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Signed Up May 16, 2015
Last Posted May 31, 2022 at 8:19 AM
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#49 98 dpm in TF2 General Discussion

nik wasnt smart for posting or underestimating the skill difference in divisions (a mistake almost all newbs make) but whats the point of this thread, to make the people who already feel pretty bad about themselves feel even worse in a public mockery? Cuz thats gonna keep them interested in the game and keep playing right? I mean the smart thing to do for nik would be to grind his dm in silence and come back after a few months with a vengeance, while i try to teach him the few things i know. But why would he, game is dead anyways right??

posted about 6 years ago
#106 what r yr politicals in Off Topic

Its funny how the members of the communist party in any time they governed a country always ended up deciding they were the ones with the biggest needs and things should be distributed to them.

posted about 6 years ago
#35 nunya.condawg kills his soldiers !!!! in TF2 General Discussion
telephone_fanMakI Am Renouncing My British Nationality And Moving To Turkey Because Crunge Charlie (Formerly Of Crunge) Was Cut From Nunya eSports
Thanks We Need More Men To Rebuild The Ottoman Empire And Conquer The World Once And For All

The World Is Just The Beginning, Inshallah Brother We Will Conquer The Universe.

posted about 6 years ago
#25 nunya.condawg kills his soldiers !!!! in TF2 General Discussion

In before Condawg reveals it was an elaborate trial for his soldiers to test their character and show them what the cost of failure is and Condawg short circuited thaigrs motherboard so he can collect the insurance money on it and upgrade.
After all, which profesional gamer doesnt have a computer insurance?

posted about 6 years ago
#13 what r yr politicals in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Die Weebs in The Dumpster

I love anime and penis. :3

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Should I be worried about my teammates? in Off Topic

get your grandfathers stash of meth pills, eat them all up and go sit in his sauna naked with a butcher knife until he shows up.

on another note some SVIFT member once asked me of dickpics of marisa when he still had a mlp avvie,..

posted about 6 years ago
#55 Stalin, the greatest Russian leader of all time? in Off Topic
MarxistFor the debate topic at large you have an article written by Stalin which was entitled "dizzy with success" which reads in part:

But the successes have their seamy side, especially when they are attained with comparative “ease” — “unexpectedly” so to speak. Such successes sometimes induce a spirit of vanity and conceit: “We can achieve anything!”, “There is nothing we can’t do!” People not infrequently become intoxicated by such successes; they become dizzy with success, lose all sense of proportion and the capacity to understand realities; they show a tendency to overrate their own strength and to underrate the strength of the enemy; adventurist attempts are made to solve all questions of socialist construction “in a trice.” In such a case, there is no room for concern to consolidate the successes achieved and to utilise them systematically for further advancement. Why should we consolidate the successes achieved when, as it is, we can dash to the full victory of socialism “in a trice”: “We can achieve anything!”, “There is nothing we can’t do!”

Hence the Party’s task is to wage a determined struggle against these sentiments, which are dangerous and harmful to our cause, and to drive them out of the Party.

Which is seen by most historians as Stalin realizing his tremendous mistake and trying to slow it down with his personal influence - far too late of course.

You got authentic Marxist thoughts there lol as opposed to my earlier "devil's advocate" posts above. There is a real tendency among young Marxists today to adopt Stalin as a sort of father figure or to ignore him completely as a brute. I'd argue to quote Stalin himself, "both are worse."

Good read Marxist, I'm glad you replied. One point though, dizzy with success was published in the pravda of march 1930 according to the Marxist archive, and I find it quite funny in a cynical way that in the article Stalin writes

Hence the task of our press is: systematically to denounce these and similar anti-Leninist sentiments.

A few facts.
1. The successes of our collective-farm policy are due, among other things, to the fact that it rests on the voluntary character of the collective-farm movement and on taking into account the diversity of conditions in the various regions of the U.S.S.R. Collective farms must not be established by force. That would be foolish and reactionary. The collective-farm movement must rest on the active support of the main mass of the peasantry. Examples of the formation of collective farms in the developed areas must not be mechanically transplanted to underdeveloped areas. That would be foolish and reactionary. Such a “policy” would discredit the collectivisation idea at one stroke. In determining the speed and methods of collective-farm development, careful consideration must be given to the diversity of conditions in the various regions of the U.S.S.R.

that two years later the worst famine in the USSR would hit as a result of the policies enacted in 1930 against the kulaks and the cat and mouse game between them and the soviet government that culminated in the execution of at least 700 000 of them and the deportation of nearly two million people. I guess thats the cost when you brute-force societal change like that. :/

and if we talk about agricultural soviet adventures we didnt even brought up Krushnevs corn campaign LOL Its one of the best soviet memes you gotta admit.

posted about 6 years ago
#51 Stalin, the greatest Russian leader of all time? in Off Topic
Marxist"60 million" is far too high - most serious scholars suggest it's closer to 2 (as in probably directly responsible for - tertiary deaths aren't counted as there wasn't an official order). Folks who like to count other stuff put it at 20 - which is probably still far too high given the Soviet population at the time and the fact that 20+ million were killed in WW2. I mean any million of your own people being killed off is too many I would suggest lol. But the old Cold War propaganda of Robert Conquest and the CIA's guesstimates live on and will probably do so for some time.

It is intellectually dishonest to discount tertiary deaths due to no direct order if collectivisation causes a famine that leaves at least 5 million dead that could be avoided.

Most scholars agree that there was enough grain in the Soviet Union in this period to feed everyone in Ukraine at a minimal level. But forced requisitioning removed the margin of sufficiency and sank the region into famine, cannibalism, and desperation. There is not a lot of evidence that Stalin himself ordered the Ukrainian killer famine, but there is every reason to believe he knew about it, understood what was happening, and was completely indifferent to the fate of the victims.

What you refer to as propaganda must be the myth that the famine was planned and done on purpose, but by doing so you also throw away the fact that at least 5 million died in the 30s in a famine without a serious drought. Just look at the fiasco and famine in North Korea after the glorious leader decided to "fix" the problem of agricultural output if you want a very recent example of disastrous central planning.

It's simple for Stalin: if the famine is not your fault, why would you censor the fact it happened and your ideological heirs try to rewrite the history on it for decades? :)

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Help with kebab in Q/A Help

meme answer X to the fucking D -69

posted about 6 years ago
#71 OWL starting today in Esports

no every day i read about scandals involving local politics and football, and I wish it didnt exist in the way it does now, hence i vented my rant, becuase apparantly its the new normal.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 OWL starting today in Esports
HildrethLuL Sac ofc football clubs are globalized and commercialized today but that is not why people support their football team. You're making the example as a way of criticizing people for not wanting to follow their "local team" that we should because football is the same when English football clubs all have a heritage and connection with their local communities, sons bring their fathers to games, my Dad got me into football and supporting my team and I don't follow my team because they are successful but because they are my team.

Franchises will never have the same appeal to people from Britain than they will do Americans, even if the London Spitfires won everything I couldn't care less, they have zero connection to my locality, my country. If they want to attract a fanbase based on locality they should tried recruiting at least one British player and made him the face of the team, to me that just seems like a good PR move, because like it or not people connect more to people of the same nationality when they're looking for someone to follow.

And this rhetoric attacking football supporters sounds like you got some issue with the modern workings of football and how supporters act, luckily for me none of it has anything to do with my point so I can dismiss it and sleep well.

you want your dad to take you to the overwatch game?
i get your point but im saying that in this circumstance those expectations are way too old fashioned and not in touch with the reality in this global scene. and oh yes i hate modern football ive seen many poeple switch their allegiance to chelsea after the Abamovitch takeover and you seem to forget that a club will care more about a half billion foreigners buying their merch and watching their games than the 10 00 000 in the local store.Yes i hate modern football with its fraud, hooligans, nepotism, importing people and discarding them and the massive influx of money and it just seems like another way to keep the idiots entertained has gone very wrong, several countries have had their governments pumping billions in the clubs just for the prestige, while others have to dealing with failings because lack of budget.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 New pyro still kind of stupid in TF2 General Discussion
fraglandssacfraglandssacpeople in 2015: GIB PYRO CONSISTENT PARTICLES and flamethrower have dps!!!
People in 2018: wtf valve

its as if the community has a bunch of very vocal retards that have no idea what a balance is

its as if people wanted consistent particles and flamethrower have dps but ALSO for the flamethrower to actually take aim to use

dunno how you managed to miss that part

(irrelevant stuff)

And this is because a lot of what the community wants and receives in return gets bad things it never asked for.

(irrelevant stuff)

And this is becuase poeple that do work on this game, despite their best intent and willingness can't fix some of the issues without getting some part of it wrong because it lacks the insight that you'd need to fix it just right. So we have trial and error instead, with us as the testbase and we have to learn to deal with it as a community, becuase remember that ugc letter with all the pyromains in NA demanding things and people on reddit, the spuf suggestions of mini sentries and threads here that suggest things, some really good in concept but it lacks in execution when implemented and its not really a surprise anymore.

i think the point just kind of whooshed really hard over your head. the point is that what people wanted was for pyro to take more skill, and in return, valve did the polar opposite and made pyro take less skill.

it's just basic common sense not to do that.

no u my entire post have been about peoples expectations and demanding for a change vs what they get in return and that its the reality of things, and its common sense to realise that valve doesnt apply common sense. thats the entire point of my posts aaaaaa

posted about 6 years ago
#62 OWL starting today in Esports
HildrethsacHildrethgemmgo London Spitfires (don't recognise any of those players but im glad i have a physical location to tie the team to that i am connected to thanks OWL administrators)
Glad to follow my local team (all players are from a country 6000 miles away btw).
Ah yes just like Chelsea and Mann United are running with mostly brits right. better players give better results which in turn boosts the teams prestige and income.

This has nothing to do with OWL but will correct you anyway.

Chelsea and Manchester United like most football teams have a century old history and heritage, they are built around their locxl communities and though their global brand and success has given them a new far reaching audience, the core of their fanbase is geographically built from generation to generation. When these teams formed back in the 1800s up to before TV took English Football to new heights in in the 60s, each team represented their local community with majority of players being local and homegrown from their youth teams, hence the development in the fanbase being focused on locality.

The Premier League was formed in 1992 to better tap into the huge potential for TV rights and increased revenues which in turn led to the global spread of the Premier League. It was not formed for teams to get better results and players and results (English teams pre Premier League era and pre Heysel Disaster ban we very successful in Europe), it was purely financially motivated but as a result over time has attracted better players due to higher wages and also the increased competition.

Even today the core fanbases of Football clubs will be bred from historical following based on locality. British players have less to do with it than long established heritage.

This is why I think the idea of franchises will not be successful if they just take the London team fill it with Koreans and Americans nost of whom probably have no idea what a Spitfire was, they cannot expect people to connect with the team on a geographical scale which was the purpose of setting up the OWL in this manner.

Plus the game is really fucking confusing and shite anyway.

when you bring out a league in 2018 for a game which duration only will last ten years, you cannot have the same organic process happening which took over half a century at the least. How would you want to achieve that locality without sponsors?? Hey if you cough up 20 million lol and make ur brit org and compete and win with the best go for it. Yea thats what i thought. How can you be this deluded to think you can have such massive amounts of money and players from across the globe participating and yet retain everything that binded a club and its supporters together?
And how shallow is it to think if you replace everyone but keep the logo and title it somehow are still 'yer local boys".
Face it, football clubs are globalised as well and are vehicles of prestige and thats why they invest these large sums to get players from across the world and win things, and fuck your local club culture.

competive overwatch in ten yearsMontague attempts to emulate this model. His focus is the entry of super-rich individuals into the ownership of English Premier League football clubs. Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich set the pattern in 2003 with the purchase of Chelsea FC.

Since then, foreign owners have taken control of many teams including Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family in the United Arab Emirates, at Manchester City, and John Henry from the US, who made his fortune as a commodities trader and is best known for purchasing the Boston Red Sox baseball team, at Liverpool. The diverse international origins of these owners allow Montague to discuss developments in eastern Europe, the US, Asia and the Middle East.

Most billionaires who buy football clubs are not motivated by the hope of a direct financial gain, they say. Abramovich, for example, described it as a hobby in a BBC interview on the subject in 2003. “No, it’s not about making money. I have many much less risky ways of making money than this. I don’t want to throw my money away, but it’s really about having fun and that means success and trophies.”

The main exceptions to the rule about money being secondary are American. The Glazer family’s purchase of Manchester United, John Henry’s of Liverpool and Stan Kroenke’s acquisition of a large stake in Arsenal were all commercially driven, they say. Another thing they all have in common is the ownership of US sports franchises.

Dont bitch about the retarded league system in overwatch when in football you have the same shit but all the long time supporters act like little bitches about it, and dont mind every bit what makes their club unique or theirs, in favour of letting the billionaire in charge pump money to buy the hottest 13 y old african talent and import them in for 30 million.
A Fat tv viewership deal and merchandise sale to 500 million people market is more important to then than paying attention to their little traditional circle of pea- supporters who will cough up their money anyways for shitty expensive season subscriptions "Long established heritage" more like getting buttfucked like daddy and granddaddy cuz we need ur undying loyalty in this simulation of tribal conflict right You could have been talking about a dozen other sports to build a better argument around but instead its football where the line "OH YEA I LOVE WATCHING PLAYERS FROM 6000 MILES AWAY" applies the most. Does it matter then that a team of koreans play for something with london in it? No becuase if they would be champions for three seasons u would go OUR BOYS. Thats how dumb football supporters are.

But hey at least in the end we can both agree that its a pile of trash i wont bother watching anyway (OW that is)

posted about 6 years ago
#44 OWL starting today in Esports
Hildrethgemmgo London Spitfires (don't recognise any of those players but im glad i have a physical location to tie the team to that i am connected to thanks OWL administrators)
Glad to follow my local team (all players are from a country 6000 miles away btw).

Ah yes just like Chelsea and Mann United are running with mostly brits right. better players give better results which in turn boosts the teams prestige and income.

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ⋅⋅ 60