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Last Posted June 16, 2021 at 1:58 PM
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#149 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
I feel bad the UGC players have to deal with this guy. Infinite came to me once for prizes and needless to say, He doesn't even know what he wants.

Since you bring it up, your offer was pretty cheap compared to the amount of advertisement you would receive. 1 server for #1 plat team for 1 season and you get an entire season sponsored to tragic servers? If you hadn't been so cheap we could have worked something out.

I don't understand what's so hard to grasp. Attractive prizes gathers more teams and better competition. Currently, the prize for the top UGC 6s team is something like 18 keys split among 6+ players. That's like $4 for every starter. Kind of a shit prize.

We do what we can. Feel free to throw down some cash if you want to complain about free prizes for playing a free computer game online.

posted about 11 years ago
#144 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
Whether or not you actually gain teams though, you aren't losing anything you would be able to keep by not doing it
 You ignored the part where Mustard explained that it most likely gets you more teams, and the teams you lose would have left anyway.

I didn't ignore anything, I simply do not agree with his logic at all. Many of the players in our top teams are either a) staying b) reforming into new teams or c) joining esea. All that would change with this plan is the number of players leaving would increase for at least one free season of ESEA. The teams who are on the edge of paying to play TF2 or not are already joining UGC. They know we exist, and if they want to join us they do Your ideas are nothing new, hate to say it. Losing 8 of the top teams and players every season isn't losing anything? I disagree completely.

posted about 11 years ago
#139 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
You get access to:

a) teams who are unsure of where they stand skill wise
b) teams who do not want to pay to play yet, whether or not a) applies
c) people just looking to try out 6s with friends from their communities
d) your 457 highlander teams (1828/4113 players are primary 6s class players) could decide to give 6s a try alongside highlander with friends from their team allowing your league to grow

We already have all of that.

does that "we" include Marxist, the head of 6s, that was making said plan happen until you threw a hissy fit, cancelled the plan even though torbull had already agreed to it, and brought in a bunch of new 6s admins with no actual 6v6 experience to dilute Marxist's power?

or does it include your squadron of tfc buddies who don't even really follow tf2?

Nope, not marxist it was a plan he was approached about. And its not just me mustard, forn, red, all the other head admins are against it as well. I wasn't even included on the initial conversations, forn put the kabash on it before it even crossed my plate. Squadron of TFC buddies? Dilute someone's power? Your information is so inaccurate, you have no clue how we operate. You do not hold the pulse of TF2 like you think you do.

even though torbull had already agreed to it

Of course he agreed w/ it. 8 new ESEA teams means $$$ to him.

posted about 11 years ago
#133 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
Infinite: I'm not looking for an argument, but in the future if you are more aware of this and try to avoid asking questions and ignoring the perfectly correct answers, you will be infinitely more popular. Mustard explained (very clearly and accurately) twice why UGC doesn't lose anything from Marxist's plan. You never gave any counter argument besides "6v6 players are assholes" and "Our league is bigger."

What attention overlord fails to understand is losing the top 8 teams to ESEA each season as a "prize" is not something we are interested in no matter how you spin it. What you are really saying is the only benefit to UGC would be some loose affiliation with the for-profit business ESEA. Whatever the spin is, it is only to benefit the ESEA 6s community and harm UGC. What you are trying to do is piggyback of UGC's success and try and get players to join ESEA at our expense.

The easiest thing you all could do to increase the popularity of ESEA is get them to create a "free' division. No single thing would make that league more popular than that. Teams would play for a season and the ones who want more competition would pay for the following season in Open. Why won't they do that? Probably because theres no immediate financial incentive for "free". Thus, you are trying to make UGC 6s ESEA "free". Teams can move all they want, we are fine with it but there will never be an institutionalized get free pass out of our league. Why don't we continue the conversation and find something that works for both leagues?

How does he fail to acknowledge that his prized "best 6's Platinum teams" want to move up to ESEA Open for better competition? Ask him to name the very best Platinum teams that stayed around for multiple season? NOPE he'll just talk about something else. Jesus Christ.

We don't have chains on our teams dude, they can join any league they want to. Just because another league wants to charge money to play a computer game doesn't mean we are required to have the #1 prize in UGC be to leave our league for it. I can't believe that makes sense to some of you.

posted about 11 years ago
#106 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion

No clue who you are 2sy_morphiend, but you sure have spent a lot of time trying to learn about me. Unfortunately most of your assumptions are completely incorrect. My attitude towards 6s is focused on a very small minority of players, primarily due to their attitudes towards other game formats over the years and the overall effect they have had on competitive TF2.

It surprises me really, every other UGC admin over the course of the 2 years HL has become popular (thanks to the hard work and dedication of many community admins/members from both Europe and North America, not you Infinite) has come accross to me as a well adjusted, likeable person but Infinite remains in his own little world.

Hildreth, you are obviously still upset over being ignored in the past but you have no clue who's done majority of the work to make ugc highlander popular in the past. Best to keep quiet on things you know little about.

Do you possess the ability to let things go and bury the hatchet? We could use your help in 6v6 and just the same back to you. We have some amazing people who make this community all that it is.

Pyyour. Yes. I'd be happy to bury the hatchet and work together to make TF2 popular for both formats. But when players from the 6s community come on here and accuse UGC of being corrupt, or bad mouth our admins (hein) by saying they change rules mid match, I am going to give it right back to them because it is wrong. We just don't operate that way, simple as that. Keep in mind who started this entire thing.. why do you fail to even remotely bring up Platinum's accusations?

posted about 11 years ago
#78 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
That doesn't necessarily answer my question though, and it wasn't a rhetorical question: You do realize that since you're associated with UGC as a moderator/administrator, you directly represent how people perceive UGC, right? If it isn't completely obvious, the reason that a good portion of the community thinks you're an airheaded dickbag is because everything you post is either arrogant, ignorant, intended to stir up petty drama, or rile up the 6v6 community.

The reason I don't care to answer your question is because it's rhetorical. Obviously I'm a UGC admin, and I've spent countless hours growing the highlander community for the past 2 years. What have you done aside from armchair adminning? Instead of calling out the inaccurate players who claim some conspiracy played part in their match, you start complaining that since I am an admin, I can't call them out for their accusatory comments and being conspiracy theorists (not to mention sore losers).

you directly represent how people perceive UGC, right?

Yep, and UGC continues to prosper :)

(Also it's "couldn't care less")

Ahh, the classic grammar correction. Always an indication of arrogance.

As much as you wish to inflate your own ego and self-righteous attitude towards something that you genuinely don't grasp the basic idea of, there isn't any idolization, or even really any circlejerking. It's pretty well-established what people think, from both formats, but your own arrogance doesn't permit you to believe that, of course.

How am I inflating my own ego? Please show me any post where I talk about myself and inflate my own ego. I am sorry it's so difficult for you to grasp the fact that you are afraid of calling out invite players for their arrogance, but would rather instead jump on the bandwagon and call out the one who calls them out. Typical.

And yet, how you're actually an admin is absolutely fascinating to me


posted about 11 years ago
#62 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
I'm just curious if everything you say is either dangerously moronic or overly hostile, or if you're aware of the fact that (believe it or not) the posts you make reflect poorly on UGC as a whole. Like, just about every single post I've seen from you has been either unnecessarily hostile, making digs at other players, or preaching in this condescending-ass tone. Maybe I just haven't seen the few good posts, who knows.

Just to reiterate, you do realize you represent UGC, right?

Heard it all before and I could quite frankly care less what the 6s circlejerk thinks. Did you actually read what I said? I said I this is the same type of excuse we hear constantly from marisa and his invite buddies like harbleu and now Platinum (first big loss in a while so I understand his frustration). Everything they don't understand is a conspiracy theory and the world revolves around them like UGC admins spend hours plotting to screw them over. It's so far from the truth it makes me laugh. Oh, and I also said they are sore losers for trying to make excuses in a clearly even match.

I understand the need to blame their loss on a conspiracy theory to change focus from the completely unnecessary uber push by harbleu w/ 2 minutes left on the clock. That's the reason they lost folks, watch the STV.

The end of this this thread is a clear example of how people from this community idolize certain players and let them make any erroneous claims they want w/ no evidence and no accountability. Let the circlejerk continue.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
Hein healed less because he was too busy changing the rules mid matchYes, the front page was quickly edited during the match to reflect that it was only one round. Generally, finals are full matches on multiple maps so that the luck factor is removed. But instead finals only lasted as long as a regular highlander payload match.

Completely wrong. Sounds like a bunch of familiar excuses and sore losers to me.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion
ugc really needs a player transactions page

In the works!

posted about 11 years ago
#13 S10 HL Maps? in TF2 General Discussion
ctf_Haarp pls ill do anything for that map

Agreed. It's to bad the map author has no desire to work on it anymore. Hopefully someone else uses the reverse CTF game mode to create a quality map.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 S10 HL Maps? in TF2 General Discussion

Next season is season 9, not 10. Map list is being worked on right now. It will most likely be a CTF focused season with a few weeks of 2fort w/ insta spawn, turbine, and impact2 and maybe even some lazytown to top it off. Sound good guys?

posted about 11 years ago
#37 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion
I'm all for supporting UGC 6s to a certain degree because everyone has to start somewhere and not everyone has the money for ESEA, but you can't hold players back from the league that, in the end, is the only one that will be taken seriously for your own greedy motives.

If people want to move from UGC 6s to ESEA that's fine, nobody at UGC is stopping them. To suggest that since we dont see any benefit giving our top teams a free pass to another pay-to-play league is somehow fragmenting the community and being greedy is ludicrous. What's next? The maps? Our configs and rules? You could use that argument for anything.

Fragmenting the community by separating the leagues just because you're afraid of looking subservient is negatively impacting the community (and you don't need to be afraid, you already look subservient because you're a free to play league).

It's all a matter of perspective. If you think the only way to be competitive at an online computer game is to pay league fees and possibly make a few bucks at a LAN then thats your perspective. I on the other hand feel that every league is equal in that the teams within said league all aspire to win and be the best by practicing hard.

In response to your statement, I contend that ESEA is being the greedy one by not allowing a "free" division in their 6s league. I can't think of a more obvious issue with ESEA that is keeping 6s from expanding to it's full potential, yet you blame us because we are the only other popular free to play league? Gimme a break man.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion
Random thought: what if ESEA opened a Highlander division?

More the merrier. There are many of us who have worked for years to see Highlander taken seriously and become an important competitive game mode for TF2. If another league like ESEA picks it up then it would show a lot of hard work has paid off and TF2 is expanding. It would also diversify the potential player pools. Do it!

posted about 11 years ago
#29 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion
#26 I feel like your anger is somewhat misdirected

Anger? LOL you think to much of me. How could one be angry on Thanksgiving?

Yeah, email valve to ask for money to get the top 8 UGC teams in ESEA. Or hell, just ask them to finance a league and a LAN so that this scene can move away from ESEA.

ESEA is a for-profit business, valve isn't going to send us money to send our teams to another league. And I am not going to sink so low as to email robin walker and beg for money to send our top teams away from our league. Sounds pretty ridiculous don't you think?

One thing I would love to see would be a collaboration between all the leagues to throw a huge online tournament for 6s and highlander. We could pool our resources to come up with great prizes, hype it up to the public TF2 community, and try to grow both formats together. It would be awesome and do so much more for the entire community than a 2 day LAN with 4 teams. Sadly though, I doubt ESEA would be on board but maybe I am wrong there.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion
Nevertheless, infinite, the survival of UGC as a league is based on the popularity of tf2 as a competitive game, therefore I think all the leagues should go hand in hand.

Agreed. Come up with a plan that is mutual beneficial to both leagues a la' "hand in hand" and we would be all for working together.

posted about 11 years ago
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