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Country Estonia
Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted June 4, 2015 at 4:52 PM
Posts 715 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity literally 0.69
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Raw Input 1
3600 I think
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Mouse DeathAdder Black
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Mousepad Razer Big Boy
Headphones AT M50
Monitor Acer GD235HZ
1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48
#5 twitch HTML in TF2 General Discussion

The #2 one looks amazing.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Big Shot Gaming MI LAN in LAN Discussion

Hey guys, thanks to zeph for making the thread - I wasn't going to because we sold out in record time. eXtine, I really appreciate the support, and I wish we had more seats to sell to TF2ers. Big shoutout to everyone coming from way out of the way, I'm excited to meet everybody at LAN.

We're considering doing another event come Spring, so I'll definitely give you guys notice as soon as we confirm it.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 30 60 120hz in TF2 General Discussion

It's like night and day on scout.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 move over tf2 in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#18 TF2 Competitive Pet Peeves Thread in TF2 General Discussion

"Guys I got a scrim let's wait 15 minutes for them to get 6 without any explanation."

"Hey guys our 6th is coming he had to reboot his router because he had 400 ping just wait 5 minutes please." "No we're getting a new one."

posted about 11 years ago
#10 potential for center-held weapons in pure servers? in TF2 General Discussion

I've been looking for something to do this on scout, I like having viewmodels on for whatever reason but I hate having it on the side of the screen, I'd like it to be right in the middle. Neat find, I dunno how well it would work on ESEA servers though, I think this is against their rules :x

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Lol stream in TF2 General Discussion
In general nobody wants to watch 30 minutes of slow, methodical, well timed pushes.

yeah i guess people like watching 40 mins of grinding for gear and occasional ganks + teamfights at the 25 min mark

don't forget hour long stall games to even the playing field once you get behind

Watching aggressive laners, high level cheese, constant ganks/jungle control and map control is pretty fun. Then again you may be right; 500,000 people are watching the wrong game while 5,000 at one point were watching the right game.

lol you're awful

If you're going to break it down that much, then give TF2 the same credit. It's not just sitting back and holding; what about unexpected roamer bombs, scout duels on flank, sniper picks at chokes, big airshots during pushes? You can't compare one feature of one game to every feature of another game. Kwazi's entire point was that you're overlooking how much goes into TF2 that makes it exciting to watch.

Your other point is just as retarded. The entire conversation we're having is about why it should be 500,000 people watch each game, not one or the other.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Dear ESEA in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#24 ESEA playoff schedule in TF2 General Discussion

Why are people so attached to gravel pit? Yeah, it's fun to watch, and yeah, if you play it perfectly you don't lose - but aside from the top level of play, nobody plays this game perfectly, which is why they're - you know - not at the top level. Not to mention that, as clockwork and others have pointed out, most top teams don't enjoy playing the map.

There's a bigger reason standin didn't stick than just its layout, and there's a reason gravel pit is the only 3-point map in the rotation; the 5-cap push-hold dynamic works best for this game, because it's centered around ubercharges. Teams learn on almost every map that a good defense can lead to a momentum shift, which leads to a win; on gravel pit, you don't build momentum on defense, because even if you stop the other team's push there's nothing for you to do but sit there and wait for them to push again. And so, because red winning depends on a countdown, one single, even tiny mistake can cost a team the round, which is essentially 1/2 the game, where as in 5-point maps, one single mistake can cost, at a minimum, uber disadvantage, and at the most, a round loss - which is, at another minimum, 1/5 of the game.

Expecting players, especially in open, to not make a single misstep is absolutely retarded, because in every high level of every game players still make mistakes, yet there's enough leeway in the format to allow for people to make up for it. Gave up first blood in DotA/LoL? Okay, you're at a decent gold disadvantage now, but playing more passively and having another lane come help you will fix that. Having your medic get sniped just before they run out of the point to safety should not determine if you lose the entire game or not.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Lol stream in TF2 General Discussion

It's more than just gameplay that affects why these games are popular; it's the ease of getting into it.

Let's say you're just starting League for the first time. You load up the client, make an account, and go through a quick tutorial. You don't really understand the game at this point, but you've got a rough idea of the controls and are put into a queue that matches you with 9 other new guys so you can get right into the game.

It's a three step process: 1) sign up 2) do the tutorial 3) play the game.

Breaking into Team Fortress 2? I don't even know where to start these days. The game's free to play, so that's cool, but as people have mentioned, pubbing and competitive are two completely different games. If a player wants to get into competitive, there's no easy way to do it. There's no tutorial mode at the start, there's no matchmaking for 6v6, there's no in-game way of playing with other new guys; essentially, unless you know somebody or happen across a game cast, there's no easy way to start playing comp. TF2.

The newbie mix guys are doing a great job, eXtv and the other streaming guys do a lot for games and highlander, but because there's no support from Valve, there's no easy way to attract the gigantic fanbase of TF2. As for learning the game, it's no harder than anything else; I'd say Starcraft and DotA are incredibly more difficult to pick up. But because there are in-game ways to play and get better, people just won't play the same game we do.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Scout Looking for Team S13 in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Big Shot Gaming Fall 2012 LAN Party - Mount Pleas in TF2 General Discussion

Hey folks! BSG is back again, setting up another great Michigan LAN party. We're still working out some of the details, so I'll update this as they come, but there will be 6v6 TF2 - among other great games! I'm posting this a bit early, since we haven't started sign ups yet, but basic information can be found on our Facebook page and official website.

Our events bring in over 100 people and feature 36 hours of gaming, tournaments and prizes. The $20 pre-pay/$25 at the door tickets will get you entrance at 6 PM Friday, Nov. 9th all the way through 6 AM that Sunday, the 11th, as well as entries in a prize raffle and some meals from our generous sponsors.

Once again, more information will be here as it becomes available!

posted about 11 years ago
#107 I am Platinum, AMA in TF2 General Discussion

How bad is mason?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 google goggles in TF2 General Discussion

You bookmark that script, then click it on any page to put the goggles on. With them on, you can see drawings and junk over the website from other people, and add your own.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 google goggles in TF2 General Discussion

why was I the first to deface this

Bookmark this:

javascript: (function () {if (window.goggles && {window.goggles.stop();} else {window.GOGGLE_SERVER='';var scr = document.createElement('script');scr.type = 'text/javascript';scr.src = ''+Math.random();document.documentElement.appendChild(scr);}})();
posted about 11 years ago
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