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Signed Up April 17, 2013
Last Posted June 9, 2013 at 2:40 PM
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#56 yahud in Customization

It's so pretty :)

but seriously better than omp for casting imo. The uber charges are so obvious for everyone.

Is there anyway to make the 100% uber charge different on the tournament hud?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 The Free-4-All, What maps do you want to see? in TF2 General Discussion

stupid question: what is the free-4-all tournament? 10v10 with no class restrictions? so like a comp pub?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Certain settings not saving. in Q/A Help
RawrSpoonYeah I had to put ragdoll commands on my class configs because they wouldn't save or run on the autoexec

Just make sure you don't put too many commands like that in your class files. I tried to put almost an entire fps config in my class files once, and it created a ridiculous lag when changing classes. Just something that if you have it will be really noticeable and frustrating, but if not, you're not doing anything wrong.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Certain settings not saving. in Q/A Help

Crosshair color consists of 3 commands, cl_crosshair_blue and then red and green instead of blue. Can be anything from 0 to 255 for each. hud_medicautocallers 1 is to turn on autocall. tf_medigun_autoheal 1 is to turn on autoheal. hud_medichealtartgetmarker 1 is to turn on marker over patient. If you put all of those in your autoexec.cfg file, it should re-execute them every time you restart.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Old Plugin and New CFG to Help Casters in Q/A Help

I've been looking into casting, and realized that I couldn't find any good binds/cfg files to help avoid the problem of clicking through every player. I also realized that a lot of people want to be able to click on who they want, when they want.

As a result I wrote 2 cfg files, one for 6s and one for HL, that casters and other people can use to switch to the players they want.

Step 1, download Miek/Mike's spectator plugin. You can download that here http://puu.sh/22PNQ (thanks to /u/DavidTheWin on reddit for uploading his version 2 months ago, otherwise I could never find it). This plugin DOES require -insecure in your launch options, but seeing as casters will be most likely using bluee's plugin, this should be the case anyway.

What does this plugin do? It essentially replicates pressing 1,2,3 while spectating in the actual game server but on STVs. It inserts a new command spec_player_ex, that can be used to spectate exact players easily, without needing their name.

Step 2, check out/download the following 6s or HL specific CFG files.

6s: http://pastebin.com/vnxBccAX

This file, by default, makes Mouse3 a toggle between player switching buttons, and 3rd person free roam buttons. If the player switching buttons are active, Q and A switch to blu and red medic, W and S Demo, E 2 blu soldiers, D 2 red soldiers, R 2 blu scouts, and F 2 red scouts. For the ones that are bound to two players, press it a second time to get the other player. (I personally found it easier while casting, to have the same class bound to the same button, so I didn't have to figure out which scout/solly. It does, however, make it more difficult when people are off-classing.)

HL: http://pastebin.com/kLyGgtbR

This file, by default has the free roam buttons as WASD, up and down Q and E and all the class buttons to their class number on the numPad, 1-9 (scout 1, medic 7, sniper 8, spy 9....). Pressing those 1-9 on the numPad will switch to the blu team class. Holding shift and pressing 1-9 on the numPad will switch to the red team class. Simple, yet effective.

Step 3, the actual work (but really easy, and takes ~1 minute)

After loading either your STV demo or connecting to the STV server, wait for all 12 or 18 players to connect. Open your cfg file, and edit the number for each class. This "number" is the second number of spec_player_ex (the first being the team). The number corresponds to how many people from the bottom they are. The very bottom is 0, and the very top is 5 (for 6s) or 8 (for HL).

Save your CFG file.

Step 4, open console, type exec spectate6s or exec spectateHL (assuming that's what you called them) and your keys will work. Awesome!

I'm not sure what types of CFGs big time casters use, but if it's easier/more efficient I would love to hear it.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 I need help finding something in Q/A Help

This link http://www.twitch.tv/misterslin/b/401084404 was posted in the ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread. I believe it's what you're looking for. You probably have to scan through parts of it you find interesting (or whatever an appropriate word for this type of situation/video would be).

posted about 11 years ago
#6 AdvSpec in TF2 General Discussion

First, I love you blue. Second, what do you mean by "improved glow"? How can it be better?

posted about 11 years ago
#63 The Future Of Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion

look at us, increasing the popularity of comp tf2 by whining about how DOTA is better supported by valve. /s

posted about 11 years ago
#52 The Future Of Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
hanbroloSomething small I saw another guy doing that I started doing as well was using a [TF.TV] tag since I pub a lot. I was surprised at how many people asked me about it and I directed them to the site. While I did get a few disparaging comments about competitive for the most part people seemed excited about it and sounded like they would potentially check out the site. Might help if more people threw on the tag when they pubbed. It's minuscule, tiny, even, but it's better than nothing I suppose.

This is something that literally anyone can do to help promote tf.tv and comp in general.

The only problem is that tf.tv's frontpage is extremely overwhelming for someone who has never seen it before. You're instantly bombarded with "featured content & news" and other things that a pubber wouldn't know or care about (all of this isn't necessarily "quality content" from the perspective of a pubber). There needs to be a site we can promote that's to help pubbers adjust from pubbers to people interested in comp and participants.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 campus security watch in Off Topic
There was no interaction between the subject and the victim, before and after the assault.

Or during the assault. In fact, they just walked by one another.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Invite in TF2 General Discussion

I thought invite was expanding a lot next season

posted about 11 years ago
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