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Last Posted June 11, 2014 at 9:29 PM
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#3 TF2 Lag(Entity) - Spikes in Q/A Help


I tried plugging in my laptop to my modem but it didn't seem to help. I was still stuttering quite often and recently I found out it happens to me for all my games. Definetaly something wrong with my internet connection.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 Lag(Entity) - Spikes in Q/A Help

Within the past few weeks, iv'e been getting a problem where my TF2 just stops for a solid 2 seconds then it goes back to normal every few minutes or so. It has also been happening really randomly, for example today I had no problems, but yesterday was just bogged with this issue. Iv'e read countless forums and solutions, but none of them seem to work.

I have tried changing my video settings. I have tried cl_ commands. I have tried reinstall/verifying.
I have pretty much tried everything.

Here's a couple pictures of net_graph 4 in-game.

P.S. I am using a Wireless Connection with a router and my laptop has great specs. Also this issue only started occurring within the last few weeks, and has been perfect before.

Thanks, Mogu

posted about 9 years ago