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SteamID64 76561198088600319
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Country France
Signed Up August 4, 2014
Last Posted February 29, 2024 at 8:18 PM
Posts 197 (0.1 per day)
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#1 Quick question in TF2 General Discussion


So in an effort to play all the FPSs I play with the same sens, I was wondering how much digits behind the dot "."does TF2 take into consideration when setting the sensitivity through a console command.
Basically, the only way I can make sure that I have the same sens in cms/360 across different games while remaining precise is to have a number with 3 digits behing zero (1.528 in my case -- I've tried adjusting my DPI instead of my sens to make it easier/simpler but it didnt).

Would appreciate if sb would point me to some ressources or else where game devs or some people say beyond how many digits the game stops taking numbers into consideration.


posted about 6 years ago
#63 New deathmatch server for EU in TF2 General Discussion

plugin crashed again today on process: respawn times set themselves to 15 secs or so and health regen got disabled as well

posted about 6 years ago
#3010 stream highlights in Videos



posted about 6 years ago
#32 How to make PugChamp better in TF2 General Discussion

Why not try to get to a middle ground between having captains or not ?

For example, we could have the algorithms to make the teams and then give the option to the captain to replace X players (I was thinking 1 or 2) with another player from the queue that didn't got picked by the computer. That way, we could keep the benefits of a fast picking process while avoiding problems between players that don't want to play with each other.

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Arm aim /vs/ Wrist aim in TF2 General Discussion
Zestythis is a good explanation of arm vs wrist from a cs player
I'm similar to this guy where I find the complete opposite to people in this thread, for me small movements are way easier with the wrist (you can do them faster with it as well) but big flicks are often better with the arm because its a larger pivot and they're larger movements.

Thing is, that you can also do wrist movements while arm aiming whereas the opposite isn t true. In that regard, I think that arm aiming might be more versatile.

Also a very interesting point that the guy talked about, is that you don't have to choose between resting your arm on your elbow or on your wrist, but you can also rest it at the middle of your arm, allowing for a combination of arm and wrist aiming.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Arm aim /vs/ Wrist aim in TF2 General Discussion
MikeMatIf arm aiming is tiring you look into uping your right arm exercise regiment

Probs because not used to it but I might look into that, thanks

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Arm aim /vs/ Wrist aim in TF2 General Discussion
damneasyUse arm to track, wrist to flick the shot

Like wrist aiming for small flicks but while having the wrist lifted up from the mousepad ?

JarateKing [...]

Wow, that's an impressive switch, thanks for the tips and feedback but 106cms really feels like alot to me. I might go with something like 33ish cms/360 and see what happens.
Did you had a "goal" (aka 106cms/360 ) from the beginning or just went with what felt best ?

posted about 6 years ago
#124 m0re hud in Customization

Since damage numbers seem to be controlled by a font filled, how can I change their size (make them bigger) in the HudDamageAccount.res file ?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Arm aim /vs/ Wrist aim in TF2 General Discussion

heya all,

So after having used wrist aiming (as an instincal choice) since I started playing pc fps, I recently encountered problems when recently lowering my sens in order to strive for better accuracy (as I primarly play scout nowadays and my hands can get a bit shaky at times).
The biggest problem I run into with having a lower sens (28cms/360 atm, which is kind of the max you can do without "having" to arm aim, is that keeping the crosshair on ennemies that move over large distances on the screen feels very akward and uncomfortable because I have to twist my wrist so much to reach certain positions. In general, having to track a moving target for too long feels weird because there is only so much distance the mouse can travel from the point where my wrist is without having to lift up the mouse (especially annoying during combat phases).
So before going crazy and lowering my sens once again as well as changing my aiming style, I wanted to know what are the clear advantages and downsides of each aiming style and if some of you had any recommandations.

Not being used to arm aim at all, I found that it got quite quickly tiring for the arm but maybe that just disapears once you are used to it.
I'd also like to hear from people that have switched their way of aiming and in that case, what are the tips or possible problems you could think of ? How hard is it to switch ?

PS: I also I think that you shouldn't be using a different sens for different classes unless you have played the game for a very long time as muscle memory is quite harder to build in that case.

Cheers :)

posted about 6 years ago
#123 m0re hud in Customization
TheMagnificent7its probably due to your controller, so unplugging it should fix it.

Wow thanks, weird that it has never been an issue before...

posted about 6 years ago
#121 m0re hud in Customization

Hi, because of todays update, it seems like some of my hud features have been replaced by stock fonts/ menus. I am not using the lastest version of m0re hud but it's quite recent nontheless and for example, taunt pop up, team and class selection have all went back to default and ugly animations/ look. Is somebody experiencing the same and how can this be fixed ?
I made the assumption that the update broke it because I played yesterday at night and all went as usual.


posted about 6 years ago
#119 m0re hud in Customization
change the alpha to 0 on both and it should work (i think)

Perfect, thank you so much !

posted about 7 years ago
#117 m0re hud in Customization
HypnotizeHudPlayerHealth.res and set the "xpos" of PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage to something like "9999"

Yeah but that will also remove the buff cross, right ? Isnt there a way to have the cross and the green health numbers when buffed while removing the red cross when low on health and only have the red health numbers?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 What is the (possible) future for high level tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Ask this to Valve, there is only so much the community can do to support the game. If Valve keeps being so slow to update the game properly and so uncommuniucative too, then we'll keep having 100 viewers for the whole game on twitch...

posted about 7 years ago
#4414 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization


I'm trying to use a Vmt hitmaker but I'm not able to change the transparency of it in the animation file no matter what I do.

I have this in my HudDamageAccount.res file

		"fieldName" "Hitmarker"
		"ControlName"	"ImagePanel"
		"visible" "0"
		"enabled" "1"
		"xpos"	"r437"
		"ypos"	"r247"
		"wide"	"24"
		"tall"	"24"
		"image"	"replay/thumbnails/hitmarker2"
		"scaleImage"	"1"

And this in HudAnimations_Custom.txt (using m0re hud btw)

// Hitmarker Animation

event Hitmarker
	Animate	Hitmarker	Alpha	"180"					Linear 0.0 0.0	// start
	Animate	Hitmarker	FgColor		"0 255 255 180"			Linear 0.0 0.0 // start
	Animate	Hitmarker	Alpha	"100"					Linear 0.0 0.25 // end
	Animate	Hitmarker	FgColor 	"0 0 0 100"		Linear 0.0 0.25 // end

event DamagedPlayer
	RunEvent Hitmarker	0.0
posted about 7 years ago
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