Signed Up December 13, 2014
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 12:35 PM
Posts 324 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ⋅⋅ 22
#5 What do YOU want for Christmas in Off Topic

peace of mind

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion
sheepy_dogs_handtorritthe people bullying sheepy have probably never spoken to him for a single fucking second
i genuinely like you sheepy and dont really understand why people would be so rude to you over some fucking comments on the internet

Thanks a lot torr1t. This really helps my confidence and helps to calm down.

any time mate
its a shame i didnt speak to you at lan but i was a dribbling drunk mess anyway 24/7, there was probably nothing constructive i would have said besides "lets get a pint lad"

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Please stop the hate in TF2 General Discussion

the people bullying sheepy have probably never spoken to him for a single fucking second
i genuinely like you sheepy and dont really understand why people would be so rude to you over some fucking comments on the internet

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Why do roamers sit in the backseat in TF2 General Discussion

i dont know who the fuck capnfapn is but this is comedy gold lads

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Windows 10 in Hardware

have they fixed the shit yet that was supposed to send your stuff to microsoft and was impossible to turn off?
i thought about switching but if thats still an issue, then no thank you, i dont care that much about free software that fucking spies on me and sends my documents to companies without my permission

posted about 8 years ago
#27 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic
PendaG2 pays REALLY well

hopefully that means that mike will finally buy me a fucking pint at lan

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Ash quit froyo, lmaooo in TF2 General Discussion
matihlethargistasking why you get -fragged is the #2 top killer of upfrags
stay safe kids
what is #1

being aim

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Ash quit froyo, lmaooo in TF2 General Discussion

tbh carter is a really cool guy and i would have quit that fucking team a long time ago if i were him, props to him for being a lad

edit: carter if youre reading this youre a baller and ill buy you a pint next lan

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Rosters Confirmed for DreamHack Winter TF2 Invitational in News
CitroMaindif swederage is actually practicing , kaidos squad and them might have close games


posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2 players = rich? in Esports

theyre even missing the PC Gamer lan, which i reckon has the biggest prizepool for tf2 even to this date (£15k, if i remember correctly)
nigga this list is stupid

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Emily is Away in Off Topic
trashPendjiI'm sure the game itself isn't bad, I just don't have much interest in these low effort 'games'. Imagine the exact same concept, but in a 3D world with cartoony graphics and having all the visuals to go along with the character development; it'd be a million times better. Guess that's what game developing has come to these days.a fully fledged game costs a lot of money, far more than people want to realize. when skullgirls had an indiegogo game for new characters, the devs explained in full detail where all the money would go into, and even openly admitted they had to be willing to live under a pretty terrible wage overall when working on it, but people complained regardless that it was somehow "too much for a 2D game"

this, on the flipside, is a free VN with some easily re-usable assets, which is much easier for a novice game dev to cheaply work within

i didnt read your post but your username perfectly describes the game

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Can anyone extract reflex hitsound? in Customization

flame you might have made a pretty good hud but that doesnt mean you can act like an utter faggot

posted about 8 years ago
#15 ETF2L S22 Playoffs: Full Tilt vs. #tf2center in Matches

its all over

brb eating cyanide: exterminate full tilt
brb eating cyanide: for me
brb eating cyanide: will u
#tf2center Mikey@ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
#tf2center Mikey@: kk

posted about 8 years ago
#382 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
thmpsntorritthmpsnBonafidethmpsnkaidusIf you are nvidia user try this:
what if im not an nvidia user
What if I didn't get in the beta?
one of my friends said your account might have to be a few years old to get into the beta
idk if that's for sure or not but maybe youre gonna have to get old kid
i've been playing wow for more than 10 years and there is not a single indication of my account getting the beta anytime soon
did you even sign up for it

i might be torrit but im not retarded

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Aron Competitive Legacy in Videos
Phoenix21torritseriously, what prevents this guy from being well-known?
i bet my dick and balls its not his mechanics
He made the original crosshair switcher
PLDX recording tool
source recording tool
not well known

i mean as in actually playing the game, not just making stuff for others to play the game with

posted about 8 years ago
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