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Country Sweden
Signed Up March 30, 2016
Last Posted March 16, 2024 at 8:19 AM
Posts 470 (0.2 per day)
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#1 Anyone know how to edit the inspect item window? in Customization

I'm using the updated old Broeselhud and the window that comes up if you try to inspect a player is halved in a wierd way as if someone just erased part of the window. Like this https://gyazo.com/db11941bcc6ad719ec539838395bfd08

Any help would be cool

Can't I just fix it by finding the .res and replace it with the broesel blue one that isn't cropped in that wierd way?

posted about 6 years ago
#3 I61 BYOC rentals? in TF2 General Discussion

How did you navigate to that info? When I click on get tickets it only gives me this https://gyazo.com/fb1cb7c5a82dccb9ed6b07f9e6735967
Do you reserve a rental through ticket purchase or is it something that you do while at the event?

EDIT: Looking at the header for that link it looks like rental info for i60?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 I61 BYOC rentals? in TF2 General Discussion

It's too expensive for me to bring my own PC from Sweden so I'm wondering if anyone got any info on if they're renting out computers this year and how one would go about renting one myself. Does it include monitors? This is my first Insomnia so I'm not very sure how this works. If anyone has any info on this it would be appreciated :)

posted about 6 years ago
#12 post ur ideal gf in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#6 Any advice for me? in Q/A Help
CyanicklassyWhen it comes to getting along with people, it's not really something that you learn to do. There are soem tf2 players I would never team or hang out with and thats fine but your issue seems to be that you can't stand to be around anyone you come in contact with which seems to be a different thing than what I've experienced.Maybe you could elaborate on what things specifically that annoy/frustrate you with other people?
Maybe it's because I'm in open but everyone I meet seems to either have an ego the size of mars, and not in a good or funny way, in the sense that they just come across as having something to prove constantly, or just be an edgy memer that finds spamming binds funny.

That is just something that comes with different teams. I was lucky to find some pretty serious and mature dudes in my first team and I can understand if that doesn't happen to everyone. You'll just have to keep looking is the best advice I can give you. Maybe be more specific when it comes to writing recruitment posts. Idk

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Any advice for me? in Q/A Help

When it comes to getting along with people, it's not really something that you learn to do. There are some tf2 players I would never team or hang out with and thats fine but your issue seems to be that you can't stand to be around anyone you come in contact with which seems to be a different thing than what I've experienced.Maybe you could elaborate on what things specifically that annoy/frustrate you with other people?

As for getting frustrated in Jump maps/MGE/DM that's just something that comes with how you choose to approach the game. I used to do Jump maps/MGE/DM because I wanted to win in them which made me get frustrated and raging at the same things that you're describing. It wasn't until I started going into these things with the mindset of getting better that the rage sort of disappeared. In one of my earlier seasons my practice would only come from scrims and matches and that worked for me for a while, because I had a tendency to burn out from grinding DM all day long.

If you feel like you don't find any enjoyment with the game anymore, take a break. It may take a day, week or a month before you feel that urge to play again, or not at all, which is fine. If you don't find enjoyment with the game anymore, the best thing you can do is to just stop playing. Playing something that makes you feel bad is never going to end well.

EDIT: A thing that I use to do in DM is to not look at the scoreboard when I play, sometimes the will to be on the top of the scoreboard can tilt you.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Green stats on scoreboard in Customization

Im using flamehud from the updated huds thread and i really miss the feature where your stats would be green when you got anything. Now it just stays white. Is there a certain script to use or is it something i need in the scoreboard.res? I tried just using the flamehud reborn coreboard but that messes up the final scores in casual and matchmaking, making it look broken.

posted about 7 years ago
#2731 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 7 years ago
#16 ESEA Season 25 announced in News
rocketslayyeah mm has done such a good job at growing the scene more, can't wait for an esl major

I didn't mean to imply that it had but that's just what I interpreted as ESEA's thoughts on TF2 at the time. It's partly because of ESL that we don't have LANs anymore.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ESEA Season 25 announced in News
JojoideekaeSminLAN :oi'm kinda new to this esea stuff, does this only apply to CS and MDL stuff or are they actually having tf2 esea LANs again?
The article is vague so possibly but I wouldn't exactly hold my breath.

When they dropped TF2 LAN ESEA said that the reason they didn't drop TF2 altogether was because of the possibility of MM's release growing the scene more. I'm pretty sure they decided that ESL would handle the offline playoffs at that time as well and since TF2 was not linked to ESL, ESEA didn't see any reason to hold an exclusive TF2 LAN.

This is very vague but it could possibly mean an ESEA hosted LAN apart from ESL and just maybe a TF2 offline playoffs.



posted about 7 years ago
#2 Check out my playlist in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 7 years ago
#52 most underrated names of all time in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#1 Anyone having this problem with twitch? in Videos

https://gyazo.com/b2c795f2e5cba5cf35da880c8e00dc53 VODs dont seem to be working, twitch clips work just fine with vods i only get this grey screen

posted about 7 years ago
#3 clockwork hitsound in Customization
logicallyQ3 hitsound most likely

yes its very similar but comparing it to b4nnys hitsound, theres a slight difference

posted about 7 years ago
#1 clockwork hitsound in Customization

anyone have an idea of what this hitsound is? it sounds like a lower/different pitched quake 3 but I haven't managed to replicate it ingame. If someone knows, please tell me cus it sounds much more satisfying than the original quake hitsound to me.

posted about 7 years ago
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