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Signed Up March 21, 2018
Last Posted October 8, 2019 at 8:33 PM
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#5 no target ui? in Q/A Help

//Target ID to center of screen cause sometimes fps configs move them off the screen
tf_hud_target_id_offset 0
//Show floating health bar
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 0

paste that into your config

EDIT: Paste it at the bottom so it overrides the commands that are removing your targetid box. Or you could do the cleaner thing and find the commands in your config and change them to 0.

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

Alright, it's fixed!

New command stuff too. Check out for more information.

Also a new nifty docs page for anyone interested in the API: .

posted about 5 years ago
#30 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

I am aware of a bug in Payload's log combiner that majorly fucks shit up.

Will fix tomorrow I promise.

posted about 5 years ago
#29 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

And yes I am getting around to ETF2L support.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

The long-awaited fixes :D

- Log previews now show the log title by default.

- links can now have 1 of 3 options attached to them:
> med
> small
> killspread
These options are called by adding a double dash followed by the option name after the link. For example: --killspread

- Fixed log previews not being rendered correctly in some cases.

- Fixed "pls snipe" silently failing every once in a while.

- Added some super secret dev commands and hidden features (none of which can cause any harm if found).

- Internal change but I'll add it here anyway: switched from using PhantomJS (which was terribly outdated) to the much better and faster Chromium as the page renderer for previews.

posted about 5 years ago
#26 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

Added steam message formatting because the way steam messages paste into discord looks really shitty.

This function is automatic, and you can disable it as an admin with

**source steamchat 0


posted about 5 years ago
#25 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects
ShooshAmazing, thanks!:D
Edit: is it possible for the preview of logs to have the map in there somewhere?

I have gotten this question a lot so I think I just might make this the default. But typing --title after the link shows the map and log name in the preview.

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

Payload now has the ability to generate custom payload connect links! You will no longer have this problem:

The custom URL might look wonky, but clicking it should take you to your server.


posted about 5 years ago
#22 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

Bot doesnt know how to deal with some characters, or might be discord idk

Discord automatically tries to convert special characters like those into url-safe versions of them when using them in urls. So yea, sadly it's a discord thing so there's not much I can do about it.

I am trying out workarounds to that problem right now though, so just sit tight for a week or so :)

EDIT: Here's a table for those interested

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

The long-awaited command usage restriction is here. You can now restrict the bot from answering commands with "pls restrict". The bot will still generate previews and such in restricted channels.

pls restrict #some-channel #maybe-another-channel
- restricts the bot from #some-channel and #maybe-another-channel
pls restrict #maybe-another-channel
- unrestricts the bot from #maybe-another-channel (aka, toggable)


(you must have the "manage channels" permission to use the command)

posted about 5 years ago
#30 Remove sentries in TF2 General Discussion

Everyone seems to hate engi but the real enemy is medic.
Honestly fuck ubers they're the reason last stalemates are so boring and they take literally 0 skill so it's boring as fuck to use too.
There are some cool mechanics on medic though so I wonder if it'd be feasible to only allow the vaccinator in leagues. I'd genuinely be interested in feedback from league admins on this.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects


Added the "pls link" and "pls logs" command as per request.
- pls link <steam id>: Links a steam id to your discord account GLOBALLY. Meaning your accounts are linked on any server that has Payload.
- pls logs [@mention]: Fetches your last log or a user's last log if mentioned. Can only be used if the player who's being looked up has their account linked.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

The entire bot has been rewritten to make the code easier to read and to make it faster. I have for extensive testing on a beta not before releasing this update to the actual bot. However, I really doubt I caught everything. If you see ANY bugs please report them here.

Thanks for 4000 users!

posted about 5 years ago
#16 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects


I've added individual server configuration for all preview utilities! What does that mean? Well...

Don't want Payload to clutter your chat with, say, TFTV thread previews? Don't worry! Simply use the "**tftv thread 0" command to disable TFTV thread previews on your server.

You can now configure Payload to only preview links and stuff you want to preview. So basically anything that doesn't use a prefix that causes Payload to respond can now be disabled on your server. Try it out with **help.

You must be a server admin to use ** commands.

Also "pls help" has been changed to "pls info".

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Team Fortress 2 in The Dumpster

Very epic meme bro!

posted about 5 years ago
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