Account Details
SteamID64 76561198039582753
SteamID3 [U:1:79317025]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:39658512
Country United States
Signed Up August 20, 2012
Last Posted February 14, 2024 at 9:39 AM
Posts 630 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.1
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech g400s
Keyboard Razer Black Widow Ultimate
Mousepad QCK+
Headphones Shure SRH440
Monitor HP piece o shit
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#4 properly centered VTF 1:1 yz50/konr wings remake in Customization

I'm sorry if this question is stupid, but is there a way to have the dot in the middle be one color, while the "wings" are another?

posted about a year ago
#21 Tragic Servers Support - no response in TF2 General Discussion

Oh shit

posted about a year ago
#6 Tragic Servers Support - no response in TF2 General Discussion
br0thax They also lasted 24 hours to provision the server!

Same for me, except I had to submit a support request to get them to do it. At least they responded and deployed the server though. But after that, no response at all

posted about a year ago
#4 Tragic Servers Support - no response in TF2 General Discussion
br0thaxFuck those scammers. The time I rented a server there and the thing started to lag from the very first day at the same hour during 5 days straight. I opened a ticket asking kindly for a refund and they just cut out my 30 days contract without giving any refund.

Is it a commonly known thing that they are bad? Ten years ago I rented from then and they were great.

What is a good alternative out there?

edit: I'm just gonna order an nfo server

posted about a year ago
#1 Tragic Servers Support - no response in TF2 General Discussion

3 days ago I purchased a server from Tragic servers. I am having an issue installing mods and I can't use the server how I intend (mge, jump maps, ultiduo).

I have been requesting support for over 48 hours now without a single response.

Is this normal? Are they out on holiday or something? This is really really bad. I don't know what to do so I'm turning here for help.

posted about a year ago
#2 Ultiduo_Champions (Ultiduo with a Twist!) in Map Discussion


posted about a year ago
#2368 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsThis release took 95 hours to produce. If you like the work I do, consider supporting me!

I want to support you but don't have liberapay or ko-fi so I added you on Steam to send you some stuff.

posted about a year ago
#9 Age and TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Keith, I won't lie. I still to this day often think back on the golden days, and playing with you and others in pugna and elsewhere. As silly as it might sound those were some of the funnest times of my life. Yet at the same time I regret "wasting" so much of my life playing tf2.

Although I have basically no desire to play competitive these days, I still play the game and feel compelled to play it on the reg.

posted about a year ago
#30 Don't let this villain back into our society in Off Topic

okay groomer

posted about a year ago
#2353 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I don't know if it's just a coincidence or something but I feel like after the latest tf2 update my performance has suffered significantly. Running the latest mastercoms.

posted about a year ago
#1 Help with installing BBall and Surf Mods in Customization

Hi Everyone

Years ago, like a decade ago, I rented a private tf2 server for my team and friends to practice on.

I once again have a server and have been able to get Jump and MGE mods going but I am struggling to find straight forward documentation and downloads for BBall and Surfing.

I would like to run a simple Bball map, or even the original MGE mods with the 1v1 BBall mod, and have them working. I have diligently searched here and elsewhere for an updated/working bball mod and map.

I would also love to get a surf mod running again. I remember there used to be one out there but have been unable to reverse engineer how I once did it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

posted about a year ago
#8 Dealing with pet loss in Off Topic
nykDon't stop thinking about him, even if it hurts. It is far better to feel honest sadness than ignoring how you feel. It's okay to hurt sometimes. But as other people said above, never beat yourself up over anything. You only feel guilty because you loved him SO MUCH that you feel like it's impossible to let him go. That isn't true. Nothing is permanent unfortunately. But what you can hold onto forever is remembering him, and how much you both loved each other, because nobody can ever take that away from you. That happened and it's still happening. Each day only takes you further away from him in one sense, but some things can't be measured in days and weeks, you know? One day everything around us won't exist but that doesn't make them any less vivid at all, if anything it's the only reason they mean so much to us.
Always love your dog, and treat yourself alright too.

Thank you for this comment. You are correct about it all. God bless you.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 Dealing with pet loss in Off Topic
PontI'm really sorry for your loss - it's such a hard thing to go through. I lost my dog the day before Easter this year, so just a few weeks ago - pretty close to when you lost your bud. For me, he had a day back a few months ago where he stopped being able to walk, so we brought him to the vet. Definitely seemed like that was gonna be his last day. Luckily he was better after being put on some medications for the time-being, but it was mostly just for comfort at that point. I just considered all my time with him after that to be "extra time" which helped me really appreciate the time he had left.

My advice would be to remember you did your best. It's easy to have regrets and beat yourself up over things you could've done better but based on the way you speak about him, it's pretty clear you gave him a lot of love. Feel free to add me too, I am sure we're both dealing with some of the same feelings.

Damn man. Reading this made me cry so hard. It reminded me of what I went through leading to his last day. It all started with this "episodes" that I later found out were caused by the tumor in his heart bleeding between this layer around the heart and the heart itself. It would cause these episodes where he would collapse and all he could do was lay there and hyperventilate to try and breathe, as the pressure of the bleed pressed against his heart and made breathing difficult. I went through 2 vet visits, and then it got so bad I finally took him to a hospital/specialist where they quickly found diagnosed his issue. They tapped his chest and pulled out 1/3 of a liter of blood. This relieved his symptoms drastically and they sent us home. They told me the median life exptancy without any intervention for that cancer was 12 days. I did a lot of things to try and sustain his life and make him comfortable. But 4 days after we left the hospital he bled again and I couldn't take watching him suffer like that and took away his pain.

It is so traumatic going through all of that. Thank you for sharing your story with me.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Dealing with pet loss in Off Topic

Rats are actually such cool little creatures. Intelligent, clean, and totally capable of love and friendship with humans. I had two back around 2008. Their names were Brie and Barley. It's so sad that they only live 2-3 years.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Dealing with pet loss in Off Topic

How many of you have lost a best friend that was with you for a significant amount of time? I adopted a dog in 2011 and just a few weeks ago he died from an aggressive cancer that developed around his heart. He was, still is really, everything to me. As simple and corny as it may sound, he really was so much more than a dog to me. It's been over 5 weeks and I'm still in the process of grieving deeply. It's so hard to not think about all the saddest of things, like the weeks and days leading up to when I had to put him down, and that awful day itself.

I want to reach the point where I can just smile and remember the good times. But I also feel sad and guilty as time slips by, realizing that each day takes me further away from him in a sense.

If you have any advice or just want to share stories about your little loved ones, I'd love to hear them.

posted about 2 years ago
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