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Last Posted October 11, 2019 at 5:28 AM
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#12 LFP Mid-High Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

off topic but

ReflectoTF(NOTE: I have 3000+ hours on tf2, not 800)

why does this matter?

posted about 8 years ago
#45 Forced OpenGL for more frames? in TF2 General Discussion
eeeJill's pretty easy to contact. Send them a PM on reddit and it'll get read, and Jill and McVee seem to read reddit pretty regularly.

Is there any reason we're seeing FPS gains on some systems tho?

do multiple benchmarks and you'll see that you gain zero frames. 1-5 fps isn't a huge difference and can happen without any changes.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 Forced OpenGL for more frames? in TF2 General Discussion
wareyayeah but the command could theoretically do unrelated things first if it's hooked up to anything at all despite that fact so that's what you should look for if people are claiming results

no it couldn't

posted about 8 years ago
#657 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
noblenderyou can get vac banned on an account even though no cheat was ever injected. so many morons in this community.

which is why i said:

why would he leave the client open if he was a legit player

the lmaobox client/loader is vac detected.

posted about 8 years ago
#653 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
noblenderfade, you dont know how retarded you sound right now. using a cheat, in a private server, to learn what it does to ban hackers doesn't mean mauii used it every single time tf2 was launched on any account. It could have also been that I had it loaded in my icon tray anytime in the past few months when I was playing on MauiiHan.

why would he leave the client open if he was a legit player

posted about 8 years ago
#646 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
mauiihanwell personally, i like the fact that when miggy and i were talking via steam chat about tipsy teejay - he mentioned to me that the best way to understand how cheats work is to test lmaobox on an alt - and i told him yeah i do that - and he said oh cool then you know what im talking about (im paraphrasing of course idr the exact phrasing) and yet I get heat for doing the same thing he did

hey it's probably because you wrote a pastebin full of shit

posted about 8 years ago
#642 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
noblenderso many close-minded, unintelligent retards in this community.

is that a description of yourself? valve started banning for matching phone numbers recently

oh yeah in that case


posted about 8 years ago
#639 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
fade-strazyyyfade-^ i've already mentioned aim analyzing / aimbone det bc there is currently no aimbot humanization for tf2 since everyone pastes darkstorm lol

isn't autohotkey just used for those recoil reduction binds / scripts where you click m1 and ahk just pulls ur cursor down for you and it's not vac det because there's no injection

yes it is and people sell them as actual cheats for ESEA & run away with their money after the 2 week undetected period ends

edit: forgot to mention but if you compile the .ahk file to .exe it can get VAC detected.

how can ahk get esea det? does esea just ban on presence of ahk being open?

second one sounds ez just don't compile tbh

the esea client has access to the ahk and can check the contents

iirc it gets inspected by an admin or automated comparision and gets detected after a period of time which is usually 2 weeks just like any new cheat* on client

edit: new copy-pasted cheat with zero protection through the cheat itself or a cheat driver (aka how aimware was ESEA undetected for longer than VAC)

posted about 8 years ago
#637 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
fade-^ i've already mentioned aim analyzing / aimbone det bc there is currently no aimbot humanization for tf2 since everyone pastes darkstorm lol

isn't autohotkey just used for those recoil reduction binds / scripts where you click m1 and ahk just pulls ur cursor down for you and it's not vac det because there's no injection


yes it is and people sell them as actual cheats for ESEA & run away with their money after the 2 week undetected period ends

edit: forgot to mention but if you compile the .ahk file to .exe it can get VAC detected.

posted about 8 years ago
#635 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
fade-yea you can cheat on jump maps with autostrafe which makes you not need to press a/d to airstrafe and it helps ur air accel
strazyyyfade-i want to see vuno try make a cheat and have it cracked and him try to cover up for that juicy dramawho?

OH lol that guy.

he has 10+ aliases and is a known scammer, the only good thing he's ever done is trash talk some kid who said his autohotkey cheat was esea proof

DoctorMiggyInstead of continuing to propagate hacks and then bad mouth people who get caught, why not actually attempt to do something to help detect them.

to be fair there's not much that people can do other than getting the cheat loader and sending it to valve if it's internal, they detect most cheats via the loader.

DoctorMiggyif more of you guys were like that we could actually come up with something that, although it would eliminate cheating, it would greatly deter cheating in comp.

there's only so much you can do with a serverside anticheat, although i'd recommend looking at faceit. their aimbot detection catches inhuman viewangle changes (moving your mouse in a straight line towards a player), destroys one method of triggerbotting through index changing (this wouldn't make a difference in TF2, most triggerbots are raytrace + pasted from darkstorm) and other anti-cheat features.

posted about 8 years ago
#632 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
fade-i want to see vuno try make a cheat and have it cracked and him try to cover up for that juicy drama


posted about 8 years ago
#629 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
fade-or make ur own cheat in the future

that doesn't help when all you do is copy paste and use public injectors hey isnt the injector/loader why lmaobox is vac detected now?

fade-but seriously can we all reflect on how good this is for the cheat industry? instead of everyone using the same cheat we can have some competition between developers who have actually started to give a shit about cheats and have them be monthly subs like, hexui, aimware, x22, etc

i actually want to see kolo release his cheat considering that he panders to the "i'm good no cheat all legit" people, would be fun to watch.

also aimware is worse than lmaobox :)

posted about 8 years ago
#576 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
codytheguycodyguyya sure ill give him a ring ding bud
bullet: none of those work
bullet: get over it
bullet: Like I said before, any cheat on esea client will only remain undetected for a certain timeframe
bullet: regardless of the game

ok then please tell me how a pasted cheat which isn't sold anymore + is lifetime is esea undetected for more than a year unless you turn off visuals? i mean yeah you're not gonna cheat for 3 years straight but you're not going to do that with vac either

posted about 8 years ago
#574 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
DoctorMiggyAnd as stated in multiple posts everywhere, yes, I did sent Valve a github repo and told them of other places to look. My submission of the f1 git was one of three things I pointed out to them. One of three.

I don't think sending the F1 git was necessary since VAC started detecting it a few weeks ago due to the userbase.

I agree with the rest of your post though.
proximo you're just as delusional as Fodder and noblender you're stupid if you think that proper autodetonation is impossible to paste. Guess what, it's possible and not difficult at all. Plus you don't even have to ESEA proof it since client on TF2 is a joke for everything that doesn't involve visuals.

bullet: tell these idiots that it would be absurd to cheat on client considering how much money is put into it
bullet: even the underground cheats only buy you a few weeks, that you pay $400-600 per month for
bullet: esea doesn't want any cheaters, thats how they roll, no matter how "smart" a cheater is

hey do you mind telling bullet that he is clueless? you can buy a p2c with weak esea security which has been undetected for months on CS:GO, a game that they care about.

posted about 8 years ago
#560 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
noblenderi've been saying it all day in multiple reddit threads, he probably sent valve f1publics code, which is public. tommi was ratted and miggy is taking credit just like maxbox was trying to do.

Hey I posted this on another forum yesterday under an alias too, the only tf2 cheat on github which was recently updated is f1public

posted about 8 years ago
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