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Signed Up January 6, 2013
Last Posted August 20, 2020 at 2:53 PM
Posts 322 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Mouse Zowie ZA11
Keyboard Rosewill Cherry MX Red
Mousepad Wood
Headphones Sony MDR-V6
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
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#12 Warmth Solutions in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#30 the life of pablo in Music, Movies, TV

SNL version of Wolves is the only version. I will never accept the new one

posted about 8 years ago
#10 hype for this week in TF2 General Discussion

obviously talking about WAVES/SWISH/So Help Me God dropping in 3 DAYS


Changing the HIP HOP GAME

posted about 8 years ago
#49 What is the hardest e-sport in Off Topic
TwiggyI'd say Quake and BroodWar too. Both are mechanically intense in their ways. Quake requires to think more and take more little decisions IMO, so it would be my hardest.

It's really amazing how dominant the top Quake players are. Anyone who isn't in the top 10 (hell, even top 3) will get just absolutely crushed, with nowhere to go at any turn by the best players.

It definitely feeds into what you noted about more spectator-friendly games though. It's exciting to see who's the best at Quake, but it definitely gets stale seeing the same 2-3 players destroy anyone who even tries to take them down, because they've had at least a 20 year headstart. It'd be nice if all competitive games could have unlimited skill ceilings and actual "Who's gonna win?" competition at the top level, but it's not that possible.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 What makes a good koth map? in Map Discussion
sopsI'm interested to see any map, 5cp or koth that makes certain areas on mids and 2nd point only accessible to demomen and soldiers. It would be interesting to see how you can implement those in a balanced way without making them completely useless.

Gravelpit B Roof was pretty nice.

The devs even explain the commentary how they tackled balancing B roof, the main thing being that there are no resources on the roof and it takes health away to get up there, so you're likely to be lower hp on the roof and you have to come down for health and ammo.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 bernie or hillary in Off Topic

I'm def voting for Bernie in the primaries for my state, but if he doesn't win the nomination I have no problem going with Hillary.

Reps aren't that bad (sans Trump and Carson), but Dems are just more likely to be actually pushing to solve shit like social and environmental problems from what I've seen. So if you forget about economy (which I'm not an economist so why believe either side with opposing viewpoints (leaning Dem tho)), that's pretty much all that's left. I don't feel like the government is violating muh freedoms so there goes the rest of the Rep platform for me.

Also I don't think any candidate on either side should be even slightly qualified to say "Obama is doing a bad job about ISIS and this is how I'm going to do it better" when the President has all of the best advisers to solve military problems and shit like that. Unless they're a former top-ranking military general or some shit, their opinion is basically worthless.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 E3 Megathread in Other Games
DNCNintendo dropped the ball really hard. Amiibo isn't a sustainable market if they don't make ACTUAL FUCKING GAMES. Star Fox looked slow, the Metroid Prime 3DS game was a complete and utter letdown. Threw the WiiU under the bus pretty much.

I honestly don't expect much out of Nintendo at all until Project NX comes to light. Even then, Nintendo hasn't really been relevant for years, so that might not even work out.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 TF2C PSA: Recent Influx of New Players in The Dumpster

Devil's Advocate:

idk why you guys are hating on the vid so much (besides the lengthy and un-needed mediocre heavy play). The message is still a good one. He wants people who know how to play comp (even at a basic silver level) to leave open lobbies to the incredibly new players, as to not stomp them into the ground. Even though steel is bad, it's still a huge skill-gap compared to the majority of pubbers.

Skill gaps are generally bad for newcomers to competitive games if you want any retention. There's a reason that Quake is dying, because the only people who play know how to play it well. As a result, anyone new who doesn't understand Quake as well just gets stomped, even by relatively low-skill players.

All OP wants to do is make lobbies more accessible for newer players by delegating "experienced" players to hour-restricted lobbies. Newer players can play against others of similar skill, and those who just want to fuck around in lobbies can just play hour-restricted ones.

Granted, incredibly mediocre pubbies won't get much better by continuing to play other incredibly mediocre pubbies, it's still a better stepping stone than getting their teeth smashed in, and only the truly committed players (who would learn to play either way) being retained.

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Weapon Balance Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
popcorpSolemn Vow
-The basic idea behind this weapon is quite nice, but there needs to be 1 small change
-Change: Make the effect of this weapon Passive, so that you don't have to switch to it to see Enemy's health, -75% damage
-Conclusion: Boom, perfect Unlock, your Medic can tell your teammates who to focus, which greatly benefits Medic, apart from Healing,this will greatly increase team play between the Medic and Team.
DigiSolemn vow - This is a direct upgrade from the bonesaw, someone above me said to make it passive and only see the enemy health when it's active which is a perfect idea.

Ummmm, the effect is passive.

It's not that no one uses the Solemn Vow because it's shit. They don't use it because it's banned.

Friendly reminder that if you're going to make suggestions for a weapon, make sure you actually know what the weapon does. I find that sometimes a lot of casters and even invite players on stream will have no clue what a weapon does.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 A quick survey on cyber bullying in Off Topic

1) What is your definition of cyber-bullying?
Using social media to harass someone. Basically an extension of regular bullying, which I shouldn't have to give a definition of.

2) Have you experienced cyber-bullying?

3) In your opinion, how different is cyber-bullying from traditional bullying
Cyber bullying is the same thing as bullying. The thing I'd like to differentiate is that being an asshole on the internet to people you don't know ISN'T cyberbullying, it's being an asshole on the internet. THIS is what people mean when they say just turn off the computer.

If you can turn off the computer and the problem still affects you, then it's actually a problem, and it should be called cyberbullying.

4) Do you feel that cyber-bullying is a problem in the community? (ETF2L/ TF2)
As hinted at in my last answer, no. If you think you're being "bullied" on a single internet forum, and no where else in your life, then no it's not a problem.

5) If anonymity on the internet was removed, do you think it will effect cyber-bullying?
If anything, I think it would increase actual cyberbullying. My reasoning is that your real name would be easier to find on the internet, so people who are actually troubling you IRL can more easily find you on the internet and ruin your actual life.

posted about 9 years ago
#149 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic

heads up dudes, there's no moral absolutes

the more you know

posted about 9 years ago
#56 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

Played a pug on A3. The mid felt a lot more open at more than just ground level. It really let more of the action flow over the top of the crates than in regular granary.

I really liked it, keep up the good work!

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Halo Online in Other Games

Maybe they'll finally center the crosshair again

posted about 9 years ago
#2 mumble issue in Off Topic

You wiped your mumble certificate, which servers use to verify your username on servers where you registered your name

(Icon looks like:


next to your name when you register somewhere).

There's not much you can do apart from using a different username, or having a mumble server admin unregister the username you used before.

For future reference, you can backup your mumble certificate by going to Configure > Certificate Wizard then Export current certificate, then save that file somewhere safe. You can import it from the same wizard later.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 Jenny Death in Off Topic
iFY_Can Someone explain the appeal of Death Grips to me? I want to get it but i don't. It just sounds like noise to me.

It's just a different style than most music; it's powerful but doesn't use many techniques of most popular music.

It helps to be eased into Death Grips. The Money Store is probably the closest they come to most other music, so I'd recommend the album to anyone wanting to get the appeal of Death Grips. I've Seen Footage is the song that got me into Death Grips. It's just so different, but kinda catchy.

It's an acquired taste.

posted about 9 years ago
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