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Signed Up May 16, 2015
Last Posted May 31, 2022 at 8:19 AM
Posts 924 (0.3 per day)
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#42 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster
rocketslaythose weren't inherent to communism though (at least i don't think so)

read "red racisms" , the Roma-policy in eastern Europe, the treatment of blacks in Cuba and the attitude of Che Guevara in his invasion of Angola "The negro, is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent." racism isn't an inherent part of the political theory, in marx's works (but it sure does in Trotsky and Maos thoughts and actions) but in practice, racism will always find its way in any existing conflict, because it helps with identifying the "foe" and at the same time dehumanizes them in some way, so you wouldn't treat them as peers. there is no difference between the SS and the NKVD and many died in the atrocities they committed and blamed each other.

posted about 7 years ago
#37 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster
rocketslayi mean if ur embracing nazism that probably means ur embracing the racism and racial superiority stuff
most "communists" even if they're misguided probably aren't trying to put down entire races

you mean the forced relocations, death marches and pogroms of Kossacks, Turkmen, Jews, Tatars, and various other ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union didn't had any racial element to them? What about sending the lowerclass of your own country into the baltic states and the other satellite states surrounding russia to create ethnic conflict and keep the locals down, that had no racist element in them?

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster
MarxistThis child is the future.

reminder that this guy killed more people than Hitler, only to be beaten by Mao. Its weird and disgusting communism isn't viewed with the same disgust nazism has; since they are two heads of the same authoritarian hydra.

But, as though stricken dumb on the islands of the Archipelago, they kept their silence.

By an unexpected turn of our history, a bit of the truth, an insignificant part of the whole, was
allowed out in the open. But those same hands which once screwed tight our handcuffs now hold out
their palms in reconciliation: "No, don't! Don't dig up the past! Dwell on the past and you'll lose an

But the proverb goes on to say: "Forget the past and you'll lose both eyes."

h0b5t3rcommunism shares more with fascism than capitalism

He's right, you know.

posted about 7 years ago
#70 Fun Facts!! in Off Topic

fun fact: this thread had 69 posts until I ruined it.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 What political party is batman most aligned with in Off Topic
Nakadaim just funposting and sac is writing essays nice

jokes on u, i copy pasted it from quora, put literally less time into that than u coming up with an idea for ur noob thread

posted about 7 years ago
#5 What political party is batman most aligned with in Off Topic
NakadaTo me he's kind of like a fascist because he tries to do everything himself, idk if that makes him left or right though

When it comes to his money, Wayne seems to be a benevolent oligarch who strongly supports social services for the poor and disadvantaged, but has no desire to overturn the political system or address systemic failings (apart from corruption and abuse of power, which he deals with on a case-by-case basis). As far as I can tell, he supports the continued existence of his multibillion-dollar mega-company, but also feels a duty to help people with his wealth.

So Wayne's treatment of his money is pretty clear-- he's a wealthy oligarch with a streak of liberalism. But Batman's political philosophy is a muddled one.

As a vigilante, he regularly circumvents certain aspects of due process. In The Dark Knight, there's a great scene where Dent and Wayne, at an awkward dinner together, discuss Batman's role as a vigilante. Dent compares Batman to the temporary dictators the Romans would appoint during times of military crisis. Dent, therefore, seems to believe that there are times when democracy should be suspended and power handed to a 'good' and somehow 'incorruptible' leader. Wayne, playing devil's advocate, then points out that you can't really trust anyone with that kind of power-- the democratic process should rule, and the government should always be strong enough to have the final say. Later in the film, Bruce-- talking to Rachel in one of the rare moments where he's 'playing' both Batman and Wayne-- says that he thinks Batman's time is over, and that society needs a hero who works from within the system: Dent.

So, let's get this straight: in his Batman persona, Bruce plays a law-breaking vigilante who feels comfortable 'suspending' the legal processes of democracy to do what's 'right.' As Wayne, however, he is completely aware of the problems this poses. When he's playing both his personalities at once-- with Alfred, or with Rachel-- he seems to acknowledge this paradox, and states several times that he's trying to help the system learn to fix itself-- to surrender the power he's assumed.

Ultimately, does Wayne/Batman trust government to do what's right, or does he think that individuals should be able to take more of the law into their own hands? He seems to acknowledge that both solutions have their uses, and ultimately hopes to create a world where the government can be trusted to fix its own failings. Though they don't fit easily into 'democrat' or 'republican' or 'liberal' or 'conservative,' these competing philosophies do touch upon modern political debates about the role government should have in people's lives.

I'd put him down, therefore, as a true pragmatic independent. This is probably why he's been such a popular character-- different aspects of his personality reflect different political philosophies at different times, and he manages to synthesize them into a single plan of action.

posted about 7 years ago
#32 deadyotech? in TF2 General Discussion

11:24 PM - FROYO წიგნი შობისა იესუ ქრისტესი, ძისა დავითისი, ძისა აბრაჰამისი.2აბრაჰამ შვა ისაკ; ისაკ შვა იაკობ; იაკობ შვა იუდა და ძმანი მისნი;3ხოლო იუდა შვა ფარეზ და ზარა თამარისგან; და ფარეზ შვა ესრომ; ესრომ შვა არამ;4არამ შვა ამინადაბ; ამინადაბ შვა ნაასონ; ნაასონ შვა სალმონ;5სალმონ შვა ბოოს რექაბისგან; ბოოს შვა იობედ რუთისგან; იობედ შვა იესე;6იესე შვა დავით მეფე; დავით მეფემან შვა სოლომონ ურიაჲს ცოლისაგან;7სოლომონ შვა რობოამ; რობოამ შვა აბია; აბია შვა ასა;8ასა შვა იოსაფატ; იოსაფატ შვა იორამ; იორამ შვა ოზია; ოზია შვა იოათამ;9იოათამ შვა აქაზ; აქაზ შვა ეზეკია;10ეზეკია შვა მანასე; მანასე შვა ამონ; ამონ შვა იოსია;11იოსია შვა იექონია და ძმანი მისნი ტყუეობასა მას ბაბილოვნელთასა.12შემდგომად ტყუეობისა მის ბაბილოვნისა იექონია შვა სალათიელ; სალათიელ შვა ზორობაბელ; ზორობაბელ შვა აბიუდ;13აბიუდ შვა ელიაკიმ; ალიაკიმ შვა აზორ;14აზორ შვა სადუკ; სადუკ შვა აქიმ; აქიმ შვა ალიუდ;15ელიუდ შვა ელეაზარ; ელეაზარ შვა მატთან; მატთან შვა იაკობ;16იაკობ შვა იოსებ, ქმარი მარიამისი, რომლისაგან იშვა იესუ, რომელსა ჰრქჳან ქრისტე.17ყოველი ნათესავი აბრაჰამისითგან ვიდრე დავითისამდე ნათესავი ათოთხმეტ; და დავითისითგან ვიდრე ტყუენვადმდე ბაბილოვნისა ნათესავი ათოთხმეტ; და ტყუენვითგან ბაბილოვნისაჲთ ვიდრე ქრისტესამდე ნათესავი ათოთხმეტ.18ხოლო იესუ ქრისტეს შობაჲ ესრეთ იყო, რამეთუ: თხოვილ იყო დედაჲ მისი მარიამ იოსებისა და ვიდრე შერთვადმდე მათა იპოვა იგი მიდგომილ სულისაგან წმიდისა.19ხოლო იოსებ, ქმარი ამისი, მართალი იყო და არა უნდა განმხილებაჲ მისი, იზრახა ფარულად განტევებაჲ მისი.20და ვითარ იგი ამას განიზრახვიდა ოდენ, აჰა ანგელოზი უფლისაჲ ჩუენებით გამოუჩნდა მას და ჰრქუა: იოსებ, ძეო დავითისო, ნუ გეშინინ მიყვანებად მარიამისა, ცოლისა შენისა, რამეთუ რომელი-იგი მისგან იშვეს, სულისაგან წმიდისა არს.21შვეს ძე, და უწოდიან სახელი მისი იესუ, რამეთუ მან იჴსნეს ერი თჳსი ცოდვათა მათთაგან.22ესე ყოველი იქმნა, რაჲთა აღესრულოს სიტყუაჲ იგი უფლისაჲ პირითა წინასწარმეტყუელისაჲთა თქუმული:23აჰა ქალწული მოუდგეს და შვეს ძე, და უწოდიან სახელი მისი ემმანუელ, რომელ არს თარგმანებით: ჩუენ თანა ღმერთი.24განიღჳძა იოსებ ძილისა მისგან და ყო ეგრე, ვითარცა უბრძანა მას ანგელოზმან უფლისამან, და წარიყვანა ცოლი თჳსი.25და არა იცოდა იგი, ვიდრემდე შვა ძე იგი მისი პირმშოჲ და უწოდა სახელი მისი იესუ.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Subway choice thread in Off Topic
Alfiesacdo you guys even have sandwiches that don't come out of a "subway" lol, that shits is expensive and gross compared to a real fresh baguette with meat salad and veggies from a local sandwich bakery. :Da lot of people like subway because its convenient and familiar

Maybe in the UK where every foods place is some American megacorp putting down its tentacles, no seriously, i was kinda sad tbh just to see KFC, burger king, subway and other crap being so widespread and common in your country, it's almost as if American companies colonised you gents. I got the luck though of living somewhere that has local businesses have the vast majority of all fast food places (frituren) and things like that and i really appreciate it.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Subway choice thread in Off Topic

do you guys even have sandwiches that don't come out of a "subway" lol, that shits is expensive and gross compared to a real fresh baguette with meat salad and veggies from a local sandwich bakery. :D

posted about 7 years ago
#41 pie_hero confirmed cheater in Off Topic
InhakeThese hackusators are suffering from something like a bizarre reversal of the Dunning-Kruger effect - they're unable to recognize their own incompetence and blame the relative competence of others on an external, ill-gotten factor (especially tasty when they're projecting, i.e. Max Box). Always amusing to see.

why are you trying be a fancy and make me brain hurt.
its not a bizarre reversal of "insert latest over used buzz term", it just is that.

This pattern of over-estimating competence was seen in studies of skills as diverse as reading comprehension, practicing medicine, operating a motor vehicle, and playing games such as chess or tennis. Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:

fail to recognize their own lack of skill
fail to recognize the extent of their inadequacy
fail to accurately gauge skill in others
recognize and acknowledge their own lack of skill only after they are exposed to training for that skill

posted about 7 years ago
#5 my 6s and hl teams both folded in prem playoffs in TF2 General Discussion

or you could be a captain..

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Reward The Skilled - Achievement in TF2 General Discussion

don't be hitler and lust for golden weapons 14:47 and on

posted about 7 years ago
#158 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
feforDecapotatodid b4nny subs actually harass that medic???

why would anyone do that i am genuinely confused

That was exactly what I was thinking, you can just watch the video and have a laugh but why in the world would you take the time to track down his steam profile and then fucking add him to straight up insult him or telling him to kill himself without having any interaction with him before rather than just watching a vid where he just did bad on a videogame

you're watching the transition of a fanbase into a religious personality cult.

posted about 7 years ago
#746 PugChamp in Projects
T0msage78AlfieCan a rule be made for talking non-English during a pug?Gosh, there are MORE languages than English in Europe? GOODNESS gracious me, if only there was a way to fix that...

In all seriousness, if most of the players in the pug team speak french or another language, i don't see whats wrong with that
so u think its fine that if there are 4 french guys in a pug speaking nothing but french but the other 2 guys dont understand a word of it? alright safe thats a real smart way of looking at it

just take it as an opportunity to practice your french :) the more horribly pronounced gibberish you'll say, the more eager they will be to respond, becuase a lot of silence becomes of being shy or unable to communicate well in english. Not everyone is as easily fluent in a non native language. If they straight up ignore you though, thats something else.

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Veganism in The Dumpster

real question here: are you still a vegan if you swallow cum?

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ⋅⋅ 60