Account Details
SteamID64 76561198013871896
SteamID3 [U:1:53606168]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26803084
Country Barbados
Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted January 5, 2022 at 1:54 PM
Posts 637 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse EC1 Evo CL
Keyboard QFR custom
Mousepad QCK+ heavy
Headphones AKG k7XX
Monitor that asus one everyone uses
1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
#61 Is algerbra a waste of time in school in Off Topic

Understand this. As far as we can be certain, humans are capable of nothing that isn't a waste of time. It's your life, you're the one who gets to choose how to waste it.

That said, if your aspirations within your life include a career requiring a college education, don't skimp on the math classes.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Planning on a Bball league in TF2 General Discussion

For right now, given the massive failure of the last attempt - I think limiting ambitions to a tourney would be best. Once you run a solid tourney, a think people will be more willing to place faith or interest in a league.

If you do run a tournament, I will cast it for you, along side some great personalities.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 fraac in Off Topic
PeignYes seriously. All I see is little girls behaving as they were in Primary School and they need someone to hate. And that even publicly. You should be ashamed of yourselves and your weak behaviour!

Agreed. Back when he was AKA "Fraacaroni and Cheese" he was a really nice guy - that was his alias from Facebook Bowling 2009 edition.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Word up doogs. New Topre board. in Hardware

ROFL. That groupbuy just turned into a keyboard drama thread. Might want to wait 'til the hype dies down around this board... apparently the very anticipation of it slashes at the foundation of some peoples' humanity.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 fraac in Off Topic
fraacYou guys. Shh now, bedtime.

Hello everyone. Sildeezy here with a fraac update.

I attempted to contact one of TF2's finest medics/roaming soldiers/hair washers... Harbleu. He was busy doing a photo shoot for a Spaghettios commercial.

Instead I contacted PUFF. The chat transaction went as follows:

9:35 PM - sildeezy: hey doogs
9:37 PM - PUFF: sup

It is apparent that "fraac" - AKA agressivePlastic24 (his old CS alias), AKA big money FraacRadish (his newer CS alias) isn't actually a euro at all. He lives in Alaska.

I WENT UNDERCOVER and added Big Money FraachRadish shortly after hearing what I needed to hear from PUFF. Here's the chat log:

9:42 PM - sildeezy undercover: heyyyyyyyyyy doog.
9:42 PM - fracc: who is this
9:43 PM - sildeezy undercover: are you alaskan?
9:43 PM - fracc: no wtf
9:43 PM - sildeezy undercover: I am going to count to 3.
9:44 PM - sildeezy undercover: If you are not honest with me by the time I am done counting, I will squeeze the juice out of you.
9:44 PM - sildeezy undercover: 1
9:44 PM - sildeezy undercover: 2
9:44 PM - fracc is now Offline.

It's obvious he's trying to hide something.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Word up doogs. New Topre board. in Hardware
OOVOOVgirl has a freaky forehead ya dig

Real nigga talk, real nigga tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.

Cro0Ked_what mx switch would be closest to topre?

Most people say browns.

Rickisn't having f keys, numbers, and symbols on the same key a pain in the ass?

I don't have any dedicated Fkeys on my kbt pure. It's really not so bad. I mean, most people use Fkeys in tf2 for... changing loadouts? readying before a map starts? It's pretty easy to just hit the FN key for those types of situations.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 blank keycaps? in Hardware

Uh, you probably want PBT keycaps, not ABS ones. Try here.

edit: I'm guessing you want white ones?

Edit again, they're out of stock. My bad. Search around on google for blank PBT keycaps. has people that can point you in the right direction if that fails.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 NEW BBALL IDEA :D in TF2 General Discussion

How many more threads should we expect?



posted about 11 years ago
#1 Word up doogs. New Topre board. in Hardware

Good morning, afternoon, evening, or otherwise. My name is Sildeezy (not in real life), check this out doogs.

Leopold is making a 66%(ish) keyboard with Topre switches (it comes in MX too). This is good news for those of you who want a topre board, but like smaller keyboards, and don't like the HHKB's layout (I LIKE ARROW KEYYYYYYYYYYS). Oh, it's also cheaper than the other Topre boards (~175 dollars before import).

Here is a review/HHKB comparison:

Here's some pics:

Check that hoe. Group buy on closes tonight @10PM est. Elite Keyboards confirmed to be stocking it, but no ETA.

posted about 11 years ago
#30 NEW BBALL IDEA :D in TF2 General Discussion

So um, what time is this thing?

posted about 11 years ago
#42 What switch do you prefer? in Hardware

People should probably post which switches they actually have used too.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 UGC Niagara in Off Topic

ROFL. Super shooterz 6 4 lif3

posted about 11 years ago
#10 UGC Niagara in Off Topic

yo, hype the fake game "super shooters 6" with me while all these fags are arguing about cod and halo

posted about 11 years ago
#19 NEW BBALL IDEA :D in TF2 General Discussion
ToastyTHTmp_tournament 1
tf_allow_player_use 0
tf_arena_first_blood 0
tf_clamp_airducks 1
tf_damage_disablespread 1
tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons 1
tf_weapon_criticals 0
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1
tf_teamtalk 1
mp_disable_respawn_times 1
mp_respawnwavetime 0
mp_timelimit x (time in minutes before mapchange)
mp_winlimit x (max rounds a team can win before mapchange)
mp_maxrounds x (max total rounds played before mapchange)
tf_flag_caps_per_round x (number of caps per round in ctf)
sm_cvar spec_freeze_time 0

Respawns should be at least 2 seconds, or however it is on the bball it server. Also, what is clamp_airducks?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 NEW BBALL IDEA :D in TF2 General Discussion
TechnobladehooliTo clear up some confusion, I was under the impression that all unlocks are banned by default.
we should make another thread discussing unlocks

and another discussing rules

Slow the fuck down. We need to make a thread first to discuss how and when we are making those threads.

As for unlocks, I'd recommend default + original. Maybe escape plan.

posted about 11 years ago
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