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Signed Up September 24, 2016
Last Posted July 26, 2019 at 11:36 PM
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#16 What is the best torrent tracker as of now? in Off Topic

rutracker is my go-to

posted about 6 years ago
#130 Bully Hunters in Off Topic
jocelynGeel9We tend to ban morons who cause problems with our community.all i did was join your evil honey pot raffle can i be unbanned now please

lmao Geel doesn't unban people. Reminder that this is the man who thinks pointing out that you could still put incomplete spec ks fabricators into the Secret Santa pot warrants a permanent ban for "intentionally trying to ruin Christmas" and will personally add you to rub into your face what a morally superior person he is.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 maplestory 2 in Other Games
rivkapre bigbang ms was the best ever

Not really. If anything it was worse. Way too much grinding and far less content. Spending weeks trying to get from 100-120 pre-big bang was absolute aids.

posted about 6 years ago
#40 Bully Hunters in Off Topic

How many men have been harassed online? Why aren't there gaming headsets specifically for men? How many men have had sexual innuendo and harassment targeted toward them online?

posted about 6 years ago
#23 Bully Hunters in Off Topic

Someone shittalks a below average 12 year old retard: no one cares
Someone shittalks a woman: omg so sexist waaaah what a bully!
Hilarious as hell. If you can't handle shittalk in video games and you aren't good enough to kill the person shittalking you maybe you should just walk away from the computer screen. This is like basic playground rules. If you can't kick his ass just like, walk away, man.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Fragging origin in Off Topic
saccalxDamn that's dark.
Dark? It means there is still hope that grunts have enough balls to kill their overly zealous shitty officers in an unjust quagmire of a war.

Killing your fellow countrymen isn't the way to go about it. They're there for the same reasons as the homicidal soldier. If he had true balls he'd be going after the politicians and businessmen turning war into profit. Anything else is just taking out frustration on people who don't really deserve it and ultimately pointless because it doesn't make a statement, it's just meaningless murder.

posted about 6 years ago
#27 "Overwatch League - The Safe Space of Esports" in Esports
mustardoverlordOWL might come off as a safe space in the world of esports, but the reality is esports is a massive safe space for retrograde ideas and jokes compared to the real world

try to talk like xQc at any actual job where a single woman, person of color, or LGBT person works or is a customer and see how long you last

Pandering to thin-skinned people isn't progress, and actually hampers it. I wish people who think of themselves as "leftists" would actually realize this. Walking on eggshells with people who take offense at the slightest thing(no matter actual racist/sexist intent or not) is honestly a pretty damn scary way to live.

posted about 6 years ago
#20 "Overwatch League - The Safe Space of Esports" in Esports

It's really embarrassing when people go so far out of their way to not appear racist or sexist that they start handing out special treatment. I don't like being treated differently because of either my skin color or my gender, so when I see SJWs publicly making fools of themselves it's really cringeworthy.

posted about 6 years ago
#27 Free Game Megathread in Other Games
jimmijCrusader Kings 2 is free on steam atm!
(that is a pretty fat game to be free imo)

It's unplayable without that fat $300 DLC imo. Get the game if you want, but I would suggest pirating the DLC if you want the full experience. Paradox has some pretty shitty DLC practices, but their games are alright.

posted about 6 years ago
#23 The TODAY show yikes' out over esports in Videos
ComangliaDollycalls them kids even though they're like 23
BBCChild psychologists are being given a new directive which is that the age range they work with is increasing from 0-18 to 0-25.


There are three stages of adolescence - early adolescence from 12-14 years, middle adolescence from 15-17 years and late adolescence from 18 years and over.

I can kinda see both sides of this coin, technically speaking brain development and hormonal activity don't really reach "adult" stage until 25-26. Source

At the same time, personally it's really odd to still get called Kid while maintaining a full time job, getting associate level certifications, having a child of my own, being married, and owning my own home and car...

It's not that strange given how most people who are supposed to be college aged still act like they're in middle school and essentially use going to college as an excuse to extend their own adolescence.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Competitive Matchmaking Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I really do wonder why they decided to make a system entirely from scratch when the TF2 competitive scene has been playing 6s for nearly 10 years. Matchmaking would've been so much better implemented if anyone on the TF2 Dev team has even played a single season of UGC iron or some TF2Cancer lobbies. The entire thing just plays like what happens when you let your average r/TF2 poster who hates the "stale 6s meta" despite never having played or even watched 6s make a competitive game mode for TF2. It's really sad.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 I Have a 75% ($15) Portal 2 Discount in Other Games

You're not only trying to sell a coupon, you're trying to sell a coupon for a game that regularly goes on sale for like $3.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Gette it Onne! – Competitive Medieval TF2 League in Projects
sacgemmTy for spamming everyone in discord about thisSays the dude responsible for making me mute tftv discord notifications becuase of ur rambling in the chat channel.

Why would any discord server owner have chat notifications on by default in the first place?

posted about 6 years ago
#5 lost person AMA in Off Topic

If you have internet access to shitpost on you have access to a GPS.

posted about 6 years ago
#107 is coming to Europe with a $1,000 prizepool in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapGeel9You're not going to win people over when half of your energy is spent trying to beat them down unnecessarily.sigafoo cant be won over, so why try it?
the point of an argument or a discussion is to make a person leave with newfound knowledge and experiences that will teach them new information that they carry to the future, not fully convert them to your side. you see this in all types of discussions: people talk to eachother on opposing views, then hopefully leave respecting eachother more, and with extra knowledge about how their opponent thinks. going into an argument hoping to win someone over is pointless and if u do so, you will gain nothing, and neither will your opponent.

i couldve been nicer ur right about that, but i want to teach sigafoo something, we all do. this isnt an excuse for letting my emotions get all riled up, but hey, pathos is a great argumentative tactic.

tldr: you wanna teach someone something, appeal to them somehow and hope they leave knowig a bt more, dont try to convert them or win them over though.

You aren't really arguing, though. All I see in your post before this is personal attacks and calling Sigafoo a moron because he doesn't want to play 6s.

posted about 6 years ago
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