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Signed Up September 16, 2013
Last Posted February 20, 2016 at 10:20 PM
Posts 59 (0 per day)
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#52 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've been offered 2 spots on IM teams, thanks though owl. Pretty sure dolphin, watson and myself are all smarter than you could hope to be anyway.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
buschyThe legend of spireboi97 lives!

Real tho has nuts dm, played him recently. Hope his attitude has improved lol

My attitude has never changed. If people try to be trolls and get gimmicky MGE wins, I have been and always will be rude to them.

People who say you shouldn't care about winning or losing or whatever, if you don't have the ambition to improve and are completely apathetic to getting better, sure I believe it's possible to just shrug off every loss. But every top invite player I've seen in MGE gets upset if they lose or if their opponent is using gimmicky tricks to get kills. People practice their aim so they can get good and kill other people, if you're "ok with losing" all the time because it's "just mge", and your DM hasn't reached the level of top players who have played as long as you or even a shorter amount of time, then you are simply fine with being mediocre considering the amount of time you've poured into this game. If not caring about MGE hasn't given you top level DM then maybe you should actually try giving a shit for once and maybe you'll get good.

Sure there's exceptions to the rule, like maybe clockwork hasn't spent a ton of time in MGE and doesn't have to, he learned to aim properly over time or through other games or however. But the rest of you who struggle in the DM department need to learn that you aren't clockwork, gamesense will only get you so far. MGE has worked for a lot of people and the frequent community bashing of the mod is ridiculous.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
CondescendingCandlestickhonestly I wouldn't of even remembered u if it weren't for u shit talking me after I beat u by playing gay

goodaim: you are the worst player I have ever lost to

yes, i recall i was messing around and the score was close, and when it was close to the end you started counter jumping and shotgun denying to make sure you would get the win by 1 point (which i didnt expect you to do), so of course i wouldnt be happy with you doing something underhanded like that just to get a W in mge

posted about 8 years ago
#29 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Still don't get why random mge people keep posting their unqualified opinions.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm mostly confused why people even feel qualified to give an opinion about me if the only times they have met me is for 30 minutes in mge

posted about 8 years ago
#20 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)
CondescendingCandlestickyou are right, but someone who tailors their play-style completely to an mge arena is obviously going to be worse in game than in mge. every spire main must eventually come to the realization they don't really know how to play tf2 at all

I have fought you probably less than 10 times in mge, I can assure you that needing a "play to win" style against you is the furthest thing from the truth. Maybe against b4nny or Ma3la but not you. Secondly why are all these people assuming I can only play spire, I can mge the same on every map and check sizzling stats if you want to check my dpm in every form of 6s that I've played. I don't claim to be a perfect player but if you're going to talk shit at least be accurate about where my shortcomings are, which is more experience related rather than DM related lol

posted about 8 years ago
#1 LFT IM Soldier (roamer or pocket) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello my schedule is becoming more liberal so I've decided I can finally commit to a team. I know it's already quite a bit into the season. I've briefly played in IM before but prior to that all I have is UGC experience. My DM is pretty ok.
Uhh, add me if you're interested in giving me a tryout.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 The Cattle needs players in Recruitment (looking for players)

i will tryout if you want

posted about 8 years ago
#1 tf2 tip montage to elevate your gameplay in Videos

if anyone wants more tips let me know

with my tips you will learn how to win at tf2

posted about 8 years ago
#5 LFT Soldier Mid/High Open Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)
THEBILLDOZERi never said he wasnt i just distinctly remember a badlands scrim where he offclassed to sniper for a large portion of it

Even if he has played sniper (which I seriously doubt a pocket would off-class to in an actual game, so making that comment is kind of irrelevant), it probably only adds to the fact that he has good and consistent aim. I haven't played 6s with him but I do practice my aim against him often in MGE and he improves incredibly fast, his DM aim-wise is IM at worst in my opinion.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Team Fotress 2 2v2 mge tournament! in TF2 General Discussion


dolfin rider:


posted about 9 years ago
#7 Laptop not charging in Off Topic,2817,2404104,00.asp

posted about 9 years ago
#19 New montage in Videos

Thanks for all your tips guys I'm looking forward to putting out part 3 as soon as I can.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 New montage in Videos
alec_its 2014 man u gotta be trolling

2014 is ending in 14 days man, I can't put out a video that fast. It takes me a while to collect clips and edit.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 New montage in Videos

My last video post got me 500 views, this time I already have 77 views 5 likes and no dislikes.

I decided to do music instead of my own voice because it makes the frags more intense.

Please give me any critic or suggestions for my next upload expected early 2015

enjoy subscribe and like thanks very much

posted about 9 years ago
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