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Signed Up March 5, 2014
Last Posted December 15, 2016 at 4:59 PM
Posts 115 (0 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 4 5 6 7 8
#50 medHUD in Customization

The model from the class selection is still off but everything else is working great.

anyway to prevent this from happening?


posted about 10 years ago
#48 medHUD in Customization


The five most recent. I didn't play an actual MVM mission so I don't know if any of that is messed up.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 medHUD in Customization
IntellectualTo do:
    Fix 4:3

You are the best

If you want me to send some screenshots of broken stuff let me know

posted about 10 years ago
#44 medHUD in Customization

I love this hud but it totally breaks entirely when on a 4:3 resolution :/

posted about 10 years ago
#76 Show us your cool scripts :D in Customization

Does this mean you could some how make a Vaccinator script that wouldn't need the wait command?

So that if I hit 1 it would set the resistance to bullet, 2 to explosive, and 3 to fire?

It seems like if it actually does what you say it does you could make so top-shelf tier scripts

posted about 10 years ago
#93 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion

I thought this thread died. Stop. Just stop

posted about 10 years ago
#22 TF2HUDS.net in Customization


posted about 10 years ago
#10 Newbie tournament at april 20 in TF2 General Discussion

This event sounds like a great idea. I would recommend it to some of my friends, but it's EU so I guess someone should get started on a NA newb tournament.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Newbie tournament at april 20 in TF2 General Discussion
PossimpibleWhy are you not using UGC whitelist considering most of players interested in HL will move there?

EDIT : After closer look, I actually don't understand decision making behind that whitelist. Do you mind to explain?

My guess is they are trying to be more newb friendly and preventing one charge turn scripting caber knight ruining the whole event.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Newbie tournament at april 20 in TF2 General Discussion

What's wrong with the UGC whitelist? Unless you are trying to be more newb friendly in which case I can see why some items are banned. Regardless of which there are a few items that if I was running the event would consider allowing like the Disciplinary Action for rollouts or the Sun on a Stick since you are allowing the Axe for pyro.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Newbie tournament at april 20 in TF2 General Discussion

Dat white list doh

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Show your crosshair in Customization

lol sorry I didn't search balls deep for old threads from 2012

posted about 10 years ago
#62 THE REMATCH IS REAL in TF2 General Discussion
Setsul5 minutes are usually enough to sort everything out, unless there's a major problem like a lot of players crashing and/or not coming back and/or not enough backups available and/or no ringers available and/or ringers getting denied.

Which is exactly what happened and why this thread has over 60 posts because people are questioning the rule and whether the way everything was handled was legitimate

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Show your crosshair in Customization

Just post it

I use the Banjo Tooie crosshair from Noto HUD


posted about 10 years ago
#2 Bug when spectating players. in TF2 General Discussion

Welcome to Team Fortress 2. After nine years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait.

posted about 10 years ago
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