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Last Posted March 20, 2018 at 8:19 PM
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#23 ESEA S22 W4: froyotech vs. FROYO BLACK in Matches

I can honestly say, I don't want to miss a thing

posted about 7 years ago
#3 High DPI + Low Sens vs Low DPI + High Sens in Q/A Help

you need at least enough dpi to move by one pixel
for a 1920x1080 monitor, at 90 fov in source (which is about 106 true horizontal degrees on 16:9):
1920 * (360/106) / (inches per 360) = pixels per inch (so just make sure your dpi is higher than this; for 4.5 inches per 360 you're gonna need a high value)

and I've heard you don't want to make it too too high because your mouse can jump or not move on fast swipes (not sure how true this is, but you never see CS pros play on high dpi--more than like 1000--and low sens)

posted about 8 years ago
#8 lights lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

great player, great teammate, great attitude
practices hard, plays very well, and always has a focused + positive attitude when playing

posted about 8 years ago
#46 Ultiduo Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Harmonica Discover


Region US

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Help me correct my essay in Off Topic

DIdn't read other people's edits, but you asked about a different ending; this is something to consider:

In spite of all these accomplishments, Musk strives for more. He is continuously making progress, such as his recent venture into the field of aritficial intelligence with the company OpenAI. By decreasing the price of electric cars, distributing complimentary solar panels, and uncovering new, cheaper ways of space travel he has rightfully earned respect and embodied the aspirations of many. When looking to his achievements, we all cannot help but be inspired to also work towards the preservation and protection of our planet.

Many environmentalists argue and preach in the vain hope of changing the attitutde of the general public. Musk, however, takes matters into his own hands and whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!” I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie “yo homes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.

posted about 8 years ago
#58 What should be the maximum FOV? in TF2 General Discussion

An FYI for everyone:

Most arena FPS's go at least up to 120. However, that's a horizontal 4:3 based FOV, and yields a a true FOV of 133.17 on a 16:9 resolution.
As many know, the value you input for your FOV in source is actually the vertical FOV of a 4:3 res, so to obtain a horizontal FOV of 133.17 in source, you need a value of roughly 119.995 in console.

So if you want your 120 FOV from other games, yes, you would need a max FOV of 120 in source.

ED: Quake Live, Quake 1, Quake 2, and Quake 4 are all horizontal 4:3 res based, while Quake III Arena is horizontal custom resolution based (if this is relevant to anyone)

posted about 8 years ago
#32 PLEASE USE IRC FOR SCRIMS in TF2 General Discussion


Literally just log onto the TFTV discord server which already has a channel for scrims...
Don't want to go through the effort? It's literally just clicking the following link for an in-browser chat, and entering an alias.

And if you want to at some point, you can download the dedicated client and / or make an account.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 sbt lft scout/medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

great attitude, wants to improve, willing to put in the time; get him a team!

posted about 8 years ago
#50 pardoxes in Off Topic
AvastMeaning, a Planck Length is currently the smallest order of measurement that we can theoretically derive. So as our knowledge of physics increases there certainly could be a smaller unit of measurement found hence the paradox could even scientifically continue.

I'm not a physicist and have only taken a couple physics courses, but I'll share what I understand of the matter:

Whether or not there IS a smaller unit of length than a planck, and more importantly, whether there is a SMALLEST unit of length is a really tough and complicated question, to which I don't believe we have any definitive answer. The same is true for time, and measurements of time.
Within general relativity, space and time are assumed to be continuous, i.e. there is no smallest unit of measurement of space or time. However, various quantum effects make this problematic when things get really small, and the more classical theories don't describe things remotely accurately (hence efforts to develop quantum theories that will hopefully describe things accurately). The dividing line is considered to be the planck length and the planck time.
However, the point at which length and time stop having meaning in general relativity is not necessarily the smallest possible or even smallest measurable length and time, and doesn't suggest anything about these two values or their existence -- this is simply the limit of general relativity.

I think this is probably exactly what you mean, but the semantics of your post weren't 100% true to my understanding of the current theories, so here is a slightly more detailed explanation for anyone curious on the topic :)

posted about 8 years ago
#40 pardoxes in Off Topic
Geel9you can't really move in a smaller increment than a Planck Length, so it isn't even an infinitely small length.

Planck length is more about the point at which physics isn't properly described by classical mechanics, and is described by quantum theories.

But yes fatswimdude, as you have eloquently noted, this individual has not successfully proven that it is impossible to move any distance (in stark contrast to all my intuitions about basic mechanics...).
A more cerebral response might consider how we can divide time. If we have an infinite number of moments, can we not complete an infinite number of actions?

posted about 8 years ago
#37 pardoxes in Off Topic
Geel9EoNYour mission is to deny this mission, do you accept?This isn't even a real paradox. If you deny the mission, you haven't "completed" the mission as you never accepted the mission in the first place.

I can count the number of "real" paradoxes in this thread with the fingers on one hand.

Russell's Paradox (which actually is a paradox) is interesting to consider. As described to me in a lecture a while ago:
Ask yourself the question, is there any set which contains all sets?

AFSOC that there is.
Construct a set R = { x | x ∉ x } , that is, a set for which every element does not contain itself.
What are the members of this set like?
ℕ ∈ R, as every element of ℕ is simply a natural number, and not ℕ itself.

But what about R; is R in R? R contains all sets which do not contain themselves.
This implies that if R contains itself, then R cannot contain itself. Furthermore, if R does not contain itself, then R must contain itself.
Our result: "R contains itself" is logically equivalent to "R does not contain itself," as each implies the other. However, this result is clearly contradictory, so R cannot exist.

Thus, there cannot be a universal set as it cannot contain this R.

Back to studying for my math exam tomorrow.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Warsow 2.0 released in Other Games
BonafideThis or reflex?

Can't say anything about Warsow, but I can say that Reflex has an very active (if relatively small) community, and very intimate developer support. Reflex already plays great; the only notable worry is performance -- still a lot of optimizations needed.

I would recommend getting Reflex, and you can refund if your frames are shit or if you just can't stand the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 strenx LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

original twitter post was deleted, but interesting nonetheless... as people here usually say, "thoughts?"

posted about 8 years ago
#51 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

has anyone yet asked clockwork if he can teach "Class Mechanics - Tracer"?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Why does aiming require so much warmup? in TF2 General Discussion
joshuawninteresting stuff

I've noticed there's an incredibly strong correlation between how much I'm practicing fencing and how good my aim is. I don't know how much you know about fencing, but there's definitely a mix of fine and gross motor control (I fence epee, so more fine motor control than the other weapons). When I'm in practice, my right forearm is actually much, much larger than my left, because of the amount of grip strength needed for continuous and precise point control.

Is this connection just a placebo, or is it plausibly a causal relationship?

posted about 8 years ago
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