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Signed Up September 6, 2012
Last Posted May 2, 2023 at 4:32 PM
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#6 How do I remove the scope for the sniper smoothing in TF2 General Discussion

You can as I've done it in the past, don't remember how though. :p

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Ratz Instagib in Off Topic

Looks a lot like Warsow instagib.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Items on Bball iT in TF2 General Discussion
TechnobladedellortTechnobladeklananaAlright I tried my best on the weapons... let me know if there are things blocked that you want or that arent blocked that should be
Um, excuse me, the original, gunboats and escape plan are banned...

Original is the only one that should be allowed.

Also worth mentioning the game can't start and is in tournament mode

Yeah I think Klare is working on the server atm or waiting for someone to come online who can figure out the issues. It's probably best just to avoid the server for a day or so until everything is cleared up.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 inches per 360 in Hardware

Changes all the time depending on what I'm primarily playing. At the time of tip of the hats I mostly surfed so it was about 28"/360, right now I'm playing a lot more defrag in Warsow so I raised it up to about 12"/360.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Items on Bball iT in TF2 General Discussion
TechnobladeklananaAlright I tried my best on the weapons... let me know if there are things blocked that you want or that arent blocked that should be
Um, excuse me, the original, gunboats and escape plan are banned...

Original is the only one that should be allowed.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 FreeStyle [df. ...] Quake Live jump movie in Off Topic
freshmeatdellortfreshmeatThat's quake 3, and makes all those tf2 jumps seem like nothing. Are you even trying people?
I'm not sure if you've done any freestyle jumping on either engine but based off your post I doubt it. Yes the jumps in the video are very impressive but comparing them directly to tf2 is stupid considering how vastly different the two engines are. The limits of the source engine simply don't allow you to fly across the map like in quake, for a number of reasons but primarily the slow rocket speeds and lack of bhop.

I agree, and I didn't "directly compare" the two. And for comparison means, mind you, many of these jumps are made with vq3 physics, so no air-strafe like there is in tf2. They are just plain "sicker".

True, I just find it annoying when people say the tf2 scene is nowhere close to the level of quake when in reality some of the jumps being produced are just as difficult, even if they might not look as impressive. A good example is QuBA's jump on rj_rckteer where he does nine speedshots in a row. Even the best jumpers in tf2 struggle to get more than 3-4 consistently and even just 3 requires pretty precise timing, 9 is just insane. I'd argue the timing is much more difficult than catching a rocket at the other end of a map, even if it doesn't look that way.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 FreeStyle [df. ...] Quake Live jump movie in Off Topic
the301stspartanI'm also pretty sure that top tf2 jumpers could replicate these jumps if you gave them a demoldier class and a lowgravxboxhugeskybox map.

Well I would argue the top quake freestyle jumpers are still better simply because some of them have been playing for so much longer. If you were to take an equally skilled player across both games though no doubt the jumps they could produce in Q3 would look more impressive just due to the nature of the engine.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 FreeStyle [df. ...] Quake Live jump movie in Off Topic
freshmeatThat's quake 3, and makes all those tf2 jumps seem like nothing. Are you even trying people?

I'm not sure if you've done any freestyle jumping on either engine but based off your post I doubt it. Yes the jumps in the video are very impressive but comparing them directly to tf2 is stupid considering how vastly different the two engines are. The limits of the source engine simply don't allow you to fly across the map like in quake, for a number of reasons but primarily the slow rocket speeds and lack of bhop.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Interp Toggle Exploit in TF2 General Discussion
ProtatoThis reminds me of a hud reload scheme bug.
When you press a key bound with hud_reloadscheme you will freeze for half a second. Not really that useful, but I guess it could be used for dodging strafing etc.

It would actually be very useful as a soldier since it allows you to time two rockets so that they hit a spot at the exact same time (ie. instant med death when bombing). I don't think anyone has to worry about it being abused though since it's extremely obvious if someone does it as their model/pov freeze for a short duration.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 More places to hoop - ideas/help wanted. in TF2 General Discussion

I had a long talk with Walka/Burger years ago about building more complex maps with terrain and slightly larger hoops/goals, we had some pretty good ideas but our lack of mapping knowledge stopped it from ever happening. I think making new maps is a great idea, just watch that you don't put in too many walls or capping becomes way too easy.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Weight training for my GF? in Off Topic
LordOfThePingThanks for the advice in the thread, I'll follow with more updates if there's any interest.

Please do, it's always nice to hear the stories of people's progress. If there's any advice I could give which hasn't really been stressed in this thread is that consistency really is key, if you have a set schedule for workouts make sure you stick to it 100%, or else it becomes really easy to lose commitment and suddenly "one day off" quickly turns into a week or month with little to no exercise.

Also, something that I found really helped when I started to work out regularly was to throw short exercises into my daily schedule whenever there's time. For example, if you're waiting for your toast to heat up in the morning why not drop to the ground and pump out some pushups. It might sound weird but this is a really good way to fit more exercise into your schedule, and a quick set of pushups, squats, etc., every once in a while start to add up pretty quickly. If you're at all like me you might find after a while it actually becomes a habit.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Another Direct Hit frag vid.... in TF2 General Discussion

Wrong type of music for this edit imo

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Weight training for my GF? in Off Topic
ArryEat less, lift heavy weights

Those two basically contradict each other. If you plan on doing heavier weights you need to be consuming more calories and proteins to help repair muscles after the fact. As some others have said dieting and intense interval training (or cardio for long durations) is usually viewed as the most effective way to lose weight. Heavy lifting is great for burning calories but the issue is it forces you to also consume much more before/after the fact.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion

This shot stood out to me, since I don't think any player can react as fast as he did when the door opened. It's entirely possible that he just guessed when the scout would open it and got lucky though.

edit: Actually the door might've been opened when he shot and closed immediately after, I'm too tired to tell haha

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Jump Fortress 2 | A TF2 Jump Movie in TF2 General Discussion

I have the file uploaded to dropbox but once the total downloads exceed a limit (I think it's 5gb) the account is closed for a few days. Is anyone willing to upload the file to another site if I give them the link? I would do it but my internet sucks and it took over 5 hours just to get it onto dropbox (the filesize is 700 mb btw).

posted about 11 years ago
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