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Signed Up July 8, 2012
Last Posted November 10, 2019 at 1:48 AM
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#136 Windy City Rendezvous in News

what shirt should i wear

hrg, xts, twitch or plat face

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Comedy in Off Topic

Arrested Development

posted about 9 years ago
#126 Windy City Rendezvous in News

bring all of them please

posted about 9 years ago
#69 ESEA Invite Season 17 Preview in News

I'd like to try casting
i've never done it before though so id need someone to hold my hand


posted about 9 years ago
#2 ESEA Invite Roster Locks Removed in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#6 class with hardest transition from pub to 6s in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#4 Shade's News in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#47 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion
pine_beetleAgreed with Cinza. Twitter will not accomplish the goals you set out. You need a better way of putting out content.

I agree, and a way to do that has been in development for some time now. As I said before, there is an update to the in the works that that will improve the way media is handled on tftv. Everything will be easily accessible soon, but coding is hard so it will take some more time.

Twitter is a very valuable tool in getting media out to the public and I will continue to use it to offer up to date glimpses to what is happening at events. It is not something that should be used to archive media which is why work is being put into the tftv site.

posted about 9 years ago
#40 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion
cinzaYou did a great job taking pictures and videos on ESEA LAN, but could you maybe use something other than twitter? It's all there but it still looks pretty disorganized.

All the pictures I took will be viewable on the site at a later date. Things are still being set up to make it easy to host pictures on the site. Twitter was the easiest and fastest way to get the pictures out at the time which is why I used it.

Twitter will continue to be what I use initially since it is still the fastest and most effective way to get the pictures out using a wifi dongle between my camera and phone. Photos will be uploaded to the site when I have 10 or so minutes to sit down at my laptop and work from there.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion
TheManWithNoNamei would donate...

I don't think there is a need to anymore
Things are being worked on

posted about 9 years ago
#34 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry if it came off like I was saying that the i49 stream was not done well, its the best TF2 streaming I've seen to date.

I'm talking about the limitations of the stream, the fact that anything a few feet away from the casting table won't be seen by the stream viewers. People don't know that Shade and Ramown played in an Epigenesis tournament against 12 year olds and won Logitech gear. Very few people know that b4nny tried out the Oculus Rift, they don't know what the players were like during a match, or even what the entire venue looked like.

I had to search for hours after I got back to find pictures of the event. Everything was scattered around, so many important moments were missing and were forgotten in the moment of things. To this day I have only seen one picture of the entire HRG team at i49, and that was the picture of us getting our 3rd place winnings. We raised $10k, sent 6 Americans to Europe to play in the biggest TF2 event in the world and we have such little to show from it.

I've had some talks with people and I'm scrapping the idea of a donation as of now. There are alternatives that are being worked on.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion
ProfessorDankGetawhaleWould love to see live cams watching each of the teams to capture big moments, big wins, any big reactions from the teams themselves. Especially during big matches or finals.
Something like the CSGO ESEA LAN had with the team cameras would be awesome. It was great to see the reactions of the team members whenever something big happened.

That all depends on where the casting table is and where the players are
At i49 there were players scattered all over the place, so if i52 is anything like i49 it doesn't seem likely.

All of that footage would have to be used in an event video, which is something I plan to make if there is enough interest

posted about 9 years ago
#6 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion
renxzenCouldn't you take some of the extra money at http://i52.tf and take a job for tftv as a video journalist?
But of course, tagg, this comes with a great responsability. And by gr i mean record and interview everyone and everything.

I'm a Digital Cinema major so it wouldn't be too difficult
I also already have all of my own necessary equipment
2 Cameras, 3 Tripods, 2 Lights, Green&Blue screens, Lav Mic, Shotgun Mic, Should Mount, Camera Cage, etc

Also, none of this was planned out with the people running i52.tf so im sure I will have to create something of my own.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Tour de France in Off Topic

i fuckin love watching the Tour de France but my internet is shit and i have no cable


posted about 9 years ago
#1 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion

I've been writing this for an hour now trying to make a beautiful essay about this, but thats just not my style so this is what it is

I don't think streams are enough coverage for a LAN.
Thousands of people join streams to watch LANs, but in the case of ESEA you don't see any of the players. The only reason you know its a LAN is because they tell you it is.

In the case of on site casting, you see the players for their post game interviews and thats about it. The excitement, personality and overall point of the LAN is lost to the stream viewers.

The reason I made LAN videos in the past and why I continue to attend LANs now is to try and bring some of the LAN excitement back to the viewers. Because at the end of the day, there just isn't enough coverage of TF2 out there.

Recently I've taken a more "professional" approach to my LAN coverage. It honestly pisses me off that TF2 is still not taken seriously as a competitive title so my recent trips to LANs have been in order to get quality footage of the players and capture personalities. Pictures for articles, the community, vines for player personalities and footage for event frag movies.

I would say this recent ESEA LAN was a success. I was asked by XTS to create a LAN video for them, I took over 100 pictures which will be available on the forms at a later date and received more than 300 retweets from the pictures and vines i uploaded for the 3 days I was there.

i52 is the biggest TF2 event in the world and it HAS to be covered on all fronts. This all boils down to an open discussion of what is being covered and what is available. If the community wants it, I could set up a drive to cover half of my flight to i52 and get media coverage similar to the ESEA Lan, as well as an event video. But lets talk about it, im tired of writing this thing.
Is this something we want?

posted about 9 years ago
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