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Signed Up January 26, 2015
Last Posted October 24, 2023 at 11:14 AM
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#1 CoLLeGe in Off Topic

Yo just wondering where tf y'all at now a days, what you studying and at what fine institution, saw some people where from Loyola, i'm at LUC hml if you in Chi ;>)

posted about 5 years ago
#30 tiptoes lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
vipergot featured on the loyola snapchat for holding a big ass chocolate bar

if that doesn't do it for you then he's not the right player for your team

You go to LUC?

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Favourite Young Thug lyric? in Music, Movies, TV

I don't want that, oh, I
Said that I must was high
I took a Vicodin like ten minutes ago
But prior... to that, I was higher than a flier

posted about 5 years ago
#29 New iPhones in Off Topic

I just started paying for my own phone bill for the first time in my life and am appalled at how much the one line with unlimited data is, that is definitely something that needs budgeting. What's surprising is the cost of my 8+ each month. I lease (rent?) the phone from Verizon but only pay them $15 a month for it and have the ability to get a new Iphone every time one comes out which I think is a really neat feature. At $15 a month and the average Iphone release being about once a year thats only 12x15 = $180 annually, which in my eyes is something I can justify at that price point. Im also in love with the glass backs, so there's that bias..

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Anyone know any good tf2 youtube channels? in Videos

Not only are alle's personal uploads good but going through his liked videos is an exhilarating experience on its own.

posted about 5 years ago
#25 what do Y'ALL DRINK when GAMING in TF2 General Discussion

usually just recycle my own sweat and slurp it up once its dripped down close enough to my tongue where I can get a lil tasty drop of my self

posted about 5 years ago
#2 i63 Champs !!!!! in LAN Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#58 album recommendations in Music, Movies, TV

jai paul - jai paul

posted about 6 years ago
#85 What players do you miss? in TF2 General Discussion

the legend will never die


I am truly honoured to have been a part of his original post

on topic - Retsh0ck

the armin van buren profile picture is the cherry on top for me, S/O ancient grandpa :)

posted about 6 years ago
#3 $100,000,000 for fortnite esports in Esports

Yes. 100million from the company behind the game is insane and the only other game that can even come close off the top of my head is Dota 2 with their international, which if i'm correct is funded in large part by the community.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 going to college, need laptop recommendations in Hardware
liasI just started college this year. All my life I've been on the Apple/Mac hate train, but a comp sci professor as well as a family member who programs for Amazon suggested I get a MacBook pro for college. So I ended up getting one and it turns out I really like it.

I think you should definitely wait until you've picked your college (which I'm assuming you should have done bc it's May) and just email some comp sci professors for their opinions, your university website will likely have input on what laptop to get as well. Whatever you choose though, I'd heavily recommend your laptop being SSD based. I've ruined so many laptop HDDs in less than a year. Additionally, I love being able to open up and turn on my machine really fast during class. Your professors aren't gonna wait for your machine to turn when you're late to class.

Get excited friend, college is the fucking best.

I second this, never had apple products up until going into college. Got a really good deal from a coworker on a MacBook and have had no regrets since purchasing. Am also a CS major and so far its been able to handle everything thrown at it. They are extremely easy to use and do exactly what I need it to. Should be noted that I also brought my desktop to school but having the mac for taking notes in class, writing papers outside my dorm, etc. was extremely nice. Look on sites like ebay and craigslist for a used one. The difference between a few year old mac and a new one are minimal spec wise and the huge difference in price comes down to how badly you want something like the touchbar on the new Pros, which IMO is not worth it.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 What players do you miss? in TF2 General Discussion

Watching some old frag videos and began reminiscing a lot, began to think of the players I miss pugging/mge'ing/mumbling with. Even though some of them I wouldn't consider to be ever close with, they were still a blast to be around so shout out to y'all.
-Stopper (meme purpose's only)
-Aurora/Proto/Jondy/Cody, the whole jumper gang
-ReMaXed & Brock, more jumper mains
-Freestate, nicest invite player, always treated me like a human when I was a fag and invited myself into invite mumbles.
-Conbud, absolute meme once again but also super nice
-Rekus0, I know he still plays but I dont anymore and he's so much fun to talk to.
-ARG, not sure if he plays anymore as I've been inactive but also one of the nicest guys I ever met.
-The list could go on, these are just off the top of my head.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 What's an easy cheap meal in Off Topic

Get a big bag of flour tortillas and block of whatever cheese you like and make quesadillas, add beans, some protein like chicken and anything else you want. Should be super cheap.

posted about 6 years ago
#57 rktK1NG LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Not sure if its been mentioned yet but he's got a pretty bad ego

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Interview/Podcast in TF2 General Discussion
Pootis_FazbearIntrerview me

I would love to

posted about 6 years ago
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