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Last Posted May 27, 2014 at 11:07 PM
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#8 I need help from those good with huds in Q/A Help

thanks a ton flatline! if you want, add me, I'll give you something

posted about 10 years ago
#6 I need help from those good with huds in Q/A Help

How about this?

looks good to me

posted about 10 years ago
#4 I need help from those good with huds in Q/A Help
flatlineNot entirely true. If it uses certain fonts that aren't in omphud you have to define them in clientscheme.res and set up the definitions, as well as any materials you might have that are present in the manghud.

I'm working on this for you.

edit: then again mang's version is just a copy-paste from fluxhud without the fonts working. Do you want something exactly like his ( http://puu.sh/94goD.jpg ) or something with the proper fonts of fluxhud?

I actually like the proper fluxhud version better, as i said, i didnt know specifically what hud it was. Thanks a ton.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 I need help from those good with huds in Q/A Help

I need to know how to take the menu's from one hud, and combine them with the actual ingame hud. If you know how to do this, and you can do it for me, I might reward you with some hats or something.
any help is appreciated.

here are the huds i want to combine:

I want this hud's (i dont know the name of it, it's the one mangachu uses)menus

and omp hud's ingame hud

any help is appreciated

posted about 10 years ago