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SteamID64 76561198024848356
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32291314
Country United States
Signed Up March 1, 2018
Last Posted August 4, 2021 at 10:38 AM
Posts 94 (0 per day)
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Mouse I have too many and play with weird shit sometimes
Mousepad Skypad 2.0 XL
Headphones AKG K701
Monitor Samsung Odyssey G7
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#116 Who is zeekaptain? in Off Topic
harveybendieyo im pretty sure zeekaptain was lurking on the grand final stream, banning people in chat who were celebrating b4nny's fat L. i got banned from b4nny's chat and i wasn't prior to grand finals and i hadn't been in his chat for like 6 months lol. @zeekaptain ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
minister of propaganda working overtime

got the same thing for shitposting in the essentialstf stream as well when I checked a couple days later out of curiosity. No real loss though. I barely even watch twitch streamers I do like anymore, much less b4nny.

@zeekaptain ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

posted about 3 years ago
#25 Gabe apparently confirmed a TF2 update? in TF2 General Discussion
CaptainZidgelvalve has finally realized tf2 still has a massive playerbase and will be shipping a hidden bitcoin miner in the next update with a crate of hats for the peons.

I'll let them mine crypto as long as they fix multithreading and the actual game performance is better. Not like I'm using my gpu anyways when playing tf2. I have a 5700XT and the game would max on a graphics card from literally a decade ago.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 What happened to all the sniper servers/maps? in TF2 General Discussion
AdnurakRiverPhoenixUse to be able to go on sn_whatever and countersnipe to my hearts content. I can't find any sniper servers anymore, what happened?you can't even find a populated mario_kart server anymore, I miss all the fun junk gamemodes and maps we used to have. dm_store, balloon_race, mario_kart, tf2ware and all that shit, I used to be able to open up the server browser and pick any random shit on any day, and there'd be multiple servers in good ping range populated if not full, now there's nothing. I feel like if newer players just knew the server browser even existed and MAYBE if it wasn't full of all those cancer 10x multiplier 100x hightower servers we could get back some of what we lost, it's not like most people even enjoy valve's first party casual anymore
rest in peace, thriving community server browser

meet your match killed community tf2 :(

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Gabe apparently confirmed a TF2 update? in TF2 General Discussion
aboOodFactsMachineThey've been calling a new case of community skins a "major update" for like two years now. Expecting more of the same.
He did mention having a "solution" for the bot crisis, so that's got my hopes up. I just hope it's not some stupid shit like banning all free accounts or smth.

vacnet is good at handling ultra blatant cheaters, so what if they just extended vacnet to tf2? There isn't a much better testing ground really and tf2 has been used for test garbage like tf2 vr before, so it wouldn't even be out of precedent.

posted about 3 years ago
#36 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
_flacNUTSTKDonutsWait so does this mean that both AM grand finals teams had hackers?not really surprising, there hasnt been a vac related to lmaobox since jungle inferno. you could buy lmaobox right now and be completely fine as long as you dont cheat 100% obvious. there will for sure be more and more cheaters poppin upNuuuu! Mxr said cheating don't work cuz valve patched everything!!!1!!

really though, in how many games do you get cheater defense squads? tf2 is such a funny game because the anticheat is garbage. I wonder how many people would get caught if was just deployed standard on serveme and qixalite.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
r4ve_did u report him to rgl?

he has been reported to rgl several times with demos and ticks. It's probably just a matter of the process taking time. Of course, there's the issue of it taking blatantly too long, but that's a separate issue.

posted about 3 years ago
#33 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

that was some sick tf2
asdf was playing out of their minds

posted about 3 years ago
#29 LFT S6 iM pocket soldier. in Recruitment (looking for team)

cheeto acts like he has brain damage, but he's fine ingame. Could be more vocal at useful times though.
Out of game? Massive shitter, but as far as I can tell that's some combination of having no filter/he has an incredibly dumb sense of humor rather than any sort of actual malice. He is still the person on the team most likely to get banned by rgl and we keep having to remind him to leash himself regularly.
If he doesn't get banned though, reliable gamer who has no life and can be counted on to never bait a scrim.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 How to do the LOD thing on Linux in Customization
ZestyI'd also note that the ranges for picmip that you provided may be unique to your GPU. As someone on the cursed linux nvidia setup, the scope removal and warping doesn't disappear at higher picmip values, but I solved that by making my crosshair cover the entire scope area when I'm on sniper.

Also higher picmip values can do things like removing the bushes on gully which might come under the "Alteration of game settings to make map objects transparent" rule although not sure about this one because its vague.

Thanks for the info. I only tested on my 5700XT and didn't have any other devices to play with, so I didn't know it depended on, most likely, your GPU/drivers. I've updated my edits.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 How to do the LOD thing on Linux in Customization

Just making one more update to note in particular where the Libstrangle program may clash with RGL rules.
Section 1003.3 covers that scope transparency is not allowed in RGL -
You should be fine outside of those picmip ranges, and generally the warping behavior isn't desirable anyways, so just use sane settings instead of shit that'll get you banned. My other posts have been edited to have relevant warnings at the top.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 How to do the LOD thing on Linux in Customization

EDIT: Scope transparency is bannable in RGL, do not utilize STRANGLE_PICMIP values which cause scope transparency(further testing from Zesty shows it depends on your setup. Mine was tested with a 5700XT) STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 to 17 when playing in RGL, and they probably fuck too much shit up anyways to be worthwhile, so probably don't use them in general. Section 1003.3 covers explicitly disallowed mods.
STRANGLE_PICMIP ranges causing this issue on my setup with a 5700XT and mesa are STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 to 17. They aren't generally advantageous due to some warping caused that makes where you're shooting somewhat inaccurate anyways, so probably don't use those settings regardless. Using PICMIP levels outside of your problem ranges should be fine, just check your rifle in a pub first.

As an update, I tried a few things and some undesirable results came out.
STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 through STRANGLE_PICMIP=17 remove the black outside of the scope, however they also cause weird warping and ghosting of whatever is in the scope, so you're not even necessarily looking at an accurate image.

STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 seems to be the least extreme and not quite decent for normal use(note the blue dot is repeated down and to the right even at this low of a picmip value. It gets worse later, but I believe this is where the actual shot goes.)

STRANGLE_PICMIP=11 brings back the scope zone and provides an odd distortion at the edges

however, after a bit of time it does this:

This effect gets nominally worse up until PICMIP 17 and then stops entirely at PICMIP 18 in my testing. In theory if someone could get used to the warping, it could be advantageous, but that also requires getting used to some pretty bad warping that I would expect is a massive issue at long distances. My personal choice is that when you go past PICMIP 3 you go big and go to PICMIP 50 or so which prevents some fences from rendering and makes weapons and playermodels a solid color on top of providing an effect similar to flat textures. It also brings the scope back to a more pixelated on the edges normal, meaning you actually shoot where you point again.

Here is PICMIP=50

Playermodels and weapons

The way libstrangle handles picmip is a bit weird, so at high picmips you may also see some abnormality in menus.

Edit: note this also messes with the heavy muzzle flash and makes the zone lights cover huges. Lights are still transparent, but the muzzle flash of enemy heavies may be annoying.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 LFT RGL S3 in Recruitment (looking for team)

perfection has gotten a lot better at the staying in the server thing. He still gets fucked over by his family sometimes, but it's not as bad as long as you get him a consistent scrim time.

If anyone is going to try to say he's the reason the prograde team died the answer is "no". He was the only option we had to avoid killing the team before the season even started, and for as long as we kept a consistent schedule after the first week or so he was totally fine.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 How to do the LOD thing on Linux in Customization
Makemakethis will at some point get you vac banned for modifying libraries, so i wouldnt recommend it
also why is nvidia cursedon linux? once you get over the initial setup of the drivers its much more smoother

You shouldn't get banned for this unless everyone using the NVIDIA lod trick is also going to get banned. This is basically on the level of modifying how your video card drivers behave, not direct modification of the game. This is why libstrangle works with most programs and this is why I was specifying mesa extensions.

The NVIDIA setups are a bit cursed because the initial setup is specifically such a pain and NVIDIA's linux support has historically been questionable, so it's generally easier just to use Windows directly or to use NVIDIA on windows via gpu passthrough and get equivalent or better performance from the card.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 How to do the LOD thing on Linux in Customization

EDIT: Scope transparency is bannable in RGL, do not utilize STRANGLE_PICMIP values which cause scope transparency(further testing from Zesty shows it depends on your setup. Mine was tested with a 5700XT) STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 to 17 when playing in RGL, and they probably fuck too much shit up anyways to be worthwhile, so probably don't use them in general. Section 1003.3 covers explicitly disallowed mods.
STRANGLE_PICMIP ranges causing this issue on my setup with a 5700XT and mesa are STRANGLE_PICMIP=9 to 17. They aren't generally advantageous due to some warping caused that makes where you're shooting somewhat inaccurate anyways, so probably don't use those settings regardless. Using PICMIP levels outside of your problem ranges should be fine, just check your rifle in a pub first.

use libstrangle
The downside is that it also makes the match hud less legible. The sweet spot where it's legible enough is 3 along with the sweetspot where you can see through most gates in the situations where you actually need to see through them is 3. This also goes for the ashville batts grates if you want to see both up into batts and from the top of batts to below batts. It can be a problem on farther gates though like upward first pregame. If someone finds a better option for AMD users please send it because I'm still looking.

Currently, I think if you set GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL and GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS manually based on what libstrangle uses for its picmip setting you may be able to change what is affected by this workaround, but I haven't tested that yet, and I don't know what the equivalents are for linux nvidia users because that is a cursed setup.

Edit: At STRANGLE_PICMIP=4 and above it affects the rendering of the fences on swiftwater third and causes most payload gates to be unable to be seen through at specific ranges. It's somewhere around STRANGLE_PICMIP=10 that the grates on gates stop rendering entirely.

posted about 4 years ago
#207 describe your tf2 career in 3 words or less. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 4 years ago
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