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Last Posted June 12, 2015 at 3:02 PM
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#164 TFTrue in Projects
island55eatm0rewafflesMy MGE server is not updating properly. Running latest SourceMod. Suggestions?
type "sm version" in console and tell me what version you're running. i know the first SM snapshot build after the TF2 update failed cause it wasn't built with sdkhooks(if i recall correctly) then the one thereafter has been working for me. i'm running 1.7.3-git5213 however 5214 has been released so i may update to that. 5212 was the build that failed if i'm not mistaken.

I'm running 5214 and I can not get my server to boot at all at the moment.

posted about 9 years ago
#162 TFTrue in Projects

My MGE server is not updating properly. Running latest SourceMod. Suggestions?

posted about 9 years ago