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Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 5:23 PM
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#2 need a new alias in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#11 Item Name Thread in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#18 WarOwl Likes TF2 Community in TF2 General Discussion
eddie_calderonpeople with autism/obvious mental handicap, etc


posted about 6 years ago
#122 Bully Hunters in Off Topic

i want the internet to change too, but i don't think that """"""""""""""""""""""""cyber-harassment"""""""""""""""""""""""" is something we need to worry about when the solution is literally one click away.

but whatever, fuck having a pissing contest in a sea of piss. this isn't even a thread about bullyhunters anymore

posted about 6 years ago
#119 Bully Hunters in Off Topic


toxic gamers are everywhere, mute them and move on. if you miss out on good comms for a pug, oh well, there goes at most a half an hour of your life that you would've otherwise spent getting creeped out by some neckbeard who doesn't know any better. i mute toxic gamers all the time, and i have a pee-pee. this isn't a problem unique to women, and it isn't a problem that's very difficult to solve. if you don't like the solution everyone else uses and still want to solve this issue, there are a few options. first is voice_enable 0. second is to stop playing online games. the third is to only play with people you know and mute the rest. the fourth and final is to ask the entire internet to change because you don't like it when someone says, "hur dur gamer gril hur dur rape joke"

i would really like it if the internet weren't such a shithole too, but i don't go around complaining about how it's everyone else's fault and explaining that they need to make the internet great again by not saying shit that i don't like. if you want to criticize the culture of the internet, that's fine, but don't say that all of the multitude of solutions available don't cut it for you because you have a vagoo instead of a pee-pee.

posted about 6 years ago
#38 Bully Hunters in Off Topic

Show Content
i dunno how to post a full template, but here's the base image

and the font they used is Courier, and i found that a font size of about 27 bold looks the closest
posted about 6 years ago
#134 Please Ban The Crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINI think it's also important to consider that nerfing the crossbow also nerfs Medics. Food for thought.

how so, friendo? it potentially hurts their ability to heal team mates at long range, but there have been a few suggestions itt that would help that

I think most peoples' gripes are that it's so damn good at healing, even at close range, that it makes playing against it frustrating. if you just make it less good by reducing the healing in one way or another (longer reload/no passive reload, reduce base healing stats, make it heal over time instead of 150 all at once, etc.) so that it's on par with the medigun instead of straight up better, it would be a win-win. I think the idea behind the weapon is a good one, but its execution leaves a lot to be desired. healing at range should come at a cost, not be the preferable option to the medigun.

maybe i'm wrong, after all i'm just a publord, i don't know nothing about nothing, but just from theory crafting i don't see how nerfing or banning the xbow really hurts medic that much. soldier/demo, sure, but medic idk.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 TF2's Diverse Complexities in Videos

love ya babe, keep doin what you're doin. you make dope content, i'm just some asshole on the internet whining about my free entertainment.

the visual style was a really refreshing and inventive break from the usual slide-show format of videos like these, and like I said, it does work well as a companion piece to your other content on the subject. I just think it would have been better served if you had communicated that more clearly so that retarded tftv posters like me would pick up on that before we post comments criticizing it. I think CGP grey has a pretty good way of posting follow up videos as footnotes, but that obviously wouldn't have worked here since the video(s) it's a companion to came out months prior.

either way, dope shit homie, keep it up. and I know the DS thing was just a joke, I tried to make a joke out of it too, but I'm just really fuckin bad at being a funny guy

posted about 6 years ago
#4 TF2's Diverse Complexities in Videos

I funkin dig this guy, but i really don't understand what this video was supposed to do. it has no target audience that i can tell

it doesn't go in depth enough to help new players, and any veterans will already know everything he talked about. and it doesn't really come at it from an outsider's perspective either, where everything gets explained in a way that someone who has never played tf2 would be able to understand why we love this elderly hat simulator so much

I guess he said it's about why tf2 is rewarding to play, but he spent too much time in the nitty gritty details that really don't matter. they should serve as evidence to a point being made, not the point themselves

I get it though, it's a hard topic to talk about. explaining to normies [cronge] why we like this shitty 10 year old hat simulator is tricky without talking about every little awesome thing about the game, but this video feels like it should have been half its length, and part of a larger video about everything that makes tf2 awesome. like, oh, i don't know lazypurple's video, or maybe a video about what makes tf2 such a compelling "esport"

which i guess helps make some sense of it. as a companion piece to lazy's timeless masterpiece or funke's own tf2 esports videos it's pretty good. it helps explain what exactly keeps the dedicated, hardcore players around, and why some of us think it would make a good esport (if only valve-senpai would bother to notice us). but on it's own, i don't think it's a very good video

really though, the whole thing felt like a reason to make the dark souls joke at the end

posted about 6 years ago
#779 worst steam profile in Off Topic
hpqoeu>(im not into all the gross stuff, they are there so they can be REMOVED hence the minus thats how nhentai search queries work)

>greentexting outside of memetown


posted about 6 years ago
#109 Ster talks about the TF2 casual and comp community in TF2 General Discussion
All_Over_RSthe tf2 comp community is only friendly and welcoming if you're a Straight White Male

the tf2 comp community is only friendly and welcoming if you aren't a weeb


posted about 6 years ago
#655 worst steam profile in Off Topic

posted about 6 years ago
#111 what r yr politicals in Off Topic
all the fuckin commiescommunism > capitalism

I'm not some political nerd like you gamers, but the way I see it the production isn't socialized because the products aren't socialized. They're sold individually to individuals, not socially to societies. If production were socialized, that would necessitate that the needs and wants of the people would be social rather than individual. And ultimately, the individual should be who these systems work to benefit, not the society, because the one thing that can't be socialized is happiness. Which is the one thing communism, at least as I understand, and how I've seen it argued for again and again just ignores: a person's wants.

And so the question I would pose to you is: How does communism do a better job at meeting the individual's wants than capitalism? What is the mechanism by which communism is better at this than capitalism, and moreover, how would it be implemented?

Do you just give everyone whatever they want? Or do they have to participate in production to earn it? And if the latter is the case, how is this functionally any different to capitalism as implemented in a state with some or all socialized basic necessities, like, say, the modern developed world? Or are wants something that will simply stop mattering when we seize the means of production?

posted about 6 years ago
#59 Florida High School Shooting in World Events
viperit's a black rifle with a pistol grip, therefore it is more dangerous than a wood-furnished rifle without one. DarkNecrid"Another vote is held on a measure to prevent terrorism suspects from buying firearms, but it does not pass"

I would ask two questions about that:

1.) what is a terrorism suspect
anyone who says they're gonna bomb their school in WoW chat? muslims? brown people? immigrants? people who use encrypted IM services? people who google 'how to make a bomb'? people who own bitcoins? all of these people have been made into terrorist suspects at one time or another

the term terrorism suspect is so broad and nebulous as to be essentially meaningless. And i understand that a part of any bill of that type would likely lay out a definition and so on and so forth, but that's just my point: you're letting one of the most simultaneously corrupt and incompetent governments in the developed world decide on a case-by-case basis whether a person should be allowed to own a gun, when I wouldn't trust them to decide on a case-by-case basis what necktie to wear.

2.) how would that stop any of these shootings
actual real terrorists wouldn't have any qualms getting their guns illegally, and nor would anyone else who isn't a terrorist but just wanted to kill a shitload of people.

and finally, what have you done about it? have to researched all of your representatives and their stances on gun control? if you really want gun control, consider voting for gun control advocates in your next election. If you think that's how we stop these shootings, then hey, go for it, but do something that isn't just whining on a competitive gaming forum for an """""esport""""" that's going nowhere.

And for your troubles:,amp.html

my personal favorites:

A person who was close to Nikolas Cruz called the FBI's tip line on Jan. 5 and provided information about Cruz's weapons and his erratic behavior, including his disturbing social media posts. ... In a statement issued Friday, the agency acknowledged that the tip should have been shared with the FBI's Miami office and investigated, but it was not.Students who knew him described a volatile teenager whose strange behavior had caused others to end friendships.Afterward, she called him a "broken human being."

The resources to stop him before he started killing people were there, either in the form of an at least semi-competent FBI, or a school that actually did its duty to its students. But neither did their damn job and now 17 people are dead. If you think banning guns will do anything to help situations like this, then try it, but I guarantee that these people will still suffer, and some of them are still going to decide to kill people, they'll just use trucks, or explosives, or knives, or whatever else their uniquely damaged minds can come up with, because they think that hurting people is the only thing they can do. Treating the symptom will not accomplish anything.

posted about 6 years ago
#185 Eleague Boston Major in CS2 General Discussion

sure, but NiKo and karrigan didn't have their heads in their hands because they lost 70k, they had their heads in their hands because they lost a fucking major in the closest final in CS:GO history.

and also, for players like those on FaZe, Brady and Jordan are applicable comparisons.

posted about 6 years ago
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