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Signed Up November 3, 2014
Last Posted November 3, 2014 at 10:18 PM
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#3 Highlander LFT Low Level: Sniper Medic pair in Recruitment (looking for team)
NightGoatTry out the UGC forums, this forum is mostly for 6v6. You probably won't find many people here looking for highlander players.

Thanks, couldn't find a reliable-looking forum other than this one.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Highlander LFT Low Level: Sniper Medic pair in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello! I'm knew here so if I'm doing something horrible wrong, just let me know.

Me (A Sniper) and a friend (A Medic) of mine are looking to join a low-level highlander team.

Our schedule:
Around 4PM to 10PM central on weeknights (I have college, and she has work).
Pretty much any time on the weekends, with a preference to do things at night.

About us:
I am by no means a competitive level sniper. I have never ever tried competitive, but would really enjoy trying it out.

My friend has done minimal competitive and knows her way around (unlike me) and is a pretty good medic by my standards.

We're looking for a team that has the main goal of having fun. That isn't to say we wouldn't be dedicated to practicing often, we just do NOT want any super-srs attitude.

In general, we don't mind working hard but we're in it to have fun, not necessarily to win. We're also have little to no experience in competitive gaming.

The Medic:

Feel free to add me on steam, just tell me you came from here if you add me.

posted about 9 years ago